
  • 网络art deco
  1. 装饰艺术运动也为后现代主义设计提供了大量可资参考的材料。

    The rich economic basis of the west needs the diversification and popularization of Art Deco movement also offers great deal of reference material for post-modernism design .

  2. 其中,以新艺术运动、装饰艺术运动和现代主义建筑为代表的西方现代建筑是20世纪上半叶欧美建筑发展的主导潮流。

    Art Nouveau ? Art Deco and Modern Architecture are the leading architectural development trend in Europe and U.S.A in the first half of 20th century .

  3. 美国装饰艺术运动作品选

    Work Selection of American Decorative Art Movement

  4. 装饰艺术运动及其风格

    Decorative Art Movement and its Style

  5. 19世纪末在欧洲和美国产生并发展起来的一次具有相当影响力的装饰艺术运动,旨在重新掀起对传统手工艺的重视和热衷。

    In the end of the 19th century , there originated and developed a very influential decoration art movement in Europe and America with the theme to reevaluate the traditional handicraft .