
cǎo xí
  • straw mat;straw (grass) mat;grassmat;petate
草席 [cǎo xí]
  • [straw (grass) mat] 用草本植物编制的各种卧垫

草席[cǎo xí]
  1. 猫正在草席上走。

    The cat is walking on the straw mat .

  2. 炕上铺着一床草席。

    A straw mat covers the kang .

  3. OHO-10与THT-10都能在包括清亮点以上的广大温区内通过剪切取向形成草席结构。

    OHO-10 shear oriented films with mat structure can be prep-ared within a very wide temperature region ( almost from Tm to Td ) .

  4. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。

    The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats .

  5. 这小屋是用其上面盖草席的柱子搭成的。

    The hut is made of pole covered with grass mat .

  6. 这些草席能用二三十年。

    These mats will wear for 20 to 30 years .

  7. 这个草席太厚叠不起来。

    This mat is too thick to double over .

  8. 草席边沿翘起来了。

    The edge of the mat is cocked up .

  9. 草席成了战场的主人。

    The straw mattress remained master of the field .

  10. 我们手工制造的草席垫子单价是每个10美元。

    Our unit price for the hand-made straw mattress is10 $ per one .

  11. 地板上铺的是密尔地毯,而非灯芯草席。

    Myrish carpets covered the floor instead of rushes ,

  12. 是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。

    Yes , sufficient dunnage and mats available .

  13. 篾席比草席散热迅速。

    A mat made of thin BamBoo strips dissipates heat more quickly than a straw one .

  14. 地板上铺的是草席,只有起居间铺了一块薄薄的破地毯。

    The floors were covered with matting and the hall laid with a thin rag carpet .

  15. 联锁橡胶垫更稳定的价格比普通草席但重量更轻,更易于清洁。

    Interlocking mats are more expensive than regular rubber stable mats but they are lighter and easier to clean .

  16. 我们大家坐在地上——有些人坐在凉爽的大理石地板上,有些则坐在草席上。

    We all sit on the ground - some of us on the cool marble floor and some on grass mats .

  17. 我们大家坐在地上&有些人坐在凉爽的大理石地板上,有些则坐在草席上。

    We all sit on the ground & some of us on the cool marble floor and some on grass mats .

  18. 拆模后用湿草席养护时,墙体各部位温度下降缓慢,温度应力较小。

    But when the concrete is covered with wet straw , the temperature in walls decrease slowly and thermal stresses levels are lower .

  19. 房间的墙是拼凑的纸糊的,颜色很不协调。地板上铺的是草席,只有起居间铺了一块薄薄的破地毯。

    The walls of the rooms were discordantly papered . The floors were covered with matting and the hall laid with a thin rag carpet .

  20. 当你进屋子时不管怎样你必须把鞋脱掉,顾惜那些草席,你的鞋子会毁坏它们。

    When you come into this house though you 've got to take your shoes off , see those straw mats , you can ruin'em with shoes .

  21. 这是一个美丽的地方著名的草席,这是从一个特定的各种高峰,通常在垫子是手工编织的人在村里。

    It 's a beautiful place famous for its straw mat , which is made from a specific variety of rush , and usually the mat is hand-weaved by people in the village .

  22. 牧童早就从牧场上回家了,人们都已从田地里回来,坐在他们草屋的檐下的草席上,眼望着阴沉的云块。

    The shepherd boy has gone home early from the pasture , and men have left their fields to sit on mats under the eaves of their huts , watching the scowling clouds .

  23. 大谷仓的一边,在一个微微凸起的地方,少校已经舒适的窝在它的草席上了,它头顶的横梁上悬挂着一盏灯笼。

    At one end of the big barn , on a sort of raised platform , Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw , under a lantern which hung from a beam .

  24. 庆典的筹备需在桌上铺上草席,旁边需站着一位拿着蜡烛的人,蜡烛有七支,一支黑色,三支红色,三支绿色。

    In preparation for the celebration , a straw mat is placed on the table , along with a candle holder with seven candles , one black , three red , and three green .

  25. 品种如万宝龙、派克、小西华的圆珠笔、水笔、钢笔、铅笔、半金属笔、金属笔、木柄放大镜、拆信刀、钥匙圈笔、草席笔等各种款式。

    Example all kinds of ball pens with famous brand : roller pens , fountain pens , pencils , semi-metallic pens , metallic pens , letter openers , pens with a key ring , straw-pen etc.