
  • 网络False transactions;False Trading;fictitious trading;wash sale
  1. 根据这部法律,以操纵价格为目的,向公开指数提交虚假交易信息是违法行为。

    The act makes it illegal to submit false trading information to public indices with the intention of manipulating prices .

  2. 美国证交会表示,其中包括与通用再保险(generalre)之间的虚假交易、利用一家海外实体来隐藏汽车保险亏损,以及转移资金来伪装投资收益。

    The SEC said these included sham transactions with general re , the reinsurance company , use of an offshore entity to conceal motor insurance losses and shifting money around to report investment gains .

  3. C2C电子商务参与人数众多,交易频率大,准入门槛底,更易滋生虚假交易、假冒行为、合同诈骗等各种违法违规行为。

    The large numbers of people participate in C2C e-commerce , the large frequency of transactions and access easy and all these bring artificial trading and impersonation and contract fraud and a variety of illegal activities .

  4. 花旗银行告诉CNN:“现在状况已经好转,从3月份起就没有再发生虚假交易。”3人涉嫌虚假交易,花旗银行说,他们会偿付账户受到危害的户主。

    Citibank tells CNN : " The situation has been resolved there have been no fraudulent transactions since March " Three people believed to be to the deceptive to be in dialed and Citibank says they 'll repay anyone whose accounts made compromised .

  5. 阿里巴巴称这些估算“毫无根据”,并表示:“我们在计算GMV过程中采取了审慎的方法,剔除了虚假交易和高于某一数额的交易。”

    Alibaba calls these estimates " baseless , " saying : " We take a prudent approach in the calculation of our GMV , which is scrubbed of fictitious transactions and transactions over certain amount . "

  6. 这些虚假交易给政府造成了多大损失?

    How much did the phony trades cost the government ?

  7. 它还让人想起银行里的流氓交易员,他们在出现损失后利用虚假交易和秘密账户来掩盖亏损。

    It is also reminiscent of banks ' rogue traders who make losses and conceal them with fake transactions and hidden accounts .

  8. 我们试过用编写软件来解决这一问题,该软件可以自动识别虚假交易,并实时取消。

    We tried to solve the problem by writing software that would automatically identify bogus transactions and cancel them in real time .

  9. 本是信誉标志的“钻”,却能因卖家与“刷钻”公司之间的虚假交易购买。

    Be credit mark originally " get ", however can because sell the home and " brush auger " between the company trade phonily buy .

  10. 随着电子商务活动的日益增加,呈现出交易安全危机、虚假交易、合同诈骗、哄抬网上拍卖等等隐患。

    With e-commerce activity development , there are some risks such as transaction security risk , false transaction , contract cheat and bad auction on internet .

  11. 本报讯伪造虚假交易网站,骗取对方账户的用户名、密码,并经转卖装备获利。

    Report from our correspondent is forged trade phonily website , the user name of account of diddle the other side , password , gain profit via resell equipment .

  12. 在布莱克爵士被判成立的欺诈指控中,他和拉德勒曾收受与其名下其它公司进行虚假交易的非竞争费。

    In the fraud counts on which Lord Black was found guilty on Friday , he and Mr Radler had received non-competition fees for fictitious deals or transactions with other companies they owned .

  13. 作为一个负责任的企业机构,立方氮化硼再次警告所有接受者欺诈信件虚假交易,不存在任何合同付款被困在该银行的金库。

    As a responsible corporate body , the CBN is once again warning all recipients of fraudulent letters on bogus deals , that there are no contract payments trapped in the bank 's vaults .

  14. 赫姆卡去年在向该邦提交的报告中写道,2008年向瓦德拉的公司出售土地“纯属虚假交易”。由该邦任命的调查委员会审查了此项交易,并得出结论称,瓦德拉没有任何不当行为。

    In a report to the state last year , Mr. Khemka wrote that the 2008 sale of the land to Mr. Vadra 's company ' was a completely sham transaction . ' The state-appointed investigative committee looked at the deal and concluded Mr. Vadra did nothing wrong .

  15. 但由于信任机制的匮乏,出现大量虚假网上交易、网络欺诈等商业违法行为,严重阻碍其良性发展。

    However , because of the lack of trust mechanism , it appears a large number of illegal business behavior , such as fraudulent online transactions , Internet fraud , it has blocked the healthy development of it .

