
  • Administration Department;Administrative Department
  1. 虫害控制过程的相关记录由行政部予以保持。

    The related records of pest control processes shall be kept by administration department .

  2. 你跟茱丽娅见过面了吗?她是行政部的头。

    Have you met Julia ? She 's just taken over as Head of Administration Department .

  3. 现任上海某日资房地产公司行政部专员。

    He is currently working for a Japanese real estate company .

  4. 第二十二条员工加班情况,由行政部按月统计备查。

    Personnel department should control and analyze the overtime monthly .

  5. 请假批准后,请假单一律送行政部留存办理。

    All the approved leave application should be filed by personnel department .

  6. 联邦司法行政部,柏林,德国

    Federal Ministry of justice , berlin , germany , 2001

  7. 战略规划和对外事务股(战略规划股)部门行政部〔规划署〕

    Strategic Planning and External Affairs Unit Departmental Administration Division [ Planning Department ]

  8. 我要告诉他们有关司法行政部的真相。

    I am going to tell them the truth about their ministry of justice .

  9. 1999年,英国将北爱尔兰的政权移交给北爱尔兰行政部。

    1999-The United Kingdom devolves political power in Northern Ireland to the Northern Ireland Executive .

  10. 描述:美国海外情报局是美国政府行政部的独立外交事务机构。

    USIA is an independent foreign affairs agency within the executive branch of the U.S. government .

  11. 上班的第一天,她去人事部报道之后,被安排在行政部。

    She was assigned to the administration department after the registration on her first day there .

  12. 公司拥有:行政部,直营店,培训中心等多个部门。

    The company has : the Department of Administration , outlets , training centers , a number of departments .

  13. 需要在放假期间值班或电话值班的部门,请将名单报至行政部备案。

    All department managers should make proper arrangements before the holiday and someone on duty during these dates when necessary .

  14. 批准后的岗位说明书交于人事行政部,作为人员选择和安排的主要依据。

    The approved position requirements description shall be sent to administration department to be used as the standards of employee recruiting and arrangement .

  15. 然而,公共安全行政部的专家和同济医院进行了尸检,认定涂某为自杀,当地警方也发现了涂某亲手所写的遗书。

    Local police officials have also confirmed that a handwritten suicide note found in the victim 's dormitory was written by Tu himself .

  16. 当公司希望通过重组市场部和行政部这样的重复部门来减少薪酬开支时,进一步实行的裁员会进步造成人心惶惶的局面。

    A further destabilising effect is the prospect of redundancies as companies look to reduce their payroll by restructuring duplicated functions such as marketing and administration .

  17. 公司总部在上海,设有总经理室、行政部、财务部、设计部、材料部等职能部门,各地分设专案工程部。

    Our HQ build in Shanghai , with General Manager Room , Administration Department , Finacial Department , Designing Department and Material Department , with Item Project Department in all subsidiaries .

  18. 首先是行政管理部,它行使行政职能,并负责人事、资产及经济分析。

    Firstly , there 's the Administrative Division which covers administrative services as well as personnel , premises and economic analysis .

  19. 对公司广告设计部、行政人事部、财务部、网络部及各直销部工作进行指导和监督;

    Guide and supervise the Advertisement Design Department , HR and Administration Department , Financial Department , Network Department and Direct Selling Departments .

  20. 加强税收立法规范,强化税务行政内外部监督机制,促进税务机关执法规范化建设。

    We should strengthen the standardization on tax legislation and enforce internal and external surveillance mechanism to promote the construction of standardization on tax office enforcement in our country .

  21. 但是,星期一,肯尼亚行政事务部的负责人穆塔乌拉就联合政府的操作方式发表的声明招致奥廷加的橙色民主运动的批评。

    But a statement Monday by the head of Kenya 's civil service , Francis Muthaura , on how the coalition would operate , drew criticism from Odinga 's Orange Democratic Movement .

  22. 上个星期,国家行政事务部负责人发表的声明似乎暗示,总理发挥的作用较小,反对党分享政府职位的数量比原先预期的要少,声明引起奥廷加的橙色民主运动的批评。

    A statement by the head of the country 's civil service last week , which seemed to imply a lesser role for the prime minister and less sharing of government jobs than the opposition had expected , prompted criticism from Odinga 's Orange Democratic Movement .

  23. 和谐之筑&苏州市相城区(行政中心)部、委、局办公楼群规划建筑设计探索

    Harmonious Architecture & Exploration on the Planning and Architecture Design for Xiangcheng Administration Center

  24. 为了保护身患严重疾病(怀孕)的违法犯罪人员的权利,我国在刑事、行政的多部法律中,明确规定了此类人员在受到限制人身自由处罚时的保护性措施。

    In order to protect rights of criminals suffering from the serious illnesses ( including pregnancy ), when those people are restricted on freedom there have defined clearly the protective measures in criminal and administrative laws in China .

  25. 具有3年以上4、5星级酒店行政管家或前厅部经理工作经验。

    Minimum 3 years experience in 4 or 5 star hotel required in Executive Housekeeper or FO Manager role .

  26. 国务院制定了人口、资源、环境、灾害方面的行政规章100余部。

    The State Council has formulated more than 100 administrative provisions on population , resources , environment and disaster control .

  27. 笔者认为特别权力关系理论是建立在内外部行政行为或内外部行政法律关系的划分的基础上的。

    The author thinks the theory of special jurisdiction relationship is based on the differentiation of the internal and external administrative actions or administrative legal relations .

  28. 性质特殊之类科,有增减修业年限之必要者,得由各该主管教育行政机关报请教育部核定之。

    The competent educational authority shall report the following situation to the Ministry for authorization : special departments that may need to increase or decrease the term limitation .

  29. 跨界旅游目的地位于不同行政区的结合部,是区域关系演变的窗口和统筹区域经济协调发展的重点区域。

    Located in the joints of neighboring administrative districts , cross-border tourism regions are the foremost positions of regional relationship evolvement , and the key areas in achieving balanced development among different regions .

  30. 首先对中央最高行政机构三省六部进行了调整,除户部以事务繁多未减少外,其他五部通过兼领、合并而大量省并。

    The three secretariats and six boards of the former Northern Song Dynasty were merged in order to reduce the number of official posts and administrative organizations . But changes were not so drastic with respect to local governments .