
  • 网络Drug dispensing
  1. 药品调剂差错事故的预防和处理

    Prevention and handling of mistakes and accidents in drug dispensing

  2. 药品调剂过程中发药交待的若干要点

    The key points in drug dispensing

  3. 中心药房实施药品调剂工作规范化管理的体会

    Summary of Implementation of Standardized Management of Dispensing in Inpatient Dispensary

  4. 我院实施药品调剂工作规范化管理初探

    Preliminary Study on Implementation of Standardized Management of Dispensing in Our Hospital

  5. 目的对药品调剂工作规范化管理的工作模式进行思考总结经验。

    OBJECTIVE To ponder over the standardized management of dispensing in the pharmacy .

  6. 住院药房药品调剂工作规范化管理探讨

    Standardized Management of Drugs Dispensing in Inpatient Dispensary

  7. 自动包药机在优化药品调剂流程中的应用

    The application of Automated Drug Dispensing Machine in the optimizing the operational flow of medicines distribution

  8. 结果通过实施药品调剂规范化管理,使我院中心药房的药品调剂和药品供应达到了数量准确、供应及时的目的。

    RESULTS The standardized management of dispensing and supply of drugs was achieved on the aim of precise dispensing and scientific management .

  9. 目的:减少门诊药房发药差错及其隐患,提高药品调剂工作质量。

    OBJECTIVE : To reduce drug dispensing mistakes and the hidden dangers in outpatient dispensary so as to improve the quality of drug dispensing .

  10. 结果:基本实现了药品调剂和供应管理的规范管理,达到了准确调配、科学管理的目的。

    RESULTS : The standardized management of dispensing and supply of drugs was achieved on the whole and the aim of precise dispensing and scientific management was fulfilled .

  11. 结果:改进后的病区调剂室药品调剂流程,为合理、优化,同时能使药师更好地研究合理用药,包括药物相互作用、配伍禁忌、不良反应等。

    Results : It is much more advisable after recombination and is better for pharmacist to participate the clinical practice , including rational administration , drug interactions , chemical incompatibility and the adverse effects etc.

  12. 结论:通过采取综合性防范措施,有效减少了门诊药房发药差错及其隐患,提高了药品调剂工作的质量。

    CONCLUSION : The drug dispensing mistakes and the hidden dangers in outpatient dispensary have been de ˉ creased effectively and the quality of drug dispensing has been improved through the practice of the comprehensive precau ˉ tionary measures .

  13. 药品调剂工作是药学技术服务的重要组成部分,我国《医疗机构药事管理办法》明确提出医院住院药房实行药学专业技术人员单剂量配方药品,但并没有相关文件规范药品单剂量调配的实施。

    Drug dispensing is an important part of pharmaceutical services , bylaws of pharmaceutical management of medical organization definite the in-hospital drug-store using method of single dosage dispensing , while no related documents in touch with the carry out of this system .

  14. 系统地介绍自动单剂量药品分包机在药品调剂工作中的应用,从工作原理、运行流程、所具有的功能和发挥的作用,以及对医院管理水平的提高等各个方面做了阐述。

    This article detailed discusses how the Automated Drug Dispensing Machine works in the medicines distribution , including built-in mechanism , operational flow , features , advantages , and how it can enhance the management level of hospital , in addition , applications in hospital will be mentioned .

  15. 结论:调剂标准操作规程的制定和实施、药品管理的计算机网络化和药房基础设施的现代化,是药品调剂工作规范化的基础。

    Conclusion : the establishment and implementation of sop , the networking management of drugs and mord-ernization of facility are the basis of standardization of dispensing of drugs .