
  • 网络british telecom;BT Group Plc;BT Group
  1. 英国电信同意将整体价格增幅控制在低于通货膨胀7.5%的水平。

    British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation

  2. 英国电信(BritishTelecom)公司在一些展位上加设了屏幕和免费WiFi。

    The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free WiFi to some booths .

  3. 英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制

    Liberalization & deregulation on UK telecommunications and regulation on dominant firm BT

  4. 至少它对欧洲消费者的行为有一定了解宏达电曾为英国电信(britishtelecom)生产过定制版手机。

    There it at least had some experience of consumer behaviour , having made customised handsets for British Telecom .

  5. 英国电信并不是最近唯一一家启动MBA招聘计划的公司。

    BT is not the only company recently to commence an MBA recruitment programme .

  6. 英国电信(BT)是传统电信企业转型发展的先驱。

    Among the traditional telecom enterprises , British Telecom ( BT ) is the pioneer of conversion .

  7. 英国电信(bt)已开始在查林十字站(charingcross)的地铁站台上进行wifi试运行。

    BT is already running a trial of WiFi on the tube platform at Charing Cross station .

  8. 从英国电信的成功转型探讨中国电信OSS转型与建设

    Research of China Telecom OSS Transformation and Construction Based on the Successful Transformation of BT

  9. 英国电信(BT)最近表示,在其10.4万名全球雇员中,每天有多达500名员工因精神问题请病假。

    BT recently suggested that as many as 500 of its global workforce of 104,000 employees were off sick every day with psychiatric problems .

  10. 广告技术公司phorm与英国电信和韩国电信(koreatelecom)进行了合作,设计出了一套不保留任何个人数据的目标式广告系统。

    Phorm , the advertising technology company that is working with BT and Korea Telecom , has devised a system of targeting ads without retaining any personal data .

  11. 在职业生涯的较早时期,他曾担任英国电信公司BSkyB和福克斯的亚洲卫星电视集团星空传媒(Star)的首席执行官。

    Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .

  12. 私人股本集团对明显拥有稳定现金流的公司尤为感兴趣,例如英国电信(BT)最终出售给KKR的黄页电话簿公司Yell。

    Private equity groups were particularly attracted to companies with apparently steady cash flows , such as Yell , the directories business that BT eventually sold to KKR .

  13. 不到两年后,英国电信已经为该计划招聘了54名MBA,并成为了美国和欧洲顶级商学院中最引人注目的企业招聘方。

    Less than two years later , BT has recruited 54 MBAs to the team and has become one of the most visible corporate recruiters in the top cadre of US and European business schools .

  14. 这些足球俱乐部能够大手笔支出,是因为英超20家球队与天空电视台(Sky)和英国电信(BT)签署了51亿英镑的新合同,每家球队都可以确保1亿英镑的电视转播权收入。

    Clubs are able to spend lavishly as all 20 Premier League teams have a guaranteed £ 100m in television rights revenues from a new £ 5.1bn deal with Sky and BT that came into effect this season .

  15. 加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)常被记者提及的狮子般的外形并没有阻碍他升至英国电信(BT)的最高职位。

    Gavin Patterson 's leonine appearance - regularly referenced by reporters - has not hindered his rise to the top of BT , the UK telecoms group .

  16. O2和Three的合并将创造一个拥有约3100万名用户的移动运营商,对EE形成更大的挑战。最近,英国电信巨头英国电信集团(BT)同意以125亿英镑收购EE。

    The combination of O2 and Three would create a mobile carrier with about 31 million customers and a much stronger challenger to EE , which the British telecom giant BT recently agreed to buy for £ 12.5 billion .

  17. 英国电信公司千年项目负责人AdrianHorsford预计,第二代因特网革命将使人们更愿意在家中上班。

    Adrian Horsford , director of millennial projects at BT predicts it will encourage more people to work at home .

  18. 英国电信(BT)首席执行官加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)表示,企业领导人的职能之一是以前所未有的警觉审视地平线。

    Gavin Patterson , chief executive of BT , the British telecoms group , says one of the functions of corporate leaders is to scan the horizon as never before .

  19. •职务:英国电信旗下宽带运营商Openreach首席执行官

    • Title : CEO , openreach , part of BT group

  20. 职务:英国电信旗下宽带运营商Openreach首席执行官

    Title : CEO , Openreach , part of BT Group

  21. 今年2月,Montpetit和她的学生向英国电信介绍了该系统的改良版。

    In February , Montpetit and her students presented a refined version of this system to BT.

  22. 通过分析FMC业务发展策略、实现方式和业务内容,指出英国电信FMC业务发展出现转折的原因。

    In this article , the author introduces the development of business strategies , implementation mode and contents of FMC services by BT , and analyzes the reasons for the changes .

  23. 其中基于用户组织特点、用户价值、用户人口变量等用户群细分方法成为英国电信公司、日本NTTDoCoMo和韩国SKT公司进行用户群细分的主要依据。

    BT , NTT DoCoMo and SKT mainly adopt subdivision measures based on users ' organizing traits , users ' value and users ' population variable .

  24. 斯科特•巴洛赫(ScottBalloch)是英国电信(BT)的一名客户经理。当巴洛赫考虑去美国攻读一个全日制MBA学位时,公司提出资助他在英国攻读一个EMBA项目,从而让他可以边工作边学习。

    Scott Balloch , a client manager at BT , the UK telecoms group , was considering a full-time MBA in the US when his employer offered to fund an EMBA in the UK , so that he could study while working .

  25. Oftel拒绝了一份认为英国电信集团的网络部分应与其零售业务分离的提议。

    Oftel has rejected a suggestion that the network of BT Group plc should be separated from its retail business .

  26. 英国电信业发展的历史沿革和电信公司的扩张战略

    History of Telecom Industry and Expansion Strategies of Telecom Companies in Britain

  27. 我们有一些英国电信的股份。

    We 've got some shares in British telecom .

  28. 持批评意见的人希望英国电信公司放弃市话收费。

    Critics want BT to abandon local call metering .

  29. 英国电信集团就是这么做的。

    Status Offline That 's what BT Group did .

  30. 来自宽带和跨国公司业务的收入日益增长,帮助英国电信不断提升业绩。

    Increasing revenue from broadband and multinational companies have underpinned BT 's improving performance .