
  • 网络Expression;technique of expression;Performance practices
  1. 在艺术表现手法上运用了高科技3D特技技术来渲染温泉的柔美。

    In artistic expression on the use of a high-tech3D rendering of hot spring stunt technology gentle .

  2. 波兰作曲家弗里德里克·肖邦(Frederic·Chopin1810-1849)是西方音乐史上一位杰出的音乐家。他通过自己的创作实践开辟了浪漫主义时期钢琴音乐表现手法的新天地并形成了独具特色的肖邦风格。

    Frederic-Chopin ( 1810-1849 ), an outstanding Polish composer in the history of western music , created new techniques of piano expression during " Romantic Period " and thereby formed the unique " Chopin Style " .

  3. 电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。

    The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop .

  4. 本文以异型广告(AmbientAdvertising)为主要研究对象,以实证研究为主,采用个案分析和理论讨论结合的研究方法,论证异型广告的广告媒介和广告表现手法的创新。

    Ambient advertising is the main object of this thesis , research-based evidence . It combines with case studies and theoretical discussions as research methods , and researches on the advertising media and advertising practices in innovation performance .

  5. 假如您有机会听到CSP专业音箱,您一定会被CSP细腻的表现手法、超级力度、超级震撼所吃惊!

    If you have a change to hear the sounds of CSP products , you will be Shocked by listening the Fine and Smooth rendition of the products ! Super Dynamics and Earthshaking !

  6. POP广告的设计手法遵循图形、色彩、版式的艺术法则原理,同时可利用趣味设计表现手法、立体空间表现法等表现手法赋予它美的形式来感染打动消费者。

    POP advertising design techniques to follow graphics , color , layout rules of art theory , and interesting design can make use of techniques from the performance of three-dimensional space means the performance of law giving it the form of the United States moved to infect consumers .

  7. 胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》是中国后现代文化的典型文本,戏仿(parody)是滑稽模仿(burlesque)的特殊类型,是后现代创作的表现手法之一。

    Hu Ge 's A Bloody Incident Triggered by A Steamed Bun is typical of Chinese postmodern culture . Parody is one of special types of burlesque , and is the performance of postmodern creative tactic .

  8. 王安忆关于这些主题的表现手法主要采取了欲望化写作和民间叙事写作。

    Her writing techniques are appetite writing and folk stories narrating .

  9. 文字和图像是报纸新闻的表现手法。

    News in newspaper is mainly expressed in wring and image .

  10. 平面设计的表现手法在不同的时代或不同的地域应该有一种属于自己的设计语言体系。

    Different times and places show different means of graphic design .

  11. 影视广告中的魔幻现实主义及其表现手法研究

    The Study of Magic Realism and Its Expression in Television Ads

  12. 第六章讨论表现手法的一致性。

    Chapter six discusses the consistency in the technique of expression .

  13. 现代陶瓷雕塑表现手法简析

    SCULPTURE On Means of Representation of Modern Ceramics Plastic Arts

  14. 黑白摄影是一种抽象的艺术表现手法。

    Black - and-white photography is a typical mode of art presentation ;

  15. 运用寓意和象征的表现手法。

    The practice of implied and symbolic way of expression . 5 .

  16. 论《法国中尉的女人》中开放、递进式的主题表现手法

    The Open and Progressive Narrative Methods in The French Lieutenant 's Woman

  17. 中国波普艺术的理念和表现手法

    The Concept and Expressive Approach of the Chinese Pop Art

  18. 《到灯塔去》表现手法研究

    A Study of the Presentational Methods in to the Lighthouse

  19. 浅析王沂孙比体咏物词的艺术表现手法

    Reflections on Wang Yi Sun 's Main Art Representation on Intoned-objects Word

  20. 苏州园林是中国私宅园林的代表,写意是它的一个重要表现手法。

    Suzhou classical gardens is a representative of private gardens in China .

  21. 趣味性可采用寓言、幽默和抒情等表现手法来获得。

    Interesting use fable , humor and lyrical other ways to obtain .

  22. 浮雕是人们经常使用的艺术表现手法。

    People often use the relief is the artistic methods .

  23. 现在他们正在研究文体表现手法。

    At present they are studying the stylistic device .

  24. 纤维艺术给我们呈现出来的美是通过不同的材质,不同的表现手法所体现的。

    Fiber Art presented the beauty by different materials and different expression techniques .

  25. 香烟包装艺术设计表现手法和特征的探讨

    A Discussion on Expressive Technique and Feature of Cigarette 's Packaging Art Design

  26. 浅论《中国的西北角》的表现手法

    A Brief Talk on the Technique of Expression of The Northwest of China

  27. 电影与小说中意识流表现手法的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on Technique of Stream of Consciousness in Fictions and Films

  28. 象征主义是表现主义戏剧常用的表现手法。

    Symbolism is treated as a common method of expression in expressionistic plays .

  29. 有其自身独特的艺术语言和表现手法。

    Has its own unique artistic language and expression .

  30. 浅谈歌唱的艺术表现手法

    A Tentative Study of the Artistic Techniques of Singing