
pínɡ ɡuǒ diàn nǎo
  • Apple Computer
  1. “设计制造优秀的电脑是我最大的乐趣,”27岁的苹果电脑公司(AppleComputer)董事长史蒂夫•P•乔布斯如是说。

    " I get my jollies building good computers , " says Steven P. jobs , 27 , chairman of apple computer .

  2. 目前,钟彬娴是苹果电脑公司(AppleComputer)、通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)和雅芳公司的董事会成员。

    Jung is on the boards of Apple Computer ( APLL ) and General Electric ( GE ) , as well as Avon .

  3. 我公司拥有高品质的商业级摄影器材。后期处理全部由苹果电脑完成。

    A case in point , Apple computers are inclusively used for post-production in our company .

  4. 乔布斯聘请了的苹果电脑公司的旧员工组成新公司NeXT

    Jobs recruited old Apple employees to form his new company , NeXT

  5. 苹果电脑公司最终和NeXT达成协议

    So Apple and NeXT did a deal

  6. 苹果电脑甚至还可以运行windows系统,当然这需额外付费。

    Macs can even run windows , though that costs extra .

  7. 另一款推出的windows系统的外观很像苹果电脑的超薄电脑售价在250美元以下。

    Another pushed Windows-based thin computers looking much like MacBooks for under $ 250 .

  8. LIVE与Windows兼容,但只有最新款的苹果电脑才能接入。

    LIVE is Windows compatible , but only owners of the latest Macs will have access .

  9. 这个价格怎么去和苹果电脑相比?苹果电脑一直都比大多数WindowsPC高端。

    How do those prices compare with Apple 's , which have traditionally been higher than those of most Windows PCs ?

  10. 乔布斯1976年与两个合作伙伴共同创办了苹果电脑公司(AppleComputer),在该公司的运作过程中,他经历了与其个人成长类似的模式:提出愿景、承受失败、坚持不懈、直至成功。

    At Apple Computer , which he founded with two partners in1976 , Jobs followed a similar pattern of personal vision , failure , tenacity and then success .

  11. 但iPod却必须用到苹果电脑和苹果软件

    the iPod needed Apple software running on an Apple computer .

  12. 2001年的10月23日,苹果电脑公司首次发行iPod掌上随身听。

    On October23rd , 2001 , Apple Computer releases the first iPod .

  13. 新版iPadAir将售价499美元,而新款苹果电脑将比之前一款便宜200美元。

    The new iPad Air will start at 499 dollars , while the Macbook Pro 's will be 200 dollars lower than the previous version .

  14. 你在PC电脑、苹果电脑和安卓手机等设备上使用谷歌地图时保存或分享过的位置记录将与此处的信息自动同步。

    These are automatically synced with places you 've saved and shared via Google Maps on other devices , such as PCs and Macs , or Android phones 。

  15. 上个月,苹果电脑公司(applecomputer)和英国电力公司powergen宣布,关闭它们在印度的后台支持业务。

    Last month , Apple Computer and Powergen , the UK utility , announced the closure of their Indian support activities .

  16. 1977年,二人推出了苹果电脑第二代(AppleII),这是一款开创性的电脑,价格相对合理,并且针对的人群是大众消费者而非发烧友。

    The pair came out with the Apple II in1977 , a groundbreaking computer that was relatively affordable and designed for the mass market consumer rather than for hobbyists .

  17. 我在苹果电脑操作系统关闭的情况下,使用BootCamp也是如此。BootCamp可以将Mac电脑转换成Windows电脑。

    or when I used Boot Camp , which converts the Mac into a full-fledged Windows machine , with Apple 's operating system turned off .

  18. 苹果电脑(MAC系统)的做法:打开“苹果”菜单下的“系统偏好”选项,点击“账户”图标,接着单击“登录项目”标签。

    For Mac : Open System Preferences under the Apple menu , click the Accounts icon , and then click the Login Items tab .

  19. 最后那些字体不仅仅出现在苹果电脑MACS上,

    The resulting fonts appeared not just on macs

  20. 苹果电脑董事长史蒂夫•乔布斯(SteveJobs)演示了照片如何通过一个手指在触摸屏上的挤压或者扩大手势被缩小或者放大。

    Apple Chairman Steve Jobs demonstrated how photos could be resized simply with a pinching or expanding gesture using a thumb and a finger on the screen .

  21. 对广大玩家,特别是“核心”玩家来说,游戏机的硬件更占优势,因为它们特制的图形处理和计算硬件比同等价位的PC或苹果电脑(Mac)性能更强劲。

    Game consoles enjoyed an edge for players , especially " core " gamers , because their specialized graphics and computing hardware outperformed comparably priced PCs or Macs .

  22. 到那时,这里还将有60台苹果电脑和300台iPad,供图书馆的读者们使用。

    At that time , there will also be 60 Apple computers and 300 iPads available for use by the library 's patrons .

  23. 本质上,Remote就是一个遥控器,可以控制苹果电脑(Mac)或Windows电脑上储存的所有已上传至iTunes(苹果的音乐播放软件)的音乐。

    In essence , Remote is a remote control for all music stored on a Mac or Windows PC that 's loaded into iTunes , Apple 's music jukebox software .

  24. 数据显示,使用Chrome浏览器的苹果电脑上,有60%的客访量来自于加密的网页,相比之下,Windows和Android用户的比例要小一些,分别为51%和43%。即便如此,网络安全仍然是任重而道远。

    Meanwhile , about 60 % of web traffic using Chrome on a Mac currently accesses encrypted sites , compared to 51 % on Windows and 43 % on Android .

  25. 在它推出的第一个六周�已成为苹果电脑公司历史上销售最快的Macintosh产品

    in its first six weeks , it became the fastest selling Macintosh product in Apple history .

  26. 程序员赫尔曼制作出了一台迷你Mac,他用乐高做了这台微型苹果电脑的外壳,内置树莓派Zero作为主机系统,并用电子纸屏幕作显示器,而且它竟然真的可以用。

    Programmer Jannis Hermanns create this tiny Macintosh Classic using a Raspberry Pi Zero , an e-paper display , and of course , Lego , and , believe it or not , it works !

  27. 上世纪90年代,高科技浪潮席卷硅谷乃至全世界。沃西基家是城里最早购买计算机的家庭之一,他们购入的是苹果电脑(Mac)。

    In the 90s , when the tech boom transformed Silicon Valley and the world , the Wojcickis were one of the first families in town to get a computer - a Mac .

  28. 苹果电脑公司(AppleComputerInc.)联合创始人马库拉(MikeMarkkula)在上世纪80年代就灵机一动提出了将网络与控制设备的功能集合于一块芯片上的想法。

    A.C. ' Mike ' Markkula , a co-founder of Apple Computer Inc. , had a brainstorm in the mid-1980s about combining functions for networking and controlling devices on a single chip .

  29. 现在我用NikonD2Xs相机和苹果电脑。

    I use Nikon D2Xs cameras and Apple computers .

  30. 苹果电脑(Apple)称,该公司对Pod一词拥有法律权利,该公司辩称,其它企业如果将该词用作产品名称的一部分,有可能侵犯其广受欢迎的iPod音乐播放器商标。

    Apple has laid legal claim to the word Pod , arguing that other companies that use the word as part of their product names risk infringing the trademark of its popular iPod music player .