
  • 网络Street Fashion;street style;street chic
  1. 秋冬时节的街头时尚

    Autumn & Winter STREET FASHION

  2. 他的早期作品《街头时尚忆》是对传为唐代绘画的《簪花仕女图》的进行的文本改造。

    His early work " street Fashion Comments " is a revision of the text of the Tang Dynasty painting " Group portrait of Noblewomen " .

  3. 但用户浏览这些街头时尚的博客与Instagram时,是否意识到上述代言费?

    But are viewers or readers aware of these payments when browsing street-style blogs or Instagram ?

  4. 街头时尚热潮催生了前所未有的“大V”——他们并非传统意义上的名人,但对高端时装慧眼独具,Instagram粉丝数超过5万。

    Street-style fever has given birth to the strange notion of the " influencer " - someone who 's not traditionally famous , but can fit into high fashion and has upwards of 50000 Instagram followers .

  5. 街拍牵扯利益回报,让KatzSinding避谈自己是“街头时尚”拍客。

    This transactional aspect of image-making has made Katz Sinding wary of describing himself as a " street-style " photographer .

  6. 最新的街头时尚明星被拍到在Balthazar和Nobu餐厅用餐,在巴尼斯百货(Barneys)购物,在马拉喀什和纳帕瓦利度假,在伦敦观看芭蕾舞剧。

    The newest street-style fashion star has been photographed dining at Balthazar and Nobu , shopping at Barneys , vacationing in Marrakesh and the Napa Valley and going to the ballet in London .

  7. “以时装换广告位”理念(免费赠送产品以换取在社交媒体上打广告或是在时装周上公开露脸(shout-out))的兴起亦步亦趋于街头时尚风潮。

    The " product for post " concept - a freebie in exchange for a post on social media , or a shout-out at the shows - has grown in tandem with the street-style movement .

  8. YujiaHu是SakanaSushiMilano餐厅的老板兼主厨,他说,影响自己烹饪灵感的因素有很多。他热爱NBA篮球,对米兰独特的街头时尚情有独钟,这让运动鞋成为他的寿司造型的完美主题。

    Hu , who is also the owner and chef of the restaurant Sakana Sushi Milano , said that his culinary influences are many . An appreciation for NBA basketball , along with a love of Milan 's distinct street style , made sneakers the perfect subject matter for Hu 's sculptural sushi .

  9. 上世纪80年代,记录都市街头时尚开始起步,当时《i-D》之类的时尚杂志就开始记录街头巷尾年轻人的穿着行头。然而,如今的街拍对象出头露面的目的并非是成为摄影师的抓拍目标;

    The practice of documenting " street style " evolved in the 1980s , when style magazines such as i-D began chronicling people out and about . Today though , the stars of the scene don 't pound pavements hoping to be snapped on the street ;

  10. 这商店想通过树立一种更具有街头时尚意识的形象来吸引更多的少年顾客。

    The store is trying to attract more leenage customers by developing a more street-cred-ible image .

  11. 如果想加点街头时尚的味道,可以买一条有穗边或配有简单皮带的裤子。

    To make it exciting , buy a pair of jeans with a fringed hem or a simple leather belt .

  12. 街头时尚的兴起甚至让各色人物参与代言的广告战变本加厉。

    The rise in street style has even sparked a wider trend in " real people " - led advertising .

  13. 村上隆因他和奢侈品牌、街头时尚品牌以及音乐家备受瞩目的合作而闻名。

    Murakami is widely known for his high-profile projects with luxury and streetwear fashion brands as well as collaborations with musicians .

  14. 那曾经穿着过时的衣服的那一代现在也喜欢他们一半年纪女孩穿着的街头时尚穿着。

    A generation which would once only wear old-fashioned clothes is now favoring the same high street looks worn by those half their age .

  15. 再考虑到过于夸张的街头时尚和无处不在的全方位的过度暴露,来自以往某个时代的约束看上去越来越像一次了不起的悄无声息的变革。

    When you factor in over-the-top street style and the all-round oversharing that has become pervasive , the reeled-in restraint of a bygone era looks more and more like a cool , quiet revolution .

  16. 那时,“街头时尚”还没有被品牌同化,人们真的是用自己衣橱里的服装进行搭配,而不是用借来的衣服在“真实的”舞台生活中让人拍照。

    A time when " street style " had not been co-opted by brands themselves , and people actually dressed in their own wardrobes , as opposed to a wardrobe lent to them for the express purpose of getting photographed in the course of their " real " staged lives .

  17. 麦德弗德娃还写道,尽管周日哈珀在妈妈的时装秀上穿的是高级服装,但她能成为街头时尚明星的另一个明显的原因是她穿的大部分衣服普通公众也买得起,所以很多父母可以效仿她的穿着。

    Despite the haute fashion pieces Harper sported supporting her mother at the Sunday show , another apparent factor behind her breakout street-style star status is the quota of items she wears that are affordable for the general public , Ms. Medvedeva wrote , making copying her looks more accessible for many parents .

  18. 这种艺术正在成为街头和时尚的艺术活动。

    This art is becoming an active of street and fashion .

  19. 它的品牌核心价值就是:穿梭纽约街头的时尚。

    It 's core value is : The fashion through the New York city .

  20. 米兰街头的时尚色彩

    The Street Fashion Colors

  21. 因为其百搭的风格,条纹和迷彩成为本季风靡T台和街头的时尚宠儿。

    With various ways to wear them , they are gaining in popularity from catwalks to public streets this season .