
  • 网络row vector;Column vector
  1. 构造聚类行向量;

    Form cluster row vector ;

  2. 二阶离散骨架的行向量

    The Row Vector of Two & order Discrete Skeleton

  3. 而以Y的行向量作为输入数据的K-平均算法依赖于初始的k个对象的选择。

    K-means algorithms using Y 's row vectors as the clustering data set was one of the initialization-dependent algorithms .

  4. 本文在总结各种矩阵链乘积最优次序求解算法的基础上,对于含有行向量或列向量的矩阵链提出了一种0(n)时间最优次序求解算法。

    Based on the conclusion about optimal evaluation algorithm of various matrix chain products , an optimal evaluation algorithm is presented which the complexity is O ( n ) to matrix chain containing row or column vector .

  5. 以n阶拉丁方的行向量作为n维欧氏空间的点的坐标向量,所得有限点集具有某种对称性和均匀分散性,并已在拉丁方型设计中得到初步应用。

    Refering to the row vectors of a Latin square of order n as the coordinate vectors of points in a Euclidean n-space , the resulting point set has certain symmetry and homogeneity and was applied to the designs of Latin square type .

  6. 针对Apriori算法寻找频繁项集问题,通过对事务数据库的布尔化表示,提出了一种直接利用布尔矩阵的行向量去搜寻频繁项集的思想。

    An enhanced Apriori algorithm which directly used the row vectors of boolean matrix for transaction databases to find out the frequent item sets was presented in this paper .

  7. 对于传统的SLM和PTS算法,提出了一种基于黎曼序列降低峰均功率比的新方法,其核心思想是选择归一化黎曼矩阵的行向量作为相位序列。

    And then the algorithm of using Riemann Sequences to reduce the PAPR was proposed . The main idea of the algorithm is to select row vectors of the normalized Riemann matrix as phase vectors .

  8. 它不同于常用的因子旋转方法,其主要方法是将斜交因子变换矩阵的逆矩阵T-1中的行向量单独考虑,使其有尽可能多的出现0(或接近于0)。

    The main step in this method is to consider separately the line vectors X of the transformation matrix T - 1 . It differs from general rotation of factors .

  9. 在分解隶属度矩阵行向量信息与列向量信息的基础上,构建了一种快速评估雷达干扰效果的模型。利用Euclid贴近度原理对雷达干扰资源的分配策略、分配后的干扰效果进行了研究。

    Based on decompounding of row vectors and line information , a fast evaluation model of jamming effect is built , and the allocation tactics for radar jamming resources , jamming effect after allocating are studied by using the principle of Euclid close degree .

  10. 随机行向量空间及其应用

    On the stochastic row vector space and its application

  11. 文章利用矩阵的行向量组和列向量组的极大无关组刻画了矩阵半群中的格林关系。

    In this paper , we described the green relations on matrix semigroup through the vector maximal independent subset of matrix .

  12. 求出使最优解或最优基保持最优的消耗系数矩阵中列向量和行向量的可变范围。

    The variable ranges of vectors in consumption coefficient matrix for which the optimal solution or optimal basis remain invariable are determined .

  13. 本文提供了在运用特征向量法过程中对组成数据进行清洗的方法和有助于简化计算的模态矩阵之逆矩阵的行向量表达式。

    Expressions for purging composition data and row vectors of inverse of modal matrix , which are helpful in simplifying calculation , are developed .

  14. 利用随机产生的行向量和列向量的各分量作为密钥依次对原始图像相应的行和列进行离散分数余弦变换,仿真结果表明经过该方法加密后的图像具有很好的加密效果。

    The original image is transformed by the discrete fractional cosine transform with a random row cipher key vector and a random column key vector successively .

  15. 然后,对所建立关联矩阵的列向量或行向量进行相似性度量,获得相似客户群体或相关页面。

    Then , similar customer groups or relevant Web pages were obtained by measuring the similarity between column vectors or between row vectors of the associated matrix .

