
  • 网络Compensation plan
  1. 在薪酬计划中,基本工资、短期奖励、长期奖励和福利应各占多少比例?

    What should be the proper mix of base pay , short-term incentive , long-term incentive , and benefITs in the compensation plan ?

  2. 逻辑上,,如果在业绩恶化时请求股东同意管理层的股票期权薪酬计划,股东更有可能投否决票。

    Logically , as performance worsens , shareholders are more likely to vote no if asked to approve a stock option compensation plan for management .

  3. 或者,薪酬计划将要求两位CEO对长期成果负责?

    Or will the pay checks hold both CEOs accountable for long-term results ?

  4. 华尔街不久将公布的薪酬计划,不太可能阻止奥巴马(Obama)政府抑制薪酬的努力。

    The pay plans Wall Street will soon unveil are unlikely to dissuade the Obama administration from its own effort to curb compensation .

  5. 在即将公布数十亿美元奖金计划之际,高盛(goldmansachs)、摩根大通(jpmorganchase)等大型银行正做好准备,应对公众和政府对其薪酬计划的新一波反弹。

    Goldman Sachs , JPMorgan Chase and other big banks are bracing for a renewed public and political backlash against their compensation plans as they prepare to unveil multi - billion dollar bonus packages .

  6. 瑞银(UBS)大幅调整了其薪酬计划,成为首家向数千名资深银行家支付债券形式奖金的大银行。如果瑞银未能满足资本金要求,这些债券可能会被核销。

    UBS has shaken up its pay scheme , becoming the first big bank to give thousands of senior bankers bonuses as bonds that can be wiped out in the case of the lender failing to meet capital requirements .

  7. F&CInvestments的公司治理主管尤金尼娅杰克逊(EugeniaJackson)表示:我们不能支持实施2013年薪酬计划,因为我们认为员工的总报酬相对于他们的业绩表现过高。

    Eugenia Jackson , head of corporate governance at F & C Investments , said : We cannot support the implementation of the remuneration plan in 2013 because we believe that aggregate rewards to staff were excessive relative to performance .

  8. 第三个不同之处在于改革薪酬计划背后的政治动力。

    The third difference is the political momentum behind reforming remuneration .

  9. 提高医院管理水平推进经营者薪酬计划设计

    To Improve Management Level and Promote Design of Operator Stipend Plan

  10. 设计合理的薪酬计划,激励优秀人才;

    Fourth , design the reasonable salary plan , encourage outstanding talents ;

  11. 可变薪酬计划设计的影响因素研究

    Study on the Determinants of Variable Pay Plan Design

  12. 交易员所在公司的薪酬计划激励他们学习。

    Learning was encouraged by the compensation scheme at the trading company where they worked .

  13. 通用电气在股东委托书的开头,概述了公司的薪酬计划。

    GE put a summary of its pay programme at the start of its proxy statement .

  14. 那么,如何才能设计出一项足以激励员工全情投入工作的薪酬计划呢?

    How do you design a pay plan that motivates people to do their best work ?

  15. 而要设计有效的经营者激励薪酬计划的前提是要选取适当的企业业绩评价指标。

    The precondition to design an effective managers ' inspiritingcompensation plan is to select appropriate performance indexes .

  16. 长期奖励计划应如何与其它全面薪酬计划相匹配?

    How should the long term incentive plan fit with the rest of the total compensation package ?

  17. 具体而言,高管薪酬计划和基本政策必须提交股东表决,不过决议是非强制性的。

    Specifically , senior executive compensation plans and rationale must be submitted to a non-binding shareholder resolution .

  18. 银行利润急剧增长,丰厚的薪酬计划卷土重来,交易传言日益增多。

    There has been a rapid rise in bank profits , a return of fat compensation packages and an uptick in deal chatter .

  19. 新的薪酬计划中其中一项对皮特很有吸引力,即除了固定薪水以外,将全额支付加班工资。

    One thing about the new compensation program that attract Peter was that overtime would be fully paid in addition to his regular salary .

  20. 汇丰为其薪酬计划进行了辩护,称自己在危机期间没有向纳税人伸手,并一直保持盈利。

    HSBC defended its pay plans , pointing out that it had not taken taxpayers ' money during the crisis and had been profitable .

  21. 高管薪酬计划具有短期性,正如我们所知,这怂恿一些人拿公司的未来冒险。

    The short-term nature of executive compensation plans has also , as we know , pushed some into taking risks with companies ' futures .

  22. 但是大多数研究只是对可变薪酬计划进行初步的理论探讨,对可变薪酬计划设计的影响因素尚未做出详细的研究。

    However , most research is just introductive theoretic discussion , with insufficient attention given to contextual determinants that may affect variable pay plan design .

  23. 本文首先指出了研究可变薪酬计划的必要性,接着给出可变薪酬的定义,并介绍可变薪酬计划的分类与设计过程。

    In this paper , we first analyze the necessary of studying on variable pay plan and indicate its definition , classification and design process .

  24. 在上周一召开的年度股东大会上,摩根士丹利的高管薪酬计划和董事会重选方案几乎未遇任何阻力。

    At its annual meeting on Monday , Morgan Stanley faced little opposition to its executive compensation plan , or the reelection of its board .

  25. 有迹象表明,强大的机构投资者对危机的反应是,越来越反对他们认为不符合股东利益的薪酬计划。

    There are signs that powerful institutional investors are reacting to the crisis by increasingly opposing salary plans they do not believe are in shareholders ' interests .

  26. 进一步说明股东可以通过设计不同的管理者薪酬计划,校正管理者在风险管理决策中的利益动机,进而使管理者制定的风险管理决策符合股东价值最大化目标。

    Furthermore , the paper discusses that shareholders can correct the manager 's profit motivation through different remuneration systems in order to maximize the value of shareholders .

  27. 最后,我们发现,未经正式股东表决便实行股权薪酬计划的公司,在计划实行后3年间,其业绩依然毫无起色。

    Finally , we discovered in the three years after the implementation of stock compensation plans without a formal shareholder vote , performance continued to be poor .

  28. 工资结构是有效薪酬计划方案里很重要的组成部分,它可以确保支付给各个岗位的工资具有外部竞争力及保持内部公平。

    Salary structures are an important component of effective compensation programs and help ensure that pay levels for groups of jobs are competitive externally and equitable internally .

  29. 薪酬计划常常鼓励这类豪赌:押中时高管们会斩获巨大回报,没押中时高管们只会受到很少或根本不会受到负面影响。

    Too often , pay plans encouraged the big bet where the pay-off to executives on the upside was huge , while the downside was limited or non-existent .

  30. 但是,在具体的公司类型与心中理想的薪酬计划方面,各种族团体之间存在可以量化的差异,他表示。

    However , there are still quantifiable differences between ethnic groups in the specific types of companies and compensation packages which are perceived as ideal , he said .