
  • 网络Salary survey;payroll survey
  1. 事实上,在IMA协会2008年年度会员薪资调查中显示,持有CMA资质的会员较非持证的财务人员平均薪资高出24%。

    In fact , according to IMA's2008 Annual Salary Survey , members holding the CMA designation earned an average of24 percent more in salary than their non-certified peers .

  2. 确保提前做薪资调查,准备市场上支持的薪资标准。

    So make sure that you do salary research ahead of time and come prepared with numbers that the market supports .

  3. 你所在行业的薪资调查。你的工作表现。对所担任工作的分析或看法。一旦做好所有准备就很简单了。

    Salary research for your profession.Your career performance.Analyses or on-the-job reviews.Once you have these things together , it 's pretty simple .

  4. 重点对岗位分析与评价、薪资调查与薪酬策略、薪酬结构及绩效考核体系的设计进行了全面的描述。

    The position analysis and evaluation , salary inquiry and salary strategy , salary structure and performance assessment system have completely been stated .

  5. 如果你已做过薪资调查,同时也有充足的资料支持你拿到该有薪资,那你就应该鼓起勇气告诉他们你要求再高一点儿。

    If you have done your research and have supporting information to back up your salary wishes , don 't to afraid to let the company know that you would like something higher .

  6. 网上一般都可以找到薪资调查,如果你去咨询人力资源机构,你的顾问往往就能给你这个职位薪资幅度的建议。

    There are salary surveys available online , and if youre dealing with a recruitment agency , your consultant should be able to advise you on the salary range for the position youre interviewing for .

  7. 在校高职生期望薪资情况调查&以无锡工艺职业技术学院为样本

    A Survey about Expectation of Salary of Vocation and Technology College Students : Take Wuxi Institute of Arts and Technology as an Example

  8. 前20佳职业中有5个是IT岗位,前50大薪水最高且最具增长潜力的的职业里面有14个也是IT岗位,这是CNN金钱与薪资表的调查结果。

    Five of the top20 and14 of the top50 highest paying jobs with the most growth potential are IT jobs , as ranked by CNN Money and PayScale .

  9. 薪资研究和薪金调查;

    Pay research and salary survey ;