
  • Southwest University of Finance and Economics;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, SWUFE
  1. 中国西南财经大学(SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)6月份的一项调查报告显示,2013年中国城镇地区整体住房空置率超过20%,而截至今年8月份,空置住房占据了4.2万亿元(约6740亿美元)的住房贷款余额。

    A survey by China 's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in June said that more that 20 % of homes in urban areas were actually vacant , while as of August , around $ 674 billion was owed on empty properties .

  2. 中国西南财经大学兼美国德州农工大学(TexasA&MUniversity)教授、调查牵头人甘犁说,这使中国的收入分配不平等状况差于美国,甚至比非洲国家还要差。

    That makes China more unequal than the United States and even more unequal than African societies ' said Gan Li a Professor at China 's South Western University of Finance and Economics and Texas A & M University in the U.S. who led the survey .

  3. 总结了西南财经大学图书馆重点学科导航库的建设历程,重点描述了在建设CALIS理论经济学导航库实践中的一些体会,并提出了理论经济学导航库今后的发展方向。

    This article generalizes the construction process of the key discipline navigation database , puts emphasis on some insights into the construction of CALIS theoretical economics navigation data base , and forecasts the prospects of it .

  4. 西南财经大学网络辅助教学平台结构设计与创新

    The Structural Design and Innovation of Network-based CAI Platform of SWUFE

  5. 这种独特的授课方式最先是被西南财经大学一位姓黄的同学发布到微博上去的。

    The unusual classroom activity was first publicized on the microblog of a SWUFE student surnamed Huang .

  6. 俺是一个阿坝州的孩子,大学考中了成都的西南财经大学。

    I was a child Aba , examinations of the Chengdu University of the Southwest University of Finance and Economics .

  7. 本周二,西南财经大学在官网上发布公告,证实卢勇是该校的一名讲座教授。

    On Tuesday , SUFE posted a statement on its official website , confirming Lu was a guest professor at the university .

  8. 对西南财经大学大四50名学生,电子科技大学50名大学生以及四川师范大学的50名大学生进行了问卷调查。

    About the survey , it has surveyed 150 students in Sichuan Normal University , southwest University of Finance and Economics , University of Electronic Science and Technology in China .

  9. 来自成都西南财经大学心理健康中心的巩雨轩教授志愿为一位在地震中幸存的老年女性提供咨询服务。

    Professor Gong Yuxuan , who works at the Psychological Health Centre at Chengdu 's Southwest Finance University , volunteers to provide counseling for an elderly woman who survived the quake .

  10. 调查是由位于四川省的西南财经大学在去年年底进行的,覆盖全国4000个家庭。

    The survey was conducted at the end of last year by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics , in Sichuan Province , and covered 4,000 households across the country .

  11. 新加坡管理大学也同厦门大学、华中科技大学、西南财经大学合作设立了金融经济学的硕士学位。

    SMU 's School of Economics has also tied-up with Xiamen University , Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Southwest University of Finance and Economics for its Master of Science in Financial Economics programme .

  12. 卢勇,是西南财经大学的一名短期讲座教授,在上海飞纽约的美联航某航班起飞前,他要求升舱。

    Lu Yong , a guest professor with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics ( SUFE ) , demanded a seat upgrade prior to his United Airlines flight from Shanghai to New York Sunday afternoon .

  13. 西南财经大学近日在学校官方网站发布通报,大闹赴美航班的西南财经大学短期讲座教授已经被校方解聘。

    A guest professor of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has been sacked for causing a disturbance on a plane bound for the US , according to a statement posted on the university 's official website .

  14. 目前,西南财经大学也已经建立起了覆盖全校的校园网,并建立了一系列基础网络应用系统,已经具备了进行网络辅助教学的基本条件。

    Presently , SWUFE has also set up her own campus network which covers the whole university and established a series of basic network application systems . It has the basic foundation to implement CAI based on network .

  15. 根据调研结果,结合西南财经大学实际,明确网络辅助教学平台建设的方向和创新点。2.分析现代教育技术在网络辅助教学中的应用,明确其作用。

    Pointing out the direction and creation point of establishing the Network-based CAI Platform with the actual situation of SWUFE . 2 . Analyze the application of modern educational technology in CAI based on network and makes clear its effect .