
  1. 西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院;

    School of metallurgical Engineering , Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology ;

  2. 以人为本以学促术自强不息艰苦奋斗&再谋西安建筑科技大学学科建设的跨越式发展

    The Leap-forward Development of Academic Construction of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

  3. 通过基于MATLAB的地震波频谱分析,说明了小波分析方法在拟动力试西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文验中地震波截取方面的应用;

    By analysis of frequency spectrum based on MATLAB platform , wavelet method in the application of cutting out a section of inputting earthquake wave was presented .

  4. 并西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文且通过工程改进性实测,对单层百叶风口上送风和散流器送风的温度场进行了比较。

    And contracts the temperature field by shutter air supply and diffuser air supply .

  5. 改性纤维随西安建筑科技大学着改性剂浓度的增大表面摩擦系数明显降低。

    The friction factor of modified fiber 's surface is clearly reduced with the concentration of modification rising .

  6. 在城市民俗旅游社区,针对民俗旅游资源评价、社区开发条件,文章提出如何开发民俗旅游社区。在民俗节庆部分,笔西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文者提出开发民俗节庆的四种模式。

    In the section of urban folklore tourism community , it is brought out the measures of folklore community exploitations , aiming at exploitation conditions .

  7. 西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文论文还详细讨论了项目办公室概念,提出中小建筑企业项目办公室的三大职能,即项目经理管理、专家与技术支持以及管理与括喘四项目。

    We also discuss the concept of the project office , bring forward the three functions of the project office : project manager management , support of expert and technology , project control .

  8. 应用神经网络和动态子结构模型完成复杂结构的参数识别,尤其考虑了模态数据中包含噪声和不完备西安建筑科技大学博士论文测量信息的情况。

    A neural network-based on substructural identification was presented for the estimation of the parameters of a complex structural system , particularly for the case with noisy and incomplete measurement of the modal data .

  9. 对于同一种土,水源端自由水含量较小,而含水量梯度相对较大,则气态水迁移量所占比西安建筑科技大学硕士论文例将越大;

    As to the same soil , when the water source doesn 't have much free water and the water contents gradient is relatively greater , the ratio of water vapor transfer is much greater ;

  10. 加工温度低于900℃时,拉剪试样的断口上可以看到韧窝状形貌,主要的断裂机制是韧西安建筑科技大学硕士研究生论文性断裂和解理断裂以及沿晶断裂。

    When the heat temperature under 900 C , tough looks can be observed in the rapture of the shear sample , and the main rapture mechanisms contain plastic rapture and decode fracture , and brittle rapture .

  11. 同时总结了生态设计思想的主要原理与内涵,并以西安建筑科技大学草堂校区规划设计的实例具体说明与论证了生态设计思想在大学校园规划设计中的应用。

    Meanwhile , summaries the major theory and connotation of ecological design concept , and makes the " caotang " campus planning of Xi'an university of architecture and technology as an example to demonstrate ecological design concept applied in the campus planning concretely .

  12. 在研究了电视媒体视频新闻传播系统的基础上,建立了基于流媒体技术的视频新闻网络发布系统,并应用此系统原理完成了西安建筑科技大学视频新闻网的建设。

    With the study on video news dissemination system of television media , this paper builts a video news network issuing system which is based on streaming media technique . Applying this system , Xi ′ an University of architecture and technology video news network is built .