  16. 操纵市场行为应当定义为以欺诈致使他人从事证券交易为目的,制造虚假的证券交易或者其他虚假现象的行为。

    Market manipulation should be defined as a conduct intended to fraudulently induce people to trade by artificial securities transaction or other ruses .

  17. 用虚假、私下交易或内部对冲等伎俩做出交易的表面过程,但实际上并没有真实的、有竞争性的交易发生。

    Wash trading , bucketing , cross trading , or other schemes which give the appearance of trading . Actually , no bona fide , competitive trade has occurred .

  18. 该命令发现,这种行为违反了反诈骗和虚假申报的商品交易法(CEA)和商品期货交易委员会法规的规定。

    The order found that this conduct violates anti-fraud and false reporting provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act ( CEA ) and CFTC regulations .

  19. 有人甚至撒布虚假信息以制造交易机会。

    Some even spread false information to create trading opportunities .

  20. 证券欺诈主要表现为虚假陈述、内幕交易和操纵市场。

    The main types of securities fraud are : dishonest description , inside dealing , and market control .

  21. 根据欺诈手段的具体表现方式不同,证券欺诈可以分为虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场和欺诈客户四种行为类型。

    Securities fraud can be classified by different behaviors , mainly including comment on misrepresentation , insider trading , market manipulation and cheating clients .

  22. 通过构建一个三方博弈模型(及假设的递推扩展)对我国证券市场存在的虚假陈述、内幕交易和市场操纵等机会主义行为进行博弈分析,揭示了证券市场机会主义盛行的结构性原因。

    Composed on a three-participators game model , this article is concerned about capital market opportunism , such as false disclosure , inside trade and market manipulation .

  23. 这些零售巨头因“双十一”购物狂欢价格策略受指责,这些策略包括先提价后打折、虚假促销、诱导交易等。

    The retail giants have been blamed for pricing strategies related to the Double-11 shopping spree , such as increasing prices offering discounts , false promotion and inducing transactions .

  24. 依据证券欺诈的行为样态界定外延可分为虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场和欺诈客户四种。

    The securities fraud can be defined as false statement , inside transaction , manipulation of the market , and cheating clients according to the features of the securities fraud .

  25. 新兴加转轨的中国证券市场中,披露虚假信息、内幕交易、非法关联交易、操纵市场等欺诈行为猖獗,由此产生了大量的证券争议。

    In China 's securities market , large numbers of disputes arise from the rampant windlings such as disclosure of false information , insider dealing , unlawful related transaction , manipulation and so on .

  26. 本文着眼于证券交易,通过对虚假陈述、内幕交易和操纵市场的民事责任问题的考察,为合同理论在证券法的适用进行了一次尝试。

    This article is an experiment for the application of contract theory to securities law through analysis to the civil obligation of false statement , inside trading and market manipulation with a view to securities transaction .

  27. 广义的证券欺诈是指在证券发行、交易中发生的任何违反公平和诚信原则的行为,包括虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场和欺诈客户的行为。

    In broad sense , it means any violation against the principle of fairness and the principle of honest and credibility , including false statement , inside transaction , manipulation of the market and cheating clients .

  28. 管制论基于市场失灵和公平问题,提出应当对上市公司的信息披露进行管制,并对虚假陈述和内幕交易行为进行惩罚。

    Against market failure and for the sake of equity , the advocators of regulation think it necessary to impose regulation on information disclosure of the listed corporations and to inflict punishment on false statement and insider trading .

  29. 随着证券市场的发展,证券市场违法行为逐渐成了我国学术界讨论的热点话题之一。但是相比较而言,探讨证券市场操纵行为方面的文章比虚假陈述、内幕交易的著述要少得多。

    With the prosperity of securities market , financial irregularities gradually become one of the topics heatedly discussed in Chinese academic circle . However , compared to the misrepresentation and inside-dealing , few articles specifically study the manipulation in securities market .

  30. 阐述了几个基本概念,并将本文的研究范围届定在虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场三种证券欺诈行为上,还着重探讨了证券欺诈民事赔偿的性质。

    Expatiate several fundamental concepts , range the research scope of this thesis between three securities fraud actions as Misstatements , Inside Trading , Manipulation , and pay some extra attention to the research of nature of the civil compensation of securities fraud .