
  • 网络Cowboy;west cowboy;cowgirl
  1. 一位叫本(Ben)的孩子想知道,跟他们一起的一位北美访客是“西部牛仔还是印第安人”。

    A boy named Ben wanted to know whether a North American visitor accompanying them was'a cowboy or an Indian . '

  2. 在描述西部牛仔的老电影中,恶人最终总有恶报。

    In the old cowboy films , the baddies always get beaten in the end .

  3. 男孩们过去常玩西部牛仔与印第安人的游戏。

    Boys used to play at cowboys and Indians .

  4. 玩美国西部牛仔与印第安人游戏的孩子们

    children playing a game of cowboys and Indians

  5. 那些西部牛仔常在星期六到镇上去狂欢一番。

    The western cowboys usually went to town so Saturdays to live it up .

  6. 我们来玩西部牛仔和印地安人。

    Let 's play cowboys and Indians .

  7. 美国西部牛仔的神话与现实

    The Myth And Reality of American Cowboys

  8. 听起来像是西部牛仔片。

    It sounds like a cowboy film .

  9. 你喜欢西部牛仔的电影吗?美国人

    Do you like cowboy movies ? American

  10. 正是牛仔广为宣传“敏捷就是无纪律的、针对西部牛仔程序员的方法”的神话。

    It is the cowboy that has propagated the myth that Agile is an undisciplined approach for wild-west coders .

  11. 此后乡村音乐广为流行,很多歌手在登台演唱时都戴着饰有流苏的西部牛仔帽。

    It was widely popular then and many singers turned up on stage wearing Western fringe and cowboy hats .

  12. 马术史诗电影「沙漠骑兵」改编自真人真事,主角为冒险犯难的西部牛仔法兰克霍普金斯和他的骏马希道勾。

    The horse epic " Hidalgo " is based on the real-life adventures of cowboy Frank T.Hopkins and his steed Hidalgo .

  13. 欧文.威斯特被誉为美国西部牛仔小说之父,在美国文学中占有重要地位。

    Owen Wister is regarded as " father of American western cowboy novel " and occupies an important position in American literature .

  14. 体现美国式风情的现场乐队演出、轻松的自娱游戏节目及各式主题派对,带您进入美国西部牛仔世界。

    Here , you can devote yourself into the entertaining games and theme parties , shuttling into the world of cowboys in Western America .

  15. 确实如此,过去的西部牛仔花更多时间相伴的不是美女而是马匹,所以这种形象也不是完全不对。

    As the cowboy of the " Old West " spent more time with his horse than the ladies , this image was not entirely false .

  16. 随着牛仔电影的世界化及西部牛仔小说在美国文学及文化中的重要地位和贡献,牛仔小说及牛仔文化必将会受到越来越多的重视。

    With the globalization of the Hollywood and the increasing importance of cowboy novels in American literature , more stress will be put on cowboy novels and cowboy culture .

  17. 美国国家电影目录即将迎来30岁生日,届时将新加入一批影片,内容将从恐龙自灭绝中归来,到西部牛仔同性爱情故事,再到美国土著的故事。

    The National Film Registry is turning 30 and will bring in a new crop of films ranging from dinosaurs ' return from extinction , a cowboys-in-love drama and stories showcasing Native Americans .

  18. 两名铁骑匪洗劫一小镇的酒吧,横行无忌,扬言会对报警者大开杀戒。西部牛仔表演的演员约翰英勇无惧,用一支没有上弹的枪将两名骑匪制服。

    A small , remote desert town is turned upside down when two bikers from the Iron Bandits gang show up at a local bar , rough up the patrons and rob the place .

  19. [美俚]描绘美国西部牛仔、盗匪生活的影片[电视剧]出版学术性刊物,促进历史研究,开发证明二战时期的美中合作的历史文献电视纪录片。

    To publish academic journals , promote historical research and to assist in the development and production of historical documentary film and television projects that document American and Chinese cooperation throughout the Second World War era .

  20. 这些战士中的许多人是美国西部的牛仔。

    Most of the men were cowboys from America 's southwest .

  21. 甚至在万宝路进入中国市场之前,中国人很早就熟悉了美国西部、牛仔、个人自由和阳刚之气,并对此羡慕不已。

    Marlboro even before entering the China market , the Chinese people are very familiar with the early American West , the cowboy , personal freedom and masculine energy , and this would envy .

  22. 风景这边独好美国西部小说(牛仔故事)初探

    Beauty here is special preliminary research on American Western novels cowboy stories

  23. 西部最整洁的牛仔!

    LEONA : The neatest cowboy in all the West !

  24. 美国西部牧区拓荒的牛仔与牧羊人

    Pioneering Cowboys and Shepherds on the American West Range

  25. 在美国西部你看到男女牛仔是讲得通的。

    It kind of makes sense that you 'd find cowboys and cowgirls in the American west .

  26. 在30年代,牛仔裤一直被认为是工人裤。然后在美国的好莱坞西部影片中的牛仔身穿这种牛仔裤才流行起来,从此,普通的人开始穿起这种牛仔裤。

    Jeans were just considered work clothes until the1930s.then popular Hollywood Westerns showed jean-clad cowboys , and regular people started to want the pants .

  27. 而上映第一周便摘得冠军的西部科幻片《牛仔与外星人》上周表现不佳,仅收入1580万美元,列于第三位。自此,本片的总收入也达到了6740万美元。

    The sci-fi Western " Cowboys & Aliens ," which debuted at No.1 narrowly ahead of " The Smurfs " a week earlier , fell to third with $ 15.8 million , raising its total to $ 67.4 million .