
  • 网络Western financial accounting
  1. 西方财务会计经验研究综述

    A Review of Western Financial Accounting Empirical Research A Glimpse at the West

  2. 中西方财务会计差异比较

    A Contrastive Analysis of the Accounting between China and Western Countries

  3. 自从亚洲经济危机以来,政府部门出台了许多新的法律来规范企业行为,包括采用西方的财务会计标准,为公司董事会委派独立的执行董事,以及保护小股东的权益等等。

    Since the Asian financial crisis , governments have instituted new laws on how businesses should behave , including adopting Western accounting standards , appointing independent directors on company boards and protecting minority shareholders ' rights .