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  1. 非点源模型中的水文模拟&以SWAT模型在芦溪小流域的应用为例

    Hydrologic Simulation in NPS Models : Case of Application of SWAT in Luxi Watershed

  2. 日前,一组展示阿里巴巴创始人兼前CEO、亿万富翁马云前往江西芦溪县拜访王林的照片引发网友的声讨。

    Photos showing Ma Yun ( Jack Ma ), the billionaire founder and ex-CEO of the Alibaba Group , visiting Wang , in Luxi county , Jiangxi province has sparked revulsion online .

  3. 以水土评价模型SWAT在芦溪小流域的应用为例,讨论不同支持数据下模型计算结果与空间分割响应关系。

    A SWAT model of the Luxi watershed was used as an example with various levels of support data to evaluate the model results as a function of watershed subdivision size .

  4. 涪江芦溪至三台河段开发方式的新探讨

    New Approach to Harnessing Way of Stretch from Luxi to Santai on Fujiang River

  5. 转型期村落社会关系与社区整合探析&以浙北芦溪村为例

    A Survey of the Village Social Relationship and Community Conformity in the Transitional Period

  6. 但芦溪县卫生局则表示王林没有行医资格,也没有行医执照。

    But the health bureau of Luxi county said Wang was not qualified in medicine and has no license .

  7. 芦溪环球电瓷制造有限公司始建于1995年,位于享有盛名的电瓷生产基地&江西萍乡市。

    Founded in 1995 , Luxi Global Electric-porcelain Manufacture Co. , Ltd lies in Pingxiang , Jiangxi province , a famous production base .

  8. 王林是芦溪县首富之一。他的一座别墅占地超过6600平米,甚至还建有一个人工湖。

    Wang is among the richest people in Luxi county and one of his villas covers more than 6,600 square meters with a man-made lake .

  9. 本文建立在浙北地区芦溪村的个案调查基础上,以社区公共物品的生产为切入点来探讨社区整合机制问题。

    Based on the case study of Luxi village , the author discusses the mechanism of community integration from the perspective of production of community public goods .