
là zhú
  • candle;wax candle;wax light;bougie;slut
蜡烛 [là zhú]
  • [wax candle; wax light] 蜡制的固体照明用品

蜡烛[là zhú]
  1. 黑暗中,我们东跌西撞地找蜡烛。

    We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle .

  2. 熔化了的蜡一滴滴从蜡烛边上流下。

    Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle .

  3. 桌上点了一些蜡烛,使得那个晚上有一种特别的气氛。

    Candles on the table gave the evening a sense of occasion .

  4. 蜡烛在她的脸上映着一层柔光。

    The candles shed a soft glow on her face .

  5. 蜡烛把窗帘燃起来了。

    A candle had set the curtains on fire .

  6. 她一口气把蜡烛全吹灭了。

    She blew out the candles at one go .

  7. 有各种形状和大小的蜡烛供应。

    Candles come in all shapes and sizes .

  8. 那根蜡烛烧掉了一半。

    Half the candle had burnt away .

  9. 蜡烛都是像这样排列的。

    The candles are arranged like so .

  10. 蜡烛快点完了。

    The candles were burning low .

  11. 蜡烛都点着了。

    The candles were lit .

  12. 她点着了蜡烛。

    She lit a candle .

  13. 冬天眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。

    They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them .

  14. 流浪汉从深口袋里掏出了一截蜡烛。

    The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets .

  15. 在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。

    At the festival , candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water

  16. 墙上唯一的装饰是几支蜡烛和一面镜子。

    The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror

  17. 卧室里只点了一支蜡烛。

    The bedroom was lit by a single candle .

  18. 彩色蜡烛在家具上留下一摊摊蜡油。

    There were coloured candles which had spread pools of wax on the furniture

  19. 她假装点蜡烛,避开他消失了。

    Under the pretence of lighting a candle , she evades him and disappears

  20. 拉上窗帘后,她点燃了蜡烛。

    After drawing the curtains , she lit a candle

  21. 也许,这间屋子最与众不同之处就是一对非同寻常的蜡烛。

    Perhaps the most unusual feature in the room is an extraordinary pair of candles .

  22. 我把蜡烛吹灭了。

    I blew out the candle .

  23. 丹津掐灭了蜡烛。

    Tenzin snuffed out the candle .

  24. 这根蜡烛完全烧尽了。

    The candle had burned right down

  25. 桌子上的蜡烛发出微弱的光。

    The candle on the table emitted dim light .

  26. 孩子把蜡捏成了一根蜡烛。

    The child moulded the wax into a candle .

  27. 熄灭的蜡烛冒出缕缕轻烟。

    Faint smoke came from the extinguished candle .

  28. 蜡烛照亮了那间小木屋。

    The candle flamed the little wood house .

  29. 蜡烛被风吹灭了。

    The candle was blown out by the wind .

  30. 一开始蜡烛摇曳不定,然后就灭了。

    The candle flickered and then went out .