
  • 网络Brown Dwarf
  1. 孩子们也可以通过参与公民科学项目为正在进行中的科学项目做贡献,如通过图像搜索新的褐矮星和行星、利用卫星数据帮助生物学家追踪企鹅种群,还能训练计算机像科学家一样思考,以便未来参与火星任务。

    Kids can also contribute to science in progress by joining citizen science projects , like combing through images to search for new brown dwarfs and planets , using satellite data to help biologists track penguin populations , and training a computer to think like a scientist for future Mars missions .

  2. 介于恒星与行星的天体&褐矮星

    Brown Dwarfs , The Objects Intervening Between Stars and Planets

  3. 这一褐矮星已经被正式编号为WISEJ104915.57-531906。

    And it 's been dubbed WISE J085510.83-071442.5 .

  4. WISE和Spizer的红外线镜也只能依稀辨别褐矮星微弱的光芒。

    Its dim thermal glow was just barely discernible to the infrared eyes of WISE and Spitzer .

  5. 美国航空航天局的科学家借助WISA和Spitzer太空望远镜观测到了褐矮星。

    It was spotted recently by NASA 's WISE and Spitzer space telescopes .

  6. 一个引人注目的课题&褐矮星研究

    An Attractive Topic & Brown Dwarf research

  7. 研究人员在一些细节上有所不同,但他们的共识是这可能是一颗褐矮星。

    Researchers differ in some details , but the consensus is that this is probably a brown dwarf .

  8. 我的小儿子想成为天文学家,正在加州的一家观象台实习,每天搜寻着小行星和褐矮星。

    my younger , the astronomer , has an internship at an observatory in California , searching for planetoids and brown dwarfs .

  9. 它可能是一颗彗星,流氓星球,或作为保持本书,一个垂死褐矮星的配套溶胶。

    It could be a comet , rogue planet , or as this book maintains , a dying brown dwarf companion to Sol .

  10. 本文综述了褐矮星的研究历史、观测特性以及褐矮星的探测方法,并详细介绍了本人在攻读硕士学位期间在褐矮星巡天探测方面所做的研究工作。

    In this thesis I first give an introduction to the research history , observational properties and the detect methods of brown dwarfs .

  11. 对诸如上述图片的更详细研究表明,在星云中还隐藏着数以百计的低质量褐矮星。

    Detailed inspection of images like the above image has revealed hundreds of low-mass brown dwarf stars lurking in the nebula 's gas .

  12. 多年来,我们常常将存在各种重子暗物质(如:褐矮星或黑洞)的可能性排除在外。

    Over the years , we 've pretty much ruled out all sorts of baryonic dark matter possibilities like brown dwarfs or black holes .

  13. 今天我们要讲述的是褐矮星,它和其他恒星的形成过程没什么两样,但因质量不够大,不足以在核心点燃聚变反应的气态天体形成燃烧的恒星。

    The object is a brown dwarf , which started off the same way that more conventional stars form , but which lacked the mass required for nuclear fusion to ignite and radiate starlight .