
  • 网络West Jerusalem
  1. 这个实验室的主任MukhlesSowwan与位于西耶路撒冷的希伯来大学的物理学家DannyPorath一起向IPSO提交了一份研究申请。

    The laboratory 's director , Mukhles Sowwan , submitted a research proposal to IPSO together with Danny Porath , a physicist at the Hebrew University in West Jerusalem .

  2. 那里携带武器的巴勒斯坦人怎么会在犹太人聚居的西耶路撒冷地区袭击犹太教堂呢?

    How is it that armed Palestinians from there managed to attack a synagogue in Jewish West Jerusalem ?

  3. 在西耶路撒冷的街道上,有些人说,他们考虑不投票,比如这名男士。

    On the streets of West Jerusalem , some people like this man say they thought about not voting .

  4. 两名巴勒斯坦人使用枪支和切肉刀在西耶路撒冷杀害了四名犹太教教士,之后被警方击毙。

    Two Palestinians armed with a gun and meat cleavers killed four rabbis in West Jerusalem before being shot dead .

  5. 经过了数十年的冲突之后,一位西耶路撒冷居民在旧城的雅法门附近表示,双方并没有进行有意义的对话的共同基础。

    After decades of conflict , some like this West Jerusalem resident speaking near the Jaffa Gate of the Old City say there is not enough common ground for meaningful dialogue .

  6. 埃米莉·哈里斯连线:袭击发生在今天清晨,大约七点左右,当时西耶路撒冷的一间犹太教堂正在进行晨祷。

    EMILY HARRIS , BYLINE : Well , things started off pretty early in the morning , right around 7 a.m. during morning prayers at a neighborhood synagogue in West Jerusalem .

  7. 但是生活在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人,或者是以色列公民和耶路撒冷居民,他们可以去以色列的任何地方,包括西耶路撒冷地区。

    But Palestinians who live in Jerusalem , who may be Israeli citizens or may be just residents of Jerusalem , can travel anywhere in Israeli , including to West Jerusalem neighborhoods .

  8. 这两名男子是唐兄弟,他们都来自东耶路撒冷地区,准确地说是将以色列和约旦河西岸隔离的隔离墙和位于西耶路撒冷的犹太聚居地之间,他们就生活在这两个地方中间。

    These two men , who are cousins , were both from an East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood that is basically in-between the separation wall separating Israel from the West Bank and a West Jerusalem neighborhood - a Jewish neighborhood - right in between those two .