
  • 网络morton;Merton;Moreton;merten;Robert Merton
  1. 莫顿先生无疑比柯克比先生更聪明,但他将很难像柯克比先生那样受人欢迎。

    Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby , but he will be hard put to match his popularity .

  2. 鲍里斯·西季斯医生是一位出生于俄国、素负盛名的精神病学家,有些人认为他堪与皮埃尔·雅内和莫顿·普林斯比肩。

    Dr. Boris Sidis was a Russian-born psychiatrist who enjoyed considerable prestige ; some placed him on a par with Pierre Janet and Morton Prince .

  3. 他长眠在爱尔莫顿一处无名冢下。

    He lies in an unmarked grave at Elmton .

  4. 布兰迪斯大学(brandeisuniversity)的历史学教授莫顿.凯勒喜欢从长远的角度看问题。

    Morton Keller , a history professor at Brandeis University , likes to take the long view .

  5. 用莫顿序对BH算法的改进

    The Improvement on BH Algorithm Using Morton-order

  6. 莫顿表示,企业招聘模式越来越反映出企业文化,她举例说,在zynga,学生面试是在skype上通过视频会议进行的。

    Increasingly , company hiring patterns reflect company culture , says Ms Morton , citing Zynga , where students interview via videoconferencing on Skype .

  7. 《镜子,镜子》(MirrorMirror)肖像展将于本月在曼哈顿的斯洛克莫顿美术馆开幕,将卡罗呈现为一个塑造形象的魔法师,同她的精神后裔麦当娜(Madonna)一样狡黠多变。

    In " Mirror , Mirror , " a portrait-survey that opens this month at Throckmorton Fine Art in Manhattan , Kahlo is revealed to have been an image wizard as canny as her spiritual descendant , Madonna .

  8. 在通常情况下,莫顿中学的学生平均每天会有20起违反学校着装规定的事件发生。

    The Hammond school usually has20 dress code violations a day .

  9. 哦,莫顿小姐,我能够理解你的心情!

    Oh , miss morton , I understand how you feel !

  10. 我看到老莫顿终于被提升了。

    I see old Morton has got himself promoted at last .

  11. 我做不来&莫顿在哪里?

    I ain 't trying to & where 's morton ?

  12. 在莫顿教授的实验里,大批兔子一起生活。

    In Professor Morton 's laboratory , rabbits live together in large runs .

  13. 杰里•罗•莫顿在剩下的航行时间里把自己锁在船舱�

    Jelly Roll Morton spend the rest of that trip locked in his cabin

  14. 出生于北爱尔兰,民族身份问题是莫顿作品中关注的焦点。

    Born In Northern Ireland , national identity becomes the focus o his works .

  15. 莫顿指出,许多的学者在没有读过原著的情况下列举参考文献;

    Merton showed that many academics cite references without having read the original work ;

  16. 固定的产卵为增强地图青蛙莫顿的打手地点。

    Fixed the spawn locations for Frog Morton 's goons for the enhanced maps .

  17. 切尔西足球俱乐部在星期四完成了16岁丹麦球员莫顿-尼尔森的签约。

    Chelsea Football Club completed the signing of16year-old Danish player Morton Nielsen on thursday .

  18. 莫顿园区有大片的树林,河边附近的树林中,有獾居住。

    There have forest in Mundon , some badgers live in the forest beside river .

  19. 在莫顿的实验室时里,研究者们只切断鼠脚里的一条小神经。

    In Morton 's lab , the researcher cuts a small nerve in the foot .

  20. 他母亲向他说明在他娶莫顿小姐的情况下为他所作的慷慨的安排。

    His mother explained to him her liberal designs in case of his marrying Miss Morton .

  21. 达拉斯莫顿梅尔森交响乐中心,美国

    The Morton . H.Meyerson Symphony Center , Dallas , Texas , U. S. A , 1989

  22. 莫顿:应该制定办法防这样的骗子作恶。

    Morton : There ought to be a way of stopping swindlers like him doing that .

  23. 杰里•罗•莫顿不是在弹奏

    Jelly Roll Morton did not play

  24. 莫顿:但你却相信他的话?米莉?我说什么你才肯信?

    MERTON : But you believed him ? Milly ? What can I do to persuade you ?

  25. 今年1月,莫顿在伯克郡皇家医院产下了体重为7磅14盎司的莫莉。

    Baby Molly was born in January at the Royal Berkshire Hospital at the healthy weight of 7lb 14oz .

  26. 第二部分论证莫顿对他人,特别是小说中四个重要的女性角色的再现。

    The second part is devoted to the explication of representation of others , especially the four important women characters .

  27. 从分子水平到全球视角,莫顿的书用优美的文笔揭示了阳光如何孕育生机。

    From molecules to the planetary scale , Morton 's beautifully written book reveals how life is made from light .

  28. 基于这一原因,最高法院采用了在上述“自然资源保护委员会诉莫顿”一案中公布的“理性法则”检验法。

    For this reason , the Court adopted the " rule of reason " test promulgated in NRDC v.morton , supra .

  29. 美国探险记者亨利莫顿斯坦利也来到桑给巴尔岛,在出发去寻找利文斯通之前,拜访柯克寻求一些建议。

    And Henry Morton Stanley , an American journalist-adventurer , visited Kirk in Zanzibar for advice before setting out to find Livingstone .

  30. 第二天,李维斯一家各自回到不同的工作地点,而我则搬到莫顿的小屋子去了。

    The next day the Rivers family returned to their separate places of work , and I moved to the cottage in Morton .