  16. 提出一种新颖的稀疏矩阵相乘算法,算法实现中将计算单元由单个元素扩展至行向量,避免了矩阵的转置,减少了扫描次数。

    Using the row vector as computing unit instead of single element , the matrix 's revolution is avoided , and the scan times are reduced largely .

  17. 该方法以构造负荷点供电最小路馈线段行向量的方法,方便地求得带子馈线、备用电源的复杂配电网络的可靠性指标。

    With the new method , a minimal path feeder vector can be constructed to produce reliability indexes of a complex distribution system with sub feeders and alternative suppliers .

  18. 即通过向量的内积运算和判别准则逐步浓缩布尔矩阵的行向量,从而快速、直观地归纳出事务数据库的频繁项集。

    It used the inner product and discriminant rule to concentrate the row vectors of boolean matrix step by step , so the frequent item sets of transaction databases can be inducted quickly and intuitively .

  19. 本文剖析了线性代数中伴随矩阵、行向量与列向量的乘积、正交矩阵几个较难掌握的概念,由此引出这些概念的一些基本特征和性质。

    This article analyzes a few profound concepts , such as companion matrix , line vector , column rector , orthogonal matrix , and recommend many qualities , which are difficult to grasp for many students .

  20. 在对天线选择算法研究的基础上,设计了一种新的基于范数和行向量相关的快速算法获得较大的信道容量。该算法没有矩阵运算,计算复杂度低。

    Antenna selection algorithms are discussed , and a new fast algorithm is proposed based on norm and correlation of row vectors , which gets more channel capacity and has low complexity because of avoiding matrix operation .

  21. 针对二阶段投入产出表的设计,提出了第三象限应增加劳动报酬剩余行向量、政府消费保留在第二象限等新构想。

    As to the design of the second-stage I-O stable , that the third quadrant should increase the vector of labor income and the government consumption should reserve at the second quadrant , etc are put forward .

  22. 在帧间自适应确定观测个数之后,帧内自适应根据本帧语音的能量特性自适应地从全局观测矩阵中选取能量最大的行向量构成最佳观测矩阵。

    After the inter-frame step determines the observation number , the intra-frame adaptive step chooses the row vectors from the completely observation matrix according to the degree of the correlation between the row vector and the speech signal .

  23. 在阵列机或细胞结构向量机上用高斯消去法求解线性代数方程组的基本操作是进行大量的行向量变换。

    When the method of Gaussian elimination is used for solving a linear system of algebraic equations on an array processor or a cellular vector computer , the main operation is to perform a great many of row vector transformations .

  24. 规范矩阵若干命题的行特征向量证法

    The Prove Of Some Questions About Normai Matrix With Row Characteristic Vector

  25. 根据对三值逻辑函数输入变量集合的不同划分,可以求出三值逻辑函数列(行)向量的相容关系。

    According to different partitions of a set of input variables of the three-valued logic function , the compatibility relations of column ( row ) vectors of the three-valued logic function can be found .

  26. 竞赛矩阵和竞赛图由于具有固定行和向量及列和向量的非负矩阵类的计数,是组合数学的一个非常困难的问题,因此对具有固定得分向量的竞赛矩阵的计数问题也比较困难。

    But it is very difficult to compute the number of non-negative matrix with fixed score row or column vectors , so to compute the number of tournament matrix with fixed score vector is also difficult .

  27. 含有行或列向量的矩阵链乘积最优次序的求解

    An optimal evaluation of product on matrix chain containing row or column vector

  28. 初等行变换在向量空间中的应用

    An application of primary transformation to vector space

  29. 然后以对数-极坐标图像的正则化以后的行投影数据向量构成纹理图像的特征向量;

    Then , the feature vectors of texture images are constituted with the normalized row project datum vector of the translated images .

  30. 按行可交换随机向量函数加权和的收敛性

    Convergence on bivariate weighted sums of row-wise exchangeable random variables