
  • 网络gemmae
  1. 在朝阳的光照下,苞芽滋生了,长出了长条,汁液在无声的溪流中奔涌,花瓣绽开了,在无形的喷吐和呼吸中把香气散发出去。

    Rays from the sunrise drew forth the buds and stretched them into long stalks , lifted up sap in noiseless streams , opened petals , and sucked out scents in invisible jets and breathings .

  2. 一个特别明媚的春天来到了,几乎听得见苞芽里生命的萌动;春天就像激励野外的动物一样激励了她,使她要急切离开这里。

    A particularly fine spring came round , and the stir of germination was almost audible in the buds ; it moved her , as it moved the wild animals , and made her passionate to go .