
  • 网络pay satisfaction;compensation satisfaction;Salary Satisfaction Degree
  1. 再次,通过薪酬满意度调查对PT公司薪酬体系现状进行了描述与分析,找出存在问题,指出采用能力薪酬的必要性。

    Again , pay satisfaction survey by the company on the PT pay system description and analysis of current situation , identify problems , that ability to pay with the need .

  2. AF公司是一家高科技企业,由于近年来行业竞争越来越激烈,通过对公司员工关于薪酬满意度的问卷调查,得知公司员工对现有薪酬制度满意度较低。

    AF company is a high-tech enterprises , in recent years due to the increasingly fierce industry competition , the company staff on pay satisfaction questionnaire , that company staff on the current salary system low satisfaction .

  3. 其次,通过薪酬满意度调查,以及对LC公司薪酬体系现行状况的描述与分析,发现其在对外竞争力,对内公平性和薪酬激励方面存在的问题。

    Second , it analyzes the problem of current compensation system , such as external competitiveness , internal equity and salary incentives , points out the limitations of it , which based on the investigation of the satisfaction of the current compensation system .

  4. 薪酬满意度与对等承诺的契约策略

    On the Payment Satisfaction and the Agreement Strategy of Equivalent Commitment

  5. 对航天职工薪酬满意度调查的分析

    The Investigative Analysis of the Aerospace Employee Salary Satisfactory

  6. 积极情感、消极情感和薪酬满意度的关系实证研究

    An empirical study on relationships between positive , negative affect and pay satisfaction

  7. 主要采用因子分析法确定薪酬满意度的维度及各维度的权重。

    Using the factor analysis to determine the weight of the pay satisfaction dimensions .

  8. 运用问卷调查法探讨了物质主义价值观、金钱态度与薪酬满意度的关系。

    This study explores the relationship between material value , money attitude and pay satisfaction .

  9. 提高员工薪酬满意度的方法探讨

    Approaches to Increasing Employee Salary Satisfaction Degree

  10. 本文通过对D公司全面的分析和对员工薪酬满意度调查结果发现该公司在薪酬体系方面的几个突出问题。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis of D Company and staff compensation satisfaction survey , it finds several outstanding issues .

  11. 薪酬满意度一直是影响人们工作效率和工作成果的最直接和最重要的因素。

    Compensation satisfaction is always the most direct and significant element which takes a great influence on efficiency and accomplishments .

  12. 通过立体的、多形式的物质性和非物质性激励措施,满足员工的各种需要,提高员工的薪酬满意度。

    Satisfying various staff demands and boosting staffs ' pay satisfaction through tridimensional , multi-form physical and non-physical motivating measures .

  13. 知识型员工薪酬满意度影响因素探析&基于龙岩市企业的调查

    Analysis on the factors of intellectual employees ′ salary satisfaction degree & Based on the investigation of enterprises in Longyan city

  14. 薪酬满意度的影响因素除了薪水、福利等经济性薪酬外还包括非经济性薪酬。

    The factors that effect pay satisfaction also include non-economic pay other than economic pay such as pay level and benefit .

  15. 本研究结论如下:1.知识型员工的组织公平感与薪酬满意度成正相关性。

    The conclusions of this study are as follows : 1 . Knowledge workers ' organizational justice and pay satisfaction positive correlation .

  16. 薪资给付公平与否、员工薪酬满意度的高低是目前很多企业面临的困惑。

    The salary fairly pays or not , and the staff salary degree of satisfaction height is the confusion to many corporation at present .

  17. 如果不能解决鞍山装饰行业设计人员薪酬满意度问题,那么这个行业的可持续发展也将受影响。

    If you can not solve the Anshan decoration designers pay satisfaction problem , then the sustainable development of the industry will also be affected .

  18. 第三章分析了高职院校图书馆发展过程中特征和人力资源特征,并设计了针对高职院校图书馆工作人员的薪酬满意度问卷。

    Chapter III analyzes the development process of College Library features and characteristics of human resources , and designed for the Vocational College Library staff in pay satisfaction questionnaire .

