
shì jué xìn hào
  • visual signals/sign
  1. 等概率视觉信号选择反应P300的研究

    Study on P300 of Selective Response to Visual Signals with Half to Half Probability

  2. 上述结果表明,GABA广泛分布于牛蛙视网膜的各层,提示它在视觉信号的传递过程中发挥着重要作用。

    This distribution pattern of GABA-IR in the bullfrog retina suggests that GABAmay play an important role in transmission and modulation of visual signals in both the outer and inner retina .

  3. 弧焊过程视觉信号小波处理的研究

    The research of vision signal wavelet 's processing in arc welding

  4. 视觉信号的初级处理发生在视网膜。

    The initial visual information processing occurs in the retina .

  5. 视觉信号具有信号探测范围宽、获取信息丰富等优点。

    Vision has the advantage of broad sensing area and full information .

  6. GB1251.2-1996人类工效学险情视觉信号一般要求设计和检验

    " Ergonomics Visual danger signals General requirements , design and testing "

  7. 电动火警报警器,装有音响或视觉信号装置

    Fire-alarm , electric , incorporating sound or visual signaling devices

  8. 结构和纹理是视觉信号特有的两类成分。

    The structure and the texture are the particular components of visual data .

  9. 视觉信号在中枢的整合:同步振荡产生的机理和功能

    Integration of Visual Signals in the Brain : Mechanisms and Functional Significance of Synchronous Oscillation

  10. GB/T8416-1987视觉信号表面色

    Surface colors for visual signalling

  11. 光学诱导屈光不正对视觉信号传导及皮层反应影响的电生理研究

    Electrophysiologic Research on Effects of Optic Induced Ametropia Upon Visual Signals Transmitting and Response Intensity of Visual Cortex

  12. 视觉信号反馈的练习方法要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

    The practical method of vision signal feedback is much better than the practical method of hearing signal feedback .

  13. 这说明在视觉信号转导过程中,外侧膝状体起着非常重要的作用。

    This indicates that in the entire transmission process of visual information the lateral geniculate nucleus plays a extremely important role .

  14. 新近发展起来的多电极记录技术为更好地了解视觉信号在视网膜神经节细胞中的加工传递过程提供了可能。

    In order to understand the information processing in retinal ganglion cells , the recently developed multi-electrode arrays have been employed .

  15. 并在此基础之上,通过将表面肌电信号和加速计信号与视觉信号相结合,初步探索多传感器融合下的手势识别。

    Then the sEMG signals and ACC signals were combined with visual signals to explore the multi-sensors fusion based gesture recognition initially .

  16. 这些神经元同位于大脑后部处理视觉信号的脑皮层取得联系,在脑中激活钥匙形象。

    These neurons make connection with the visual cortex at the back of the brain , activating a mental image of keys .

  17. 当我们真心微笑时,我们传达出了与和善、温暖、幸福、可接近和值得信任相关的视觉信号。

    When we smile with sincerity , we transmit a visual image associated with kindness , warmth , happiness , approachability and trustworthiness .

  18. 这正是因为大脑可以进行瞬时的视觉信号处理哪怕不经过任何的后台处理。

    That is because the brain can carry out immediate visual processing even when it does not have time for any cognitive back-chatter .

  19. 那么第一个目标得到一个信息比如之前说的老鼠,得到一个视觉信号,并传递给第二个目标。

    So the first subject got a message , like our rats , a visual message , and transmitted it to the second subject .

  20. 将视觉信号和表面肌电信号以及加速计信号相结合,通过多传感器融合来实现手势识别。

    The visual signals , sEMG signals and the ACC signals were combined together to carry out gesture recognition based on the multi-sensors fusion .

  21. 牛磺酸具有广泛的生理药理作用,能调节机体的糖代谢和脂代谢,具有细胞保护、抗心律失常、抗高血压和抗动脉粥样硬化、抗心力衰竭、改善学习记忆能力、改善视觉信号传导等作用。

    Taurine has plenty of physiological and Pharmacological reactions . It can regulate glycometabolism and lipometabolism , improve learning and memory ability and visual signal conduction .

  22. 人眼对于视觉信号在不同的尺度上有多个频率离散的通道,各个通道对信号的不同频率成分有不同的敏感度,视觉信息是这些通道信号的合成。

    The distinct channels with discrete frequency exist in human vision system , which have different sensibility for different range of both spatial and frequency respectively .

  23. 看到建筑工人向半个街区远的女性吹口哨时,你就会发现视觉信号比信息素更有效。

    Watch any construction worker whistling at a passing woman from half a block away , and you can see how visual cues can be more powerful .

  24. 所以,在技术软件文档中,图表和流程图之类的视觉信号非常有效。

    It is no wonder , then , that visual cues such as diagrams and flow charts are so effective when it comes to technical software documentation .

  25. 来自皮层和丘脑的视觉信号与空间信息结合后到达前庭核,由此引发了更为复杂的前庭反射。

    The optokinetic signals from cerebral cortex and thalamus reach vestibular nucleus after their combination with the space signals , which triggers off the more complex vestibular reflex .

  26. 实验结果表明,听觉加视觉信号反馈的练习方法对长传球准确性的教学效果要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。

    The result indicates that the practice method of hearing and vision signal feedback is much better than that of hearing signal feedback in the teaching effect of long pass .

  27. 视觉信号在光感受器细胞上形成输入,并被转换成电信号,经视网膜神经元回路传递至输出神经元&神经节细胞,形成动作电位,然后通过视神经进一步向视中枢传递。

    These signals are then propagated through the retinal circuitry to the output neurons ( the ganglion cells ) and are relayed to the brain in the form of the action potentials .

  28. 目的:探讨具有两种冲突信息的视觉信号进入大脑后,冲突处理系统的工作机制及注意对该系统的影响。

    Objective : To study the working mechanism of the conflicting processing system when the dual conflict information enters the brain , and to reveal if this system is influenced by attention system .

  29. 你知道,脑波的活动从枕叶&后脑勺加工视觉信号的地方,扩散到额叶。

    You see brainwave activity spread from the sensory processing area of the occipital lobe , the bit at the back of the brain that processes visual signals , to the brain 's frontal lobe .

  30. 视网膜是视觉信号产生和初步整合处理的部位,其病变严重影响患者的视觉功能,造成大量的盲和低视力。

    Retina plays a very important role in the formation , transmission and primary reorganization of visual signal , whose pathological changes could severely influence the visual function of the patients and cause blindness or low vision .