
  • 网络Compensation package;Compensation Mix;compensation content
  1. 企业管理者薪酬组合激励机制的对比与选择

    Comparison and selection about the mechanism of income combination incentive

  2. 这意味着要减少薪酬组合中的股票期权,转而增加普通股(但受到限制),并减少薪酬对股价或利润相关的绩效衡量手段的依赖。

    That means fewer stock options and more plain , if restricted , equity , and less reliance on share price or earnings-related performance measures .

  3. 知识型员工自助式薪酬要素组合模式研究

    The Cafeteria Compensation Model of the Knowledge Workers

  4. 自助式薪酬要素组合模式的实施程序,存在的问题及解决方式。

    This article analyzes the implementation procedure of the cafeteria compensation model , existing issues and the propositional resolution .

  5. 利用各种薪酬方式的组合以更好的针对不同员工的特点和需求进行有效的激励,提高激励的效果。

    A combination of various salary schemes should be used to better motivate employees according to their different needs , and enhance the effect of incentive .

  6. 本研究在薪酬与业绩组合的一般激励模型的基础之上,引入了政治激励变量,并将高管人员的控制权进一步细分为显性控制权与隐性控制权。

    Based on the combined motivation model of pay-performance , this study involved the political motivation variables , and further divided the control power of executives into explicit and implicit control power .

  7. 结果表明,第一大股东持股比例、股权制衡度以及高层管理人员薪酬与高风险组合呈显著负相关关系。

    The results showed that the proportion of the largest shareholder , equity balance degree and the remuneration of senior executives and high-risk portfolio were significantly negatively correlated .

  8. 整体薪酬是指企业在员工充分参与的基础上,建立每个员工不同的薪酬组合系统,并定期随着他们的兴趣爱好和需求的变化,做出相应的变更。

    Integral compensation bases on the employees ' ample participation , building everyone 's different compensation constitution , and changes with the their interests and needs .