  19. 本研究以知识型员工为研究对象,通过实证方法对全面薪酬满意度与组织承诺关系进行了研究,发现全面薪酬是如何影响组织承诺感的。

    Therefore , taking the knowledge employees as the object , the study researched the relation between employees ' satisfaction of Total Compensation and Organization Commitment with substantial evidences .

  20. 通过对一家高科技制造型上市公司175名员工的调查数据,分析了价值观、积极情感和薪酬满意度各个维度的关系。

    Using a sample which consists of175 employees from a high-tech manufacture company in Anhui province , this study tests relationships among value , positive affect and pay satisfaction .

  21. 在对员工薪酬满意度进行深刻思考的基础上,有针对性地提出了提高中小民营企业员工薪酬满意度的对策。

    On the basis of deep consideration of the staff 's satisfaction degree with salary , the author puts forward the countermeasures to improve the satisfaction degree with salary .

  22. 不同维度的组织公平与对知识型员工薪酬满意度的影响程度是有差异的,按大到小排序依次为:互动公平、分配公平、程序公平。

    The different dimensions of organizational justice and the knowledge staff salary satisfaction degree is different , according to the order : interactive justice , distributive justice , procedural justice .

  23. 对此,从科学把握员工薪酬满意度的内涵入手,着重分析员工薪酬满意度对中小民营企业人力资源管理的影响,以及影响中小民营企业员工薪酬满意度的原因。

    This paper emphasizes and analysies the influence exerted by the staff 's satisfaction degree with salary on the enterprise 's human resources management and the reasons affecting the satisfaction degree .

  24. 员工薪酬满意度对于企业人力资源的有效配置以及提高企业绩效、企业竞争力和企业生命力都有着重要的意义。

    Employees ' payment satisfaction is of great significance for the effective allocation of human resources , utilization of manpower capital and the improvement of competitiveness , performance and vitality of enterprises .

  25. 通过员工薪酬满意度的研究与探讨,有利于该行业加快企业改革的进程和股份制企业管理的全面实现。

    Through researches and analyses on employees ' payment satisfaction , it is favorable for speeding up SOE reform process of this type of enterprises and the overall implementation of modern enterprise management .

  26. 所得结论如下:(1)广州地区外资银行知识型员工工作满意度包含升迁满意度、薪酬满意度、同事满意度和主管满意度四维度结构,具有良好的信度和效度。

    The conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Job satisfaction of knowledge workers in Guangzhou foreign banks is comprised of four factors : promotion satisfaction , pay satisfaction , staff satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction .

  27. 在当前背景下,企业要不断地提高企业竞争力,就要提高员工对组织的公平感知,不断地提高其薪酬满意度。

    In the current context of economic and management , it is necessary to improve employee perception of the fairness of the organization to improve the competitiveness of enterprises continuously and to improve their pay satisfaction .

  28. 薪酬满意度是决定员工行为的一个重要因素,员工对薪酬的满意程度直接影响员工的工作态度,进而影响组织的绩效。

    Pay satisfaction is one of the most important factor to determine the behavior of employees , employees ' pay satisfaction with a direct impact on their work attitude , thereby affecting the performance of the organization .

  29. 员工薪酬满意度是影响员工个人绩效进而影响企业目标实现的一项关键因素,是现代企业人力资源管理的一项重要内容。

    As an important part of human resource management in modern enterprises , employee salary satisfaction degree ( ESSD ) is a key factor that affects not only employees ' personal performance but also the fulfillment of enterprises ' objectives .

  30. 薪酬满意度这一概念在20世纪60年代被提出。对薪酬满意度的研究大致经历了薪酬满意度影响因素、结构和作用效果三个阶段,从而使其得到不断的发展。

    The concept of pay satisfaction has been proposed in the 1960s . The study of pay satisfaction has gone through pay satisfaction influence factors , the structure and the effect of three stages , so that it continues to develop .