
  • 网络virtual society;virtual social;virtual community;artificial society
  1. 并且利用ASP突出的网络编程特性,实现提供咨询,论坛等服务,使得关于特种加工的国内外新动向面向用户,并建立虚拟社会,以方便用户交流。

    And with the special network programming characteristics of ASP , we realized the forum and query . The Nontraditional Machining Website provides the new technology and information about nontraditional machining for the career man and sets up the virtual society .

  2. 随着互联网的普及以及人们对虚拟社会的追求,网络游戏应运而生,从最初相对简单的单机游戏到现在大型多人在线游戏(MMOG)。

    With the spread of the Internet and people to the pursuit of virtual society , network game arises at the historic moment , from the relatively Single-Player Games to now massively multiplayer online game ( MMOG ) .

  3. 随着计算机及网络的普及,一种新型的、不同于传统面对面(FacetoFace)交往的社会关系虚拟社会关系(virtualsocialrelationship)已逐渐形成。

    With the development and popularization of the computer and network , the virtual social relationship , a new social relationship different from the traditional face-to-face communication is growing up .

  4. IM网络是Internet上的虚拟社会网络,因此它不但表现出与Internet相似的统计学特征,也是一种社会关系网络。

    The IM network is a virtual and social network in the Internet , which not only shows the Internet 's statistical character , but also is a social network .

  5. 三是J企业对虚拟社会资本的建立、积累与维护过程中调动了三大要素:第一虚拟印象、虚拟互动(组织内外)和第三方信任。

    Third , three elements & the first virtual impression , virtual communication ( outsideand inside the organization ) and trust are employed in the process of the establishment , accumulation and maintenance of the virtual social capital .

  6. 虚拟社会伦理与现实社会伦理

    Difference , Adjustment and Transformation : Virtual Ethics and Real Ethics

  7. 人和环境是虚拟社会中不可缺少的两个因素。

    And virtual social environment is indispensable to the two factors .

  8. 网络虚拟社会道德构建的理论探讨

    Discussion about the Theory of Ethic Construction of Network Fictitious Society

  9. 网络虚拟社会的基础在于实在社会。

    The foundation of network fictitious society lies in realistic society .

  10. 虚拟社会与现实社会人际互动模式差异的浅析

    The Differences in Interpersonal Communication Between Virtual Society and Real Society

  11. 其三,网络交往为虚拟社会中自由的实现提供了广阔空间。

    Thirdly , network intercourse provides broad space for freedom .

  12. 对人工智能和虚拟社会的哲学思考

    Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Society from the Angle of Philosophy

  13. 虚拟社会仿真中的人际关系网络模型研究

    Study on Social Network 's Modeling of Virtual Social Simulation

  14. 虚拟社会只是为人的自由的实现创造了可能性的条件。

    Virtual society just provides possible conditions for realizing freedom .

  15. 从社会学视角解析虚拟社会交往

    Analysis of Suppositional Social Contact from the Angle of Sociology

  16. 虚拟社会关系的心理学研究及展望

    Virtual Social Relationship Research from Psychological Point of View

  17. 虚拟社会的人际交往及其调适

    The Interpersonal Communication and Its Adjustment in Virtual Society

  18. 现实社会化与虚拟社会化之间的冲突;

    The clash between the virtual-socialization and the reality-socialization ;

  19. 青岛市应从本身的实际出发去解决如何提高虚拟社会管理水平这一热点问题。

    Qingdao will settle the problem about improving management level of fictitious society .

  20. 由于法律的进入,在虚拟社会中形成了虚拟法律关系,也因此出现了虚拟法律关系的客体。

    Hence , the object of the fictitious laws relationship comes into being .

  21. 虚拟社会伦理初探

    A Preliminary Research of the Ethics of Fictitious Society

  22. 到虚拟社会里转一圈。

    Arrive to conjecture of society turn a turn .

  23. 网络虚拟社会的伦理问题研究

    On the ethical problem in Network Virtual Society

  24. 虚拟社会化进程中的青少年网络道德教育

    The Network Morality Education of the Young in the Socialization Process of Virtual World

  25. 虚拟社会伦理及其建构

    The Ethics of Virtual Society and Its Construction

  26. 虚拟社会化与青少年角色认同实践研究

    A Study of Teen-agers Virtual-socialization and Role Self-identity

  27. 网络社会是指基于信息网络技术为基础而建立起来的拟社会化的虚拟社会。

    Network society is established socialized virtual community which is based on information network technology .

  28. 网络虚拟社会伦理生活不同于现实实存社会伦理生活。

    The ethics life of network fictitious society is different from that of realistic society .

  29. 职业院校思想政治理论课虚拟社会实践教学初探

    Initially Searching the Virtual Social Practice Teaching in Vocational Colleges ' Ideological and Political Education

  30. 网络技术和设施的日臻完善,为这个虚拟社会提供了技术和硬件支撑。

    Network technology and improving facilities for the virtual community to provide technical support and hardware .