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yuán shì kǎi
  • high Qing official;Beiyang militarist;replaced Sun Yat-sen as president in 1912;aspired to emperorship
  1. 袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。

    Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 Revolution .

  2. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给他。

    Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him .

  3. 袁世凯刚刚登上皇帝的宝座就翘辫子了。

    Yuan Shikai had just taken the throne when he kicked the bucket .

  4. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给了他。

    Yuan Shikai forced emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him .

  5. 当时,一度可能成为东方波拿巴的袁世凯试图巩固他的权力

    Yuan Shih-k'ai , a would-be Oriental Bonaparte , now attempted to consolidate his power .

  6. 1915年底,袁世凯称帝。

    By the end of 1915 , Yuan declared himself emperor .

  7. 袁世凯因此决定对国民党采取军事行动。

    Yuan then decided to use military action against the Kuomintang .

  8. 袁世凯政府的教育理念、教育政策及教育实践

    Yuan Shikai Government 's Educational Philosophy , Educational Policy and Educational Practice

  9. 台湾袁世凯研究概述

    A General Survey Yuan Shi kai Studies in Taiwan Province

  10. 袁世凯治蒙政策刍议

    Brief Study on Yuan Shi-kai 's Governing Policies on Mongolia

  11. 在1913年夏,南方7省共同反对袁世凯统治。

    In the summer of 1913 seven southern provinces rebelled against Yuan .

  12. 袁世凯在外蒙古自治中的外交政策

    Yuan Shikai 's Foreign Policy On Issueof the Autonomy in Outer Mongolia

  13. 袁世凯统治时期监察制度研究

    On the Study of Supervisory System in the Reign of Yuan Shi-kai

  14. 论袁世凯的仇日政策及实践

    On Yuan Shikai 's Anti - Japan Policy and Practice

  15. 但是革命的果实却迅速被袁世凯窃取。

    The fruit of the revolution was quickly captured by Yuan Shikai .

  16. 袁世凯政府时期的新闻理念、新闻政策及新闻实践

    The Period of Yuan-Shikai Government of News Idea News Policy and News Practice

  17. 袁世凯曾经信誓旦旦,说要坚持共和原则。

    Yuan Shih-Kai once promised to uphold Republican principles .

  18. 研究袁世凯的警察教育思想,能够从中吸取历史经验教训。

    We can absorb the historic experience through the research on the character .

  19. 1914年后开铸的袁世凯像新币,逐渐取代鹰洋成为流通中的主币。

    Yuan Shi-kai dollars coined in 1914 took place of Mexican Dollar gradually .

  20. 袁世凯与周学熙关系考因

    The Study of the Reasons of the Relation between YUAN Shi-kai and ZHOU Xue-xi

  21. 在中国历史上,风云一世的袁世凯是一位颇具影响的人物。

    Yuan Shikai is a figure of much influence in the history of China .

  22. 甲午战争前袁世凯对朝鲜干涉及中朝宗藩体制的瓦解

    Yuan Shikai 's Korea Domination before 1894 War and the Disruption of Suzerain-vassal Relationship

  23. 洪宪帝制[袁世凯]第五章防汛抗洪

    Hung Hsien Monarchy [ Yuan Shih-kai ] Chapter V Flood Control and Flood Fighting

  24. 有关袁世凯史料三件考证

    Research of Three Documents of Yuan Shi-kai

  25. 略述袁世凯的警察教育思想

    On Yuan Shikai 's police education thoughts

  26. 李大钊为何称袁世凯“一世怪杰”

    Why did Li Dazhao call Yuan Shikai to be " a generation peculiar person "

  27. 袁世凯与中国近代教育改革

    China Yuan Shikai and Modern Education Reform

  28. 载沣被免职后,袁世凯和他的北洋军阀们有效地控制了清朝的政治。

    With Zaifeng gone , Yuan Shikai and his Beiyang commanders effectively dominated Qing politics .

  29. 日本排挤、打击袁世凯,则是袁仇日政策的必然的结果。

    And Japanese ' attack to Yuan-Shikai is the natural result of Yuan-Shikai 's hostile policies .

  30. 袁世凯与各省都督府代表联合会联合国系统各组织出席会议的代表

    Representation of organization of the United Nations system at conferences and Meetings - the United Nations