
  • 网络industry segmentation
  1. 工业设计要生存发展,必须走行业细分的专业化道路。

    To make sure industrial design survive and develop , we must insist on the professional road of industry segmentation .

  2. 按行业细分财务资料

    Segmentation of financial information by line of business

  3. 3.转行,通常的做法就是重新定义所处的行业细分市场。

    Change the game , usually by redefining the segment you are playing in .

  4. 本文实证检验的结果也说明了进行行业细分的必要性。

    The result of empirical test in this thesis also proves the necessity of subdivision of industries .

  5. 由于审计所往往是依照行业细分,一些公司根本就别无选择。

    Since audit firms tend to specialise by industry , some companies have no choice at all .

  6. 职能功能部门外包化是行业细分和专业化分工的进一步拓展,是现代化大生产的一种趋势。

    Outsourcing of the administrative departments is the further development of the subdivided and specialized industrial work division , is a trend of modern production .

  7. 随后,对需要融资租赁的中小企业进行了行业细分,并且给融资租赁部门提供了相应的融资租赁策略。

    Subsequently , the need to lease financing small and medium enterprises of industry , and to finance leasing department provides the corresponding financing strategy .

  8. 凯雷现在认为,应该采取一种行业细分的方式来管理业务。它在更为成熟的欧美私人股本市场采取的就是这种构架。

    It now believes the time has come to adopt a sectoral approach for its business , mirroring the group 's structure in the more established private equity markets of the US and Europe .

  9. 为了对制造业进行深入透彻的研究,有必要对中国制造业进行行业细分,针对各细分行业提出政策建议,从而为相关政策制定提供理论依据。

    In order to study the manufacturing industry thoroughly , it is necessary to take a deep observation on the manufacturing industry separately , so as to provide policy recommendations on each selected manufacturing sector for policy-makers .

  10. 众所周知,新数据分析产品Quid业已上市,它可以检测特定行业哪些细分领域的创新时机已经成熟,并向风险投资家推荐最佳的投资机遇。

    Apparently there is a new data analysis product called quid that is able to detect what sectors in a given industry are ripe for innovation , and direct venture capitalists toward the best opportunities .

  11. 最后简述建筑行业市场细分情况。

    Finally describe the market section of construction industry .

  12. 在这种情形下,房地产策划作为房地产行业的细分逐渐获得了社会的认同。

    In this case , real estate planning gets approval of society gradually as subdivision of real estate industry .

  13. 该报告还考虑了市场环境因素,行业结构细分,评估了市场份额及描述了行业厂商。

    The study also considers market environment factors , details industry structure , evaluates company market share and profiles industry players .

  14. 同时,应该根据行业内部细分的客户类型,分别制定补救策略,这样不仅能提高企业的服务质量,而且可以减少不必要的成本投入,从而在竞争激烈的服务业环境中获得长足发展。

    This not only can improve the service quality , but also can reduce unnecessary costs input , in that case the enterprise can make a rapid development with such competitive service environment .

  15. 主要表现在,现行单一的价格形式体现不出优质优价的原则,不能满足目前运输行业日益细分的要求;

    These problems mainly focus on the single price form cannot embody the principle of good quality and low price , thus cannot satisfy the more and more fine sorted requirements by traffic trade .

  16. 几乎每家投行不加批判就采纳的综合模式有一个很大的问题:就投行业各个细分领域而言,竞争环境、市场容量能为多少参与者提供回报,都是存在很大差别的。

    One big problem with the integrated model , adopted uncritically by pretty much every player , was that competitive conditions , and the number of participants the market had room to reward , differed widely among the sub-segments of investment banking .

  17. 本文运用《中国统计年鉴》门类行业和细分行业职工平均工资数据,采用多种不平等指数,从静态和动态两个方面全方位刻画了改革以来中国行业收入差距的演化特征。

    In this paper , average salary data of big industries and small industries in " China Statistical Yearbook " and various inequality indices are used to measure the evolution characteristics of Chinese industry income differentials from static and dynamic aspect since the reform and opening up .

  18. 按行业领域进行细分的行业英语,每个职业都有着其的专业性。

    Broken down by industry sector English , each career has its professionalism .

  19. 最后将该算法应用于房地产行业的客户细分中。

    Finally , this algorithm is applied to customer segmentation of real estate industry .

  20. 在实证研究中,本文按照投资方向的划分,对全体数据进行了行业上的细分和地区上的细分。

    In the empirical analysis , the paper divides the samples into different industries and regions .

  21. 随着市场经济的发展,物流行业已被细分成仓储物流与配送物流。

    With the development of the market economy , the logistics has been subdivided into warehousing logistics and distribution logistics .

  22. 与此同时,消费者对服装的需求也呈现出多样性的特点,服装行业的市场细分也趋于深入具体。

    Meanwhile , consumers ' demand for clothing shows its feature of variety , and the subsection of apparel industry tends to be thorough and specific .

  23. 而按行业领域进行细分的行业英语,则因其是进入外企的“敲门砖”,而成为白领群体的新需求。

    Broken down by industry and industry of English , because it is to enter foreign " stepping stone ", and become white collar group needs .

  24. 基于模型检验对样本数量的要求,本文没有再对这些研究样本进行行业之间的细分,可能会对实证结果造成一定的影响。

    Based on the requirements of the inspection sample numbers , this paper does not separate the study samples by the industry segments in order to certain the empirical results effect .

  25. NedDavis的资深资产分析师卢巴斯(AmyLubas)说,触底之后,市场会转向按行业和公司具体细分的因素。

    After a bottom , the market shifts to more industry-specific and company-specific factors , ' says Amy Lubas , senior equity strategist at Ned Davis .

  26. 移动通信行业多维客户行为细分模型研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on the Multi-dimensional Customer Behavior Segmentation Model of Mobile Communications Industry

  27. 因为其他学校通常不会重视按照行业或工作年限细分薪酬数据。

    Other schools will often neglect to break down salary data by industry or years of experience .

  28. 其次,关于科技期刊广告目标市场选择策略,主要的考虑因素应是科技期刊读者的信息需求,以读者的广告信息偏好为标准来对行业目标市场进行细分。

    The first consideration in target market choice is the information preferring of audience , and segmentation the advertiser market is also according to this standard .

  29. 随着2008年国际金融危机的蔓延,证券行业作为金融行业的细分行业也深受其害。

    In 2008 with the international financial crisis spread , the securities industry as a financial sector industry also suffered a breakdown .

  30. 商业地产行业是从传统的房地产行业中细分出来的一个新兴的行业。

    Commercial property industry is a new sub-industry segmented from the traditional property industry .