
  1. 创作载体之装订形式,成为贯穿整本书册的视觉元素;

    The binding forms of the carrier become the visual elements throughout the entire artwork ;

  2. 毛边书作为图书的一种装订形式,曾因鲁迅的提倡而风行一时。

    As a special format of bookbinding , uncut books are the entire vogue for a time owing to the promotion of Lu Xun .

  3. 艺术类图书由于大小不一、厚度不一、装订形式较特殊等原因,排架不够合理,容易造成乱架倒架,利用率不高。

    Due to the above reasons , current shelving of art books is not rational , which can easily cause art books out of order and reduce availability of art books .

  4. 书顶(上切口):平行印纹及在它之上的书页边缘,亦用来表示任何装订形式的上边。

    Head : The edge of a page or book , parallel to and above the printed matter ; also used to indicate the upper positions on any form of binding .