
  • 网络between-subjects design;between subjects design
  1. 实验三采用的是知识类型2(陈述性知识,程序性知识)×呈现问题2(呈现问题,不呈现问题)的被试间设计。

    This experiment uses the knowledge style 2 ( declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge ) x 2 presents the problem ( present the problem , do not present issues ) of the between-subjects design .

  2. 本研究采用了知识类型2(陈述性知识,程序性知识)×呈现方式3(文字+声音,图片+声音,动画+声音)的被试间设计。

    This study introduces knowledge style 2 ( declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge ) x presentation 3 ( text + sound , picture + sound , animation + sound ) of the between-subjects design .

  3. 采用单因素被试间设计(呈现刻板印象vs无刻板印象)。

    The experiment uses single-factor between-subject design & negative stereotype vs no stereotype .

  4. 采用2(性别:男vs女)×2(策略条件:有vs无)两因素被试间设计。

    The experiment uses two factors between-subject design & gender ( male vs female ) X condition ( strategic vs non-strategic ) .

  5. 实验二采用2(学习材料难度:容易vs复杂)×2(呈现方式:单通道vs双通道)的混合设计,呈现方式为被试间设计,材料难易为被试内设计。

    In experiment ⅱ, we employed a mixed design , 2 ( learning materials difficulty : easy vs. complex )× 2 ( presentation mode : single channel vs. dual channel ), and presentation mode is between-subject design , the learning materials difficulty is within-subject design .

  6. 实验一采用2(年龄:老年人组vs年轻人组)×2(呈现方式:单通道vs双通道)的被试间设计。

    Participants were the students of an elderly university and university students of second-year In experiment I , we employer a between-subject design , 2 ( age : the old group vs. younger group ) x2 ( presentation mode : single channel vs. dual channel ) .

  7. 实验采用被试间设计,三个实验组、一个控制组。

    In the experiment , there are three experimental groups and one control groups in the testers .

  8. 采用2(先前知识)×8(文本组织形式)的被试间设计,以平均搜索时间和迷路指数为因变量。

    A 2 X 8 experiment design with 8 repeats was employed . The independent variables were prior knowledge and text organization forms . The dependent variables were the mean search time and lostness .

  9. 实验2同样采用了2×2被试间设计,区分了2种收入来源(常规收入、额外收入)及2种阈下启动条件(非仁爱启动、仁爱启动)对助人行为的效果。

    Experiment 2 also adopted a 2 × 2 between-subject design , and made a distinction in the effects on helping behaviors between two sources of income ( conventional income and additional income ) and two prime conditions which are not subliminal .

  10. 实验采取两因素的被试间实验设计。

    Two factors experimental design between subjects was taken .

  11. 采用被试间实验设计,减少单个被试在实验中的工作量,以控制疲劳效应和练习效应。

    Second , the design of experiment between subjects , reduce a single test in the experiments of workload to control effects of fatigue and practice effect .

  12. 本研究采用实验法。整个研究由三个实验构成,采用三因素被试间析因设计。

    The whole study consist of three experiments which adopt three factoral experiments design .

  13. 实验采用团队局域网络模拟方法和被试间因子式设计,分别设置了高目标冲突(个体目标导向)和低目标冲突(团队目标导向)等两种条件。

    This study employed an experimental simulation method using a between-subject factorial design with two conditions ( high goal conflict under individual goals vs low goal conflict under team goals ) . Network experimental simulation methodology was used .

  14. 拆包方式和问题类别采用组内设计,情境类别和被试类别采用组间设计。

    The packing methods and the question categories use within-subject design , and , the situation categories and the subjects categories use between-subject design .

  15. 其中,词性和加工方式为被试内设计,语言类别为被试间设计。

    Among them , the language category is the between-subjects design ; The parts of speech and the processing method are within-subjects design .

  16. 该研究采用三因素被试者内&被试者间混合实验设计,考察了警示信息在说明中的位置、呈现方式和消费品因素对消费者危险感受的影响。

    Within-subject and between-subject crossed three factors design was conducted to investigate the effects of warning 's location , presentation and product 's category on perceived hazard .

  17. 实验二和实验三分别选取80名被试,进行2×2的被试间实验设计。

    In the second and third experiment , 80 participants were chosen separately and the experimental design with 2 × 2 between-person levels of analysis was made .

  18. 以初中二年级学生为被试,采用2×2二因素被试间完全随机设计,探讨在合作学习条件下,奖赏互赖和方法互赖对学生不同加工水平的认知结果的影响。

    This research using 2 × 2 between subjects factorial design to explore , under cooperative conditions , the effects of reward and means interdependence on the cognitive outcomes in different processing levels . The subjects were junior school students in grade two .