
  1. 洪博培昨日呼吁中方释放薛峰。

    He yesterday called for Mr Xue 's release .

  2. 同一年,美国公民薛峰被判处8年有期徒刑,罪名是收集情报和向国外非法提供国家机密,帮助美国雇主购买有关中国石油资源的商业数据库。

    The same year , naturalised US citizen Xue Feng was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment for gathering intelligence and unlawfully sending state secrets abroad after helping his US employer buy a commercial database on Chinese oil resources .

  3. 此外,指控罪名降级意味着,该案件的进展可能会加快:出生于西安的美藉华人地质学家薛峰,已经因涉嫌窃取中国国家机密在北京被拘留了两年多。

    And the lesser charges mean that the case appears to be proceeding relatively swiftly : American geologist Xue Feng , a native of Xi'an , has been held for more than two years in Beijing on suspicion of stealing state secrets .