
mó gu
  • mushroom;agaric;pester;worry;swamm
蘑菇 [mó gū]
  • [mushroom] 担子菌纲,伞菌科。许多膨大而复杂的气生肉质真菌子实体

  • [pester] 故意纠缠

  • 你别跟她蘑菇了,她还有急事呢

蘑菇[mó gu]
  1. 爆炸冲击波使含有有毒气体的蘑菇云腾空而起。

    The blast sent a huge mushroom cloud of toxic gas into the air .

  2. 这种蘑菇吃得,那种吃不得。

    This kind of mushroom is edible , but that kind is not .

  3. 先炒洋葱,然后放进蘑菇。

    First cook the onions , then add the mushrooms .

  4. 我不太爱吃蘑菇。

    I 'm not partial to mushrooms .

  5. 有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。

    Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison .

  6. 把这些蘑菇擦干净,然后用线穿起来。

    Wipe the mushrooms clean and thread them on a string .

  7. 现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇。

    There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days

  8. 这两种蘑菇看起来似乎都无害,实际上却是致命的。

    Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly

  9. 这些蘑菇将会是一道美味的佐菜。

    These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish .

  10. 野生蘑菇有很多种。

    There are many types of wild mushrooms .

  11. 把蘑菇切成丁,再把西红柿切成四瓣。

    Chop the mushrooms and quarter the tomatoes .

  12. 将配料搅拌均匀浇在蘑菇上。

    Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms

  13. 这些蘑菇看上去很多,但一煮就没多少了。

    This may seem a large quantity of mushrooms , but they do boil down considerably .

  14. 我妹妹对蘑菇有着特殊的偏好。

    My sister has an especial fondness for mushrooms .

  15. 别蘑菇了,该去上学了。

    Don 't dillydally . It 's time for going to school .

  16. 孩子蘑菇着向母亲要钱。

    The child pestered his mother for money .

  17. 有些蘑菇可食用,有些则有毒。

    Some mushrooms are good to eat ; some are poisonous .

  18. 她从山里回来时,带回了一栲栳野蘑菇。

    She returned from the hills with a basket of wild mushrooms .

  19. 浓烟成蘑菇状升入天空。

    The cloud of smoke mushroomed into the sky .

  20. 他们常去采蘑菇。

    They often go mushrooming .

  21. 这种蘑菇可以吃。

    This mushroom is edible .

  22. 在日本,采蘑菇可以过上富足的生活

    In Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living .

  23. 由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排

    a mixed grill of bacon , sausages , tomatoes and mushrooms

  24. 蘑菇是一种真菌。

    Mushrooms are a type of fungus .

  25. 草地上到处都是蘑菇。

    The lawn was covered with fungi .

  26. 女主人说道:“噢,我的上帝啊,它刚吃了蘑菇沙司呀!”

    The hostess exclaimed , " Oh my God , it 's the mushroom sauce ! "

  27. 多年前,我参加了一个朋友组织的晚餐聚会,女主人拿出她亲手做的美味的蘑菇沙司来款待我们。

    Years ago while attending a dinner party hosted by some friends of mine the hostess served a meal with this delicious mushroom sauce .

  28. 我们所有的人立即赶往急诊室,并告诉医生我们吃了毒蘑菇。我们都被洗了胃。

    We all went to the emergency room in a mad rush , and had our stomachers pumped after telling them we had eaten poisonous mushrooms .

  29. 按照“蘑菇管理”的方式,员工的好奇心和自我表现不会得到支持。员工也经常不清楚公司的整体状况,因为公司领导们倾向于自己制定所有决策,不询问其他任何人的意见。

    Mushroom management means that workers ' curiosity situation is , because the leaders tend to make all the decisions on their own , without asking anyone else to give their opinion .

  30. 这种发型在学校里会被比较老土的人叫成“蘑菇头”,但是这并不能阻挡“西瓜头”发型的强势逆袭。

    Those who wore it risked being called a ' mushroom head ' by the less fashion forward at school but that hasn 't prevented the bowl cut from making an unlikely comeback .