
  • 网络Expressed sequence tag;EST;expressed sequence tag, EST
  1. 拼接后序列经BLAST检索,进一步证明ESTSXDF0201是在绍兴鸭卵巢卵泡首次发现的新表达序列标签。

    The BLAST research further confirmed that the EST_SXDF0201 was a novel EST in the follicles of Shaoxing ducks .

  2. 生物信息学分析表明,来源于人的结肠、肾和胃的几个表达序列标签(EST)克隆和大鼠的这一蛋白质序列匹配。

    Bioinformatics analysis showed that several human EST clones from pooled colon , kidney or stomach matched the rat protein sequence .

  3. 8~10周龄胎儿心脏cDNA文库大规模表达序列标签分析

    Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tag from a Fetal Heart cDNA Library

  4. 目的鉴别并获取与K562细胞向红系分化相关的表达序列标签(expressedsequencetags,EST)。

    Objective To isolate expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ) related to K562 cells erythroid differentiation .

  5. 表达序列标签(ExpressedSequenceTag,EST)是生物基因组中最有价值的基因结构信息。

    Expressed Sequence Tag ( EST ) is important structural information of gene in the genome of organisms .

  6. 在构建cDNA文库的基础上,测定了83个鸡下丘脑组织表达序列标签。

    83 EST from chicken hypothalamus had been sequenced on the base of cDNA library construction .

  7. 植物基因组表达序列标签(EST)计划研究进展

    Progress in Expressed Sequence Tags ( EST ) Project of Plant Genome

  8. 基于表达序列标签(EST)的基因克隆和基因表达分析研究进展

    Gene cloning and expression analysis based on expressed sequence tag

  9. 石蒜属植物cDNA文库构建与表达序列标签(EST)分析

    Construction of cDNA Library and Analysis on Expressed Sequence Tags of Genus of Lycoris Plant

  10. 羊草叶片cDNA文库的构建及部分表达序列标签的分析

    Construction of a cDNA library of the leaf of Leymus chinensis and analysis of partial expressed sequence tags

  11. 表达序列标签(EST)在基因组学研究中的应用

    Application of EST in the Study of Genomics

  12. 表达序列标签(EST)分析及藻类EST文库的研究进展

    Analysis on Expressed Sequence Tags ( EST ) and Research Progress of Algae EST Library

  13. 应用反Northern杂交去除假阳性,对真阳性的表达序列标签(EST)进行克隆、测序及同源性比较。

    Reverse Northern blotting was employed to eliminate the false positive ESTs . The true positive EST were cloned and sequenced .

  14. 这些可作为表达序列标签(EST)的片段为识别新的结瘤素基因提供了可能。

    These expressed sequence tags ( EST ) offer the possibility of identifying new nodulin genes .

  15. 应用生物信息学技术对植物表达序列标签(EST)的大规模分析

    A Large Scale Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags ( EST ) in Plants Using Bioinformatics Approaches

  16. 表达序列标签(expressedsequencetags,EST)是一种快捷、高效地揭示基因组信息的方法。

    Expressed Sequence Tags ( EST ) has been proved to be a rapid and efficient approach to disclose the information of genome .

  17. 由于在是否授予名为表达序列标签的DNA序列专利权这一问题上的分歧,他与NIH闹翻了。

    He fell out with the NIH , however , over the issue of patenting DNA sequences called expressed sequence tags .

  18. 以cDNA文库为基础的EST(ExpressedSequenceTag,表达序列标签)技术是一种快速的进行基因功能分析及发现新基因的有效方法。

    EST ( Expressed Sequence Tag ) technology based on cDNA library are efficiency approach to analyze gene function and to discover new genes .

  19. 目的对用表达序列标签(ExpressionSequenceTag,EST)策略从日本血吸虫尾蚴cDNA文库中筛选出的新基因进行功能预测。

    Objective To analyse the function of the novel gene screened from the Schistosoma japonicum cercariae cDNA library by Expression Sequence Tag ( EST ) strategy .

  20. 高山植物黄管秦艽cDNA文库构建与表达序列标签(EST)分析(英文)

    CDNA Library Construction and Expressed Sequence Tags ( ESTs ) Analyses of an Alpine Plant Species Gentiana officinalis ( Gentianaceae )

  21. 近年来植物功能基因组学的研究技术主要包括表达序列标签、基因表达的系列分析、DNA微阵列和反向遗传学等。

    In recent years , main methods of studying the plant functional genomics include expressed sequence tag , serial analysis of gene expression , DNA micro array , reverse genetics and so on .

  22. 猪脂肪组织表达序列标签(ESTs)大规模测序及分析

    Sequencing and Analyzing of Expressed Sequence Tags ( ESTs ) of Pig Fat Tissue

  23. 美洲黑杨雄性花芽cDNA克隆测序及表达序列标签(ESTs)特性分析

    Sequencing of cDNA Clones and Analysis of the Expressed Sequenced Tags ( ESTs ) Properties of Male Floral Buds of Populus deltoides

  24. 茶树新梢cDNA克隆测序和表达序列标签(ESTs)特性分析

    Sequencing of cDNA Clones and Analysis of the Expressed Sequence Tags ( ESTs ) Properties of Young Tea Plant ( Camellia sinensis ) Shoots

  25. 同时,在植物功能基因组测序项目的大规模开展下,得到大量的表达序列标签(EST)序列。

    Meanwhile , a great amount of EST ( expressed sequence tag ) data is available because of the development of plant functional genome sequencing projects .

  26. 国际公共数据库中表达序列标签(ESTs)呈指数增长,为遗传分析提供了丰富资源。

    The exponentially increased expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ) in public databases provide a potential resource for genetic analysis .

  27. 表达序列标签数据库搜索克隆斑马鱼QM基因及其数字化差异显示分析

    In silico cloning and digital differential display analysis of Danio rerio QM gene by EST database searching

  28. 植物功能基因组学的研究方法主要包括:表达序列标签(EST)、基因表达序列分析(SAGE)c、DNA微阵列和DNA芯片、反求遗传学、蛋白质组学和生物信息学;

    The research metheds of functional genomics , mainly include Expressed Sequence Tag ( EST ), Serial Analysis of Gene Expression ( SAGE ), cDNA microarrays and DNA chips , Reverse genetics , Proteomics and Bioinformatics .

  29. SSR是基于表达序列标签开发微卫星的一种新型分子标记,与基因组SSR相比,EST-SSR具有在植物物种之间可转移性的优点。

    Compared with genomic SSRs , EST-SSRs are a new kind of molecular makers derived from expression sequence tags with remarkable advantages in high transferability across plant species .

  30. 近年来通过大量的表达序列标签(EST)测序和基因芯片表达分析,已经成功分离大量与纤维发育相关基因,并已进行初步的功能验证。

    In recent years , many fiber-specific stage genes for fiber initiation and elongation have been isolated through both expressed sequence Tag ( EST ) analysis and microarray gene expression profiling .