
  1. 考虑一下表外工具吧,例如作为许多机构中要融资来源的结构性投资工具(SIV)。

    Consider off-balance sheet vehicles , such as Structured Investment Vehicles , which represented big sources of funding for many institutions .

  2. 坏账银行实际上不是一家银行,而是一家特殊目的机构(SPV),类似于那些本来就引发了此次危机的表外工具。

    A bad bank is not really a bank at all . It is a special purpose vehicle , similar to those off-balance sheet vehicles that triggered this crisis in the first place .

  3. 他们还将致力于将银行的表外工具纳入监督和披露的基本框架之内。

    They will also commit to bringing banks ' off-balance-sheet vehicles into a basic framework of oversight and disclosure .

  4. 花旗集团可能还得把当前表外工具所持有的大约6700亿美元抵押贷款资产中的一部分合并入报表。

    Citi also may have to consolidate some of the roughly $ 670 billion in mortgage assets currently held by off-balance-sheet vehicles .

  5. 这些表外工具发行短期商业票据,用获得的资金购买企业应收帐款、抵押贷款和汽车贷款等,从二者间的息差中获利。

    These vehicles issue short-term commercial paper to purchase debt such as corporate receivables , mortgages and auto loans , capturing the difference in rates between the two .

  6. 总体来看,新规则有望加大银行将存款输送至表外工具的难度,从而减缓中国影子银行业务的爆炸式增长。

    Taken together , the new rules could slow the explosive growth of Chinese shadow banking by making it tougher for banks to funnel deposits into off-balance sheet vehicles .

  7. 昨日概述的计划,将要求银行针对复杂结构产品和表外工具(最近数月市场动荡的两个主要根源),计提更多的资本金准备。

    Plans outlined yesterday will require banks to set aside more capital against complex structured products and off-balance sheet vehicles two of the main sources of stress in recent months .

  8. 金融机构一直利用表外工具将部分资产转移到表外,因此无需对这类资产进行监管资本拨备。

    The off-balance sheet vehicles have been used by financial institutions to keep some assets off their balance sheets , thereby avoiding the need to hold regulatory capital against them .

  9. 如果监管者做好了自己的工作,确保审慎的抵押贷款发放,控制表外工具增加,对监管部门进行指导等等,那么危机可能永远不会发生。

    If regulators had done their job , by ensuring prudent mortgage lending , curbing the growth of off-balance-sheet vehicles , overseeing regulatory agencies , and so forth , the crisis would never have happened .

  10. 信用违约互换是金融机构进行信用风险管理的表外工具,是信用衍生品种交易量最大的产品。

    Credit default swap is a kind of off-balance sheet derivative financial instruments for financial institutions which are used to manage credit risk . Credit default swaps have become the largest trading volume products of credit derivatives .

  11. 随着表外投资工具的压力加大和亏损不断上升,信贷紧缩似乎将会加剧。

    With off-balance-sheet vehicles becoming strained and losses mounting , the credit squeeze looks set to intensify .

  12. 那会儿它们只需另建一个表外投资工具,把不那么优质的资产统统放进去了事。

    It was a different world when they could just set up another [ off-balance-sheet vehicle ] and put this stuff out there .

  13. 交易型结构性产品也将带来额外的资本支出,资产负债表外投资工具也需进行更多资本拨备。

    Structured products held for trading will also attract an additional capital charge and more capital will be required against off-balance sheet vehicles .

  14. 另外,美国政府正考虑改变会计准则,以迫使银行将一些许多表外投资工具重新列入转回资产负债表账面上。

    Separately , American officials are considering changing the accounting rules to force banks to take many off-balance-sheet vehicles back on to their balance sheets .

  15. 由此造成了信贷衍生品,表外资产及其他工具的爆炸式增长。

    Hence the explosion of credit derivatives , off-balance sheet vehicles and the rest .

  16. 因此,本文引入我国现有的表外利率风险管理工具,并借鉴国际使用金融衍生工具的经验,指导商业银行进行利率风险管理。

    Therefore , this paper introduced our existing interest rate risk management tools of out-of-balance sheet and used learning from international experience in financial derivatives to guide commercial banks to manage interest rate risk .

  17. 在资产负债表外管理方面主要是使用金融衍生工具,运用的表外工具主要包括远期利率协议、利率期货、利率互换、利率期权等。

    Manages the aspect outside the property debt table mainly is uses the financial derivation tool , outside the utilization table the tool mainly includes the forward interest rate agreement , the interest rate stock , the interest rate exchange , the interest rate option and so on .

  18. 利率市场化后,形成久期缺口管理和动态模拟分析方法相结合、表内资产负债头寸调整和表外利率衍生工具对冲相结合的利率风险管理策略。

    After marketed interest rate , commercial bank should take interest rate management strategy which combines duration gap management and dynamic simulation analysis 、 combines option adjust internal asset and liability table and interest rate derivation tool hedge of external asset and liability table .