
  1. 管道资源增量统一规划、存量优化使用,公平服务。

    Make a unified plan of the increase of pipeline resources , make best use of their storage and provide fair services .

  2. 企业产权转让(或称企业兼并)是我国经济改革中发育的新经济机制,对于实现资产存量优化具有重要意义。

    Transfer of enterprise ownership , or merger , as a new economic mechanism evolved in China 's economic reforms , will play an important role in the optimization of the reserve of assets .

  3. 而运输通道是综合运输体系的骨干,承担着区际运输联系的大部分或全部任务,运输通道交通资源配置(增量配置和存量优化)是否合理对于综合运输体系的建立至关重要。

    The transport channel is the backbone of integrated transport system . And it bears most or all of task in linking interregional transport . So , the rational allocation of resource in transport channel is vital important for the establishment of integrated transport system .

  4. 我国金融结构的演进内容包括存量优化和增量完善两个方面,具体路径为银行体系和资本市场重大制度缺陷的矫正、金融结构的横向多元化和纵向分层化。

    The content of finance structure evolution should include the optimization of the reserve and the perfection of the addition , while the concrete routes include the correction of the system disfigurement in bank system and capital market system , the transverse multiplication and longitudinal delamination of the finance structure .

  5. 航运企业固定资产存量系统优化

    System Optimization of Fixed Asset Stocks for Shipping Enterprise

  6. 对资本结构的优化途径从企业增量资本优化和存量资本优化两方面进行了阐述。

    And then , describes the optimum approaches of the capital structure from the two aspects of incremental capital and stock capital .

  7. 上述环节两两对应构成互动小循环,再进一步构成企业与市场边界交互知识作用的大循环,导致企业知识存量的优化和知识结构的动态演变。

    These activities are interactive and form the knowledge transfer cycle , which results in the dynamic evolution of firm knowledge stock and structure .

  8. 企业并购是促进产权流动、盘活资产存量,优化社会资源配置的一项重要手段。

    Merger and Acquisition , an important means to promote the circulation of property , to act asset quantity and to improve the disposition of social resource .

  9. 因此,如何加大人力资本投资力度,提高人力资本存量,优化人力资本结构就成为鄂尔多斯目前面临的重要问题。

    Therefore , how to increase the investment , to improve the stock , to optimize the structure of human capital becomes an important issue in Ordos .

  10. 它在调整社会资源存量、优化产业结构、提高资源配置效率、加快企业与全球经济融合方面起着积极的作用。

    It has great effect in adjusting existing social resources , optimizing industry structure , improving efficiency of resources collocation and helping China enterprises jointing in global economy .

  11. 企业并购重组是存量资本优化整合的一种有效方式,也是建立与发展现代企业制度的一条重要途径。

    The M & A of enterprises is an effective method to integrate the stock capital and also a critical way to build up the modern enterprise institution .

  12. 企业重组是企业存量资本优化的一种有效地方式,是我国建立和延续现代企业制度的重要工具之一。

    M & A is one of the effective means of company stock capital optimization and one of the important tools for establishing a modern enterprise system in China .

  13. 经济增长本质上是以资本形成为核心,增加资本存量,优化结构,推动社会经济水平整体跃升的经济成长过程。

    E-conomic growth is essentially a process coring around capital formation with increased capital stock , optimized the structure , which propelled the soaring social economy as a whole .

  14. 上市公司股权结构不合理、二级市场监管不力,严重影响到股票市场促进存量资源优化配置功能的发挥;

    The equity structure in listed corporations is unreasonable and the regulation of the second market is not strict enough , offsetting its function of optimizing the allocation of existing assets .

  15. 目前应从公有制实现形式的创新,完善资本市场制度,结合国企战略性改组、推动存量结构优化,完善资本市场监管制度四个方面予以规范。

    That is to innovate the realization of the public ownership , to improve the capital market system , to optimize storage and measurement structure combining with the state-run enterprise strategic re-organization and to perfect capital market supervisory system .

  16. 医院集团有利于扩大规模效应、降低医疗成本、提高工作效率、盘活存量、优化资源和提高市场竞争能力。

    The establishment of hospital group will be conducive to enlarge the benefit or the scale of economy , cut down medical cost , improve work efficiency , reduce the inventory , optimizing the resource utilization and enhance the competitiveness .

  17. 并购,意即兼并与收购,是指通过企业产权、控制权的转移和重新组合等,实现改善企业经营效率、存量资产的优化配置和增量资产现代化的目的。

    M & A means mergers and acquisitions , which can improve enterprises ' management efficiency , optimize enterprises ' assets disposition , and modernize increased assets .

  18. 国有企业的资本运营目前最大的任务就是盘活存量资本,优化资本结构。

    At present , is it reform state-owned enterprise to face , the heaviest task of capital operation to vitalize stock advantage , optimize the structure of capital .

  19. 要盘活国有存量资产、优化资源的配置,当务之急是要解决国家股和法人股上市问题。

    To liven state - owned stock assets , the most important thing is to solve the problem of state - owned and corporate share to go to the stock market .

  20. 实施企业并购、联合及破产等具体措施可以达到调整企业存量资产、优化产业结构和提高生产效率的目的,促进我国企业的进一步发展。

    Implementation of mergers and acquisitions , alliance , bankruptcy can adjust the stock assets of businesses , optimize industrial structure and improve production efficiency , and promote the further development .

  21. 带有存量的贷款组合优化决策模型及智能算法研究

    A decision portfolio optimization model with accumulate loan and intelligent algorithm research

  22. 信贷资产的存量盘活与增量优化

    The Utility of Stock Amount and Optimization of Incremental Amount on Credit Assets

  23. 它使贷款成了具有流动性的证券,盘活企业的存量资产,并优化其财务比率。

    It makes the loan more flexible and activate the deposit asset and optimize the financial rate .

  24. 信贷资产的存量盘活和增量优化是提高商业银行总资产的效益性与安全性的关键所在。

    The utility of stock amount and optimization of incremental amount on credit assets are the keys to increase profitability and security of gross assets of commercial banks .