
  • 网络afforestation
  1. 白剌属灌木在黄土丘陵区荒山造林试验

    Afforestation test with Nitraria in Loess Hilly Country

  2. TCP植物蒸腾抑制剂对荒山造林成活率的影响

    The Effect of TCP-Transpiration Controlling Preparation on Barren Hill Afforestation

  3. 荒山造林中使用TCP植物蒸腾抑制剂能显著提高苗木造林成活率。

    TCP-transpiration controlling preparation could notably increase survival rate of seedling for barren hill afforestation .

  4. 印度黄檀适于云南干热河谷地区的荒山造林。

    Dalbergia sissoo can be adaptable in dry-hot valley areas .

  5. 阿拉善干旱荒漠区石质荒山造林技术的研究

    Plantation Techniques Study in Rock Mountain of Arid Desert Area in Alashan League

  6. 春旱阳坡荒山造林保活技术的研究

    Study on the technique of survival of afforestation on SUNSIDE slopes during spring drought

  7. 浅谈太原地区石质荒山造林绿化的要点

    Talking about the Points of the Afforestation on the Rocky Barren Mountains in Shanxi Area

  8. 运用系统工程分析的观点对塞罕坝林场今后的荒山造林对策进行了探讨。

    Afforestation countermeasures for mountain waste in Saihanba Tree Farm is discussed using systematic engineering .

  9. 三门县两种荒山造林新形式的调查与探讨

    The Investigation and Discussion on Two New Approaches of Afforestation on the Barren Mountains in Sanmen County

  10. 采用水平槽回填土工程整地技术,可拦蓄天然降水,使荒山造林成活率达到93.4%;

    Retaining the natural precipitation with the special filling and soil preparation technologies , the survival rate of afforestation on barren mountains can reach 93.4 % .

  11. 它比城市园林、街道绿化简单粗放,又比荒山造林、农田林网的绿化技术性强、标准高。

    It is city garden , Green Street simple extensive , than the barren mountain afforestation , greening technology of net of farmland shelterbelt in strong , high standard .

  12. 马尾松是我国南方主要的用材树种,也是荒山造林的先锋树种,具有重要的经济价值和生态服务功能。

    Pinus massoniana is not only the main commercial tree species but also the pioneer species for forestations in southern China , which has important economic value and ecological service function .

  13. 我国现阶段荒山造林工作的难点和重点是困难立地造林,其中干旱立地造林是主要类型之一。

    The afforestations on the poor site are the difficulty and keystone in silvicultural operations at the present stage and silviculture on the arid site is one of main types of those .

  14. 针对元谋干热河谷区特殊的自然条件,为荒山造林所需,开展抗旱耐热造林树种的定量选择研究。

    To meet the needs of afforestation in particular natural conditions in Yuanmou dry and hot valley , the quantitative selection research of drought resistant and heat resistant afforestation species was carried out .

  15. 华北石质山区是华北平原的重要生态屏障,一直是退耕还林与荒山造林等林业生态工程建设的重点区域。

    The hilly areas of north-China are an ecological barrier to North China Plain , is also a key region of the forest ecological project of returning farmland to plantation and afforestation in barren hills .

  16. 其根瘤菌固氮能力强,对改良干旱地区的土壤环境和土壤质量也具有很大的积极作用,是荒山造林的先锋树种。

    Of its nitrogen-fixing ability of Rhizobium , they also can play a positive role in improving the soil environment in arid regions and soil quality . They are the pioneer trees in reforestation of barren hills .

  17. 在选好种源的基础上,采用带菌根土、穴壁一锄法造林,是提高马尾松大面积荒山造林成效的一条重要途径。

    Therefore with good seed sources selected , using the soils with mycorrhiza and the hole planting combined with site preparation is an important approach to enhance afforestation efficiency of masson pine in a large area of wide land .

  18. 为探索化学除草剂在宜林荒山造林中的应用效果,在福建省福安市进行了多种高效林用除草剂单用、混用除草的随机试验和正交试验研究。

    In order to study the effects of applying herbicides to afforestation in barren hills , the random and orthogonal tests of applying a sort of single and mixed herbicides were carried out in Fu'an City of Fujian Province .

  19. 无论是荒山造林还是更新造林,抑或只是保护和改良天然树林,只要好好计划,林业对于造福干燥,半干燥地带的人民都能作出巨大贡献。

    Whether it be afforestation or reforestation or simply conserving and improving natural tree growth , forestry , if properly planned , can make an important contribution to the general welfare of the peoples living in arid and semiarid zones .

  20. 最后,在全面搜集承德市相关资料的基础上,确定五种影响因素:匹配荒山造林、人工造林、林地面积、退稻还旱、关停企业做为补偿资金分配的权重指标。

    At last , basis on a comprehensive collection of the relevant information in Chengde city , identify five factors : " Match afforestation , Plantation , Forest area , Converting paddy field to dry farming land , Shutting down businesses ," as the weight distribution of compensation funds .

  21. 提高荒山植苗造林成活率的措施

    Measures to Improve the Survival Rate of Barren Mountain Plantations

  22. 侧柏容器袋育苗在垣曲荒山绿化造林技术的应用

    Application of Oriental Arbor-vitae Vessel Bag Grows Seedlings in Yuanqu Barren Hill Afforestation Technology

  23. 退耕还林的范畴还包括退耕地还林、还草、还湖和相应的宜林荒山荒地造林。

    The project also involves effort to return farmland to grasslands and to lakes and afforest barren hills and wasteland suitable to afforestation .

  24. 宣威市东北部退耕还林工程荒山荒地造林地块补充途径

    Complement of Planting Sites for Barren Hills Afforestation of the Project ' Conversion of Cultivated Land back to Forests ' in Northeastern Xuanwei

  25. 山林地研究所(山林所)承包方承包宜林荒山荒地造林的,按照森林法的规定办理。

    In case a contractor contracts for afforestation of waste hills and unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation , provisions of the Forestry Law shall be followed .

  26. 结36:34过路的人、看为荒废之地、今这荒废之地、得耕种。2001年完成退耕地还林39.9万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林48.6万公顷。

    In 2001 , the cultivated land conversion for afforestation is 399000 hectares and the afforestation in the waste mountains and lands suitable for afforestation is 486000 hectares .

  27. 对库尔勒地区荒山滴灌造林节水效率进行了对比试验,结果表明,滴灌较管道灌节水66。

    The results of comparison test of the water saving efficiency of drip irrigation afforestation in the waste mountain at Kuerle area show : drip irrigation saves water by66 .

  28. 为山丘区荒山绿化、工程造林和水土保持林业措施规划提供科学依据。

    This will provide scientific basis for engineering afforestation , water and soil conservation and afforestation planning .