
Consider off-balance sheet vehicles , such as Structured Investment Vehicles , which represented big sources of funding for many institutions .
A bad bank is not really a bank at all . It is a special purpose vehicle , similar to those off-balance sheet vehicles that triggered this crisis in the first place .
They will also commit to bringing banks ' off-balance-sheet vehicles into a basic framework of oversight and disclosure .
Citi also may have to consolidate some of the roughly $ 670 billion in mortgage assets currently held by off-balance-sheet vehicles .
These vehicles issue short-term commercial paper to purchase debt such as corporate receivables , mortgages and auto loans , capturing the difference in rates between the two .
Taken together , the new rules could slow the explosive growth of Chinese shadow banking by making it tougher for banks to funnel deposits into off-balance sheet vehicles .
Plans outlined yesterday will require banks to set aside more capital against complex structured products and off-balance sheet vehicles two of the main sources of stress in recent months .
The off-balance sheet vehicles have been used by financial institutions to keep some assets off their balance sheets , thereby avoiding the need to hold regulatory capital against them .
If regulators had done their job , by ensuring prudent mortgage lending , curbing the growth of off-balance-sheet vehicles , overseeing regulatory agencies , and so forth , the crisis would never have happened .
Credit default swap is a kind of off-balance sheet derivative financial instruments for financial institutions which are used to manage credit risk . Credit default swaps have become the largest trading volume products of credit derivatives .
With off-balance-sheet vehicles becoming strained and losses mounting , the credit squeeze looks set to intensify .
It was a different world when they could just set up another [ off-balance-sheet vehicle ] and put this stuff out there .
Structured products held for trading will also attract an additional capital charge and more capital will be required against off-balance sheet vehicles .
Separately , American officials are considering changing the accounting rules to force banks to take many off-balance-sheet vehicles back on to their balance sheets .
Hence the explosion of credit derivatives , off-balance sheet vehicles and the rest .
Therefore , this paper introduced our existing interest rate risk management tools of out-of-balance sheet and used learning from international experience in financial derivatives to guide commercial banks to manage interest rate risk .
Manages the aspect outside the property debt table mainly is uses the financial derivation tool , outside the utilization table the tool mainly includes the forward interest rate agreement , the interest rate stock , the interest rate exchange , the interest rate option and so on .
After marketed interest rate , commercial bank should take interest rate management strategy which combines duration gap management and dynamic simulation analysis 、 combines option adjust internal asset and liability table and interest rate derivation tool hedge of external asset and liability table .