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xíng lǐ
  • salute;give a salute
行礼 [xíng lǐ]
  • [salute] 旧谓行婚嫁之礼。现指按一定的仪式或姿势致敬

行礼[xíng lǐ]
  1. 在学校,我们每天早晨都得向美国国旗行礼。

    In my school we had to salute the US flag each morning .

  2. 当夜幕降临后,家家在堂屋里摆上准备好的祭品,行礼。

    When night falls , the family was put in the hall ready room offerings , salute .

  3. 他们向国王跪拜行礼。

    They prostrated themselves before their king .

  4. 波仑日行礼,站在门口听侯命令

    Poulengey salutes , and stands at the door awaiting orders .

  5. 商人在WTO背景下的行礼如仪

    Ceremony and Propriety of Businessmen under WTO Background

  6. 你为什么不对我们孙家的祖宗行礼?

    Why don 't you pay respects to the Sun ancestors ?

  7. 需要挥手或行礼吗?

    Don 't I wave or take a bow or something ?

  8. 我们将有另外的一辆车来搭载大家的行礼和配偶。

    We will organize an additional bus for luggage and spouses .

  9. 那箱子里是什么?先不要卸行礼。

    What 's in that case ? Stop the baggage being off-loaded .

  10. 人们还必须向女王躬身行礼吗?

    Do people still have to bow to the queen ?

  11. 他把行礼放在汽车的上面。

    He planted his luggage on top on his car .

  12. 在门口,我们要低下脖子行礼鞠躬。

    Standing by the door , we bow , from the neck .

  13. 你需要人帮忙抬行礼么?

    Will you be needing any help with any bags ?

  14. 见到布莱克松,所有人都立刻向他鞠躬行礼,头一直压得很低。

    At once they all bowed gravely and kept their heads low .

  15. 二人急忙下马行礼。

    The two generals got down from their horses hastily and saluted .

  16. 他抢著脱帽向她行礼。

    Snatching off his hat , he bowed to her .

  17. 在黄金面前,国王也行礼。

    Before gold , even kings take off their hats .

  18. 艾德娜:现在的演员们开枪杀人而不是脱帽行礼。

    Edna : Today actors shoot people instead of taking off their hats .

  19. 与生意上的对方和长辈、上司见面及分手时要鞠躬行礼。

    Japanese bow to business associates or superiors when meeting and leaving them .

  20. 也不再对喜鹊脱帽行礼,祝它早安了。

    No longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning .

  21. 检验衣服或行礼的服务员。

    An attendant who checks coats or baggage .

  22. 他们经过院长面前时脱帽行礼。

    They cap when they pass the president .

  23. 他们是第一对使用新敬拜中心行礼的新人!

    They are the first couple to use the new Worship Center for wedding !

  24. 而你们的几捆则过来站在它周围对它鞠躬行礼。

    And all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf .

  25. 国王进来时,宫廷里所有人都向他躬身行礼。

    All the men in the court bowed before the king as he entered .

  26. 倒伏行礼是穆斯林祷告的一部份。

    Ceremonial prostration is part of Muslim prayer .

  27. 太太小姐们便行礼如仪,辞别回房;

    With proper civilities the ladies then withdrew ;

  28. 贵族们一个接着一个地走上前,向女王行礼。

    The noblemen came forward one by one and made their obeisances to the queen .

  29. 后者急忙起身向伯爵夫人行礼,伯爵夫人无言地欠了欠身。

    The latter rose and bowed to the countess , who inclined herself without speaking .

  30. 她有时碰见父亲,她父亲总向她行礼。

    She met her father from time to time , and he bowed to her .