
shì jué zhànɡ ài
  • Visual impairment;dysopsia
  1. 10年前,人们认为要让有视觉障碍的人(甚至盲人)使用Web是非常可笑的;但今天却实现了。

    Ten years ago , the idea that the vision-impaired or even the blind might use the Web seemed ridiculous ; today it is a simple reality .

  2. 主要表现为视觉障碍的MM2皮质型散发克-雅病

    The MM2-cortical form of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease presenting with visual disturbance

  3. 短暂性视觉障碍(TVD)是由于动脉狭窄或栓塞、偏头痛等使眼部血流量降低、视网膜缺血、缺氧引起的。

    Transient visual disturbance ( TVD ) is caused by artery stenosis , or artery embolism and migraine , which lead to reduction of eye blood flow , retinal ischemia and hypoxia .

  4. 有些人,比如视觉障碍人士,根本就看不到CAPTCHA图像,所以这个技巧的适用性比较差,在某些情况下甚至是不合法的。

    And some people , such as the visually impaired , cannot see CAPTCHA images at all , so this technique exhibits poor accessibility , and can even be illegal in some circumstances .

  5. 结果11例中眩晕、呕吐5例,Horner征4例,视觉障碍2例,幻觉2例,肢体瘫4例,睡眠倒错与去脑强直各1例。

    Results Of the 11 patients , five suffered from vertigo and vomitting , four from Horner 's sign , two from visual disorder , two from hallucination , four from limb paralysis , one from sleep reversal , and one from decerebrate rigidity .

  6. 患有视觉障碍的患者可能无法找到控制装置。

    People with visual impairments may be unable to find controls .

  7. 视觉障碍儿童人格特征的比较研究

    A comparative research on the personality characteristics of visually handicapped children

  8. 结果18例患儿因家人发现其有明显视觉障碍来诊。

    Results All of the 18 patients manifested obvious visual impairment .

  9. InfoEyes&为视觉障碍用户提供的虚拟参考咨询服务

    InfoEyes & A Virtual Reference Service for Visually Impaired Users

  10. 视觉障碍儿童口语能力的初步分析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Spoken Language Ability on Children with Visual Handicap

  11. 全方位立体视觉障碍物检测技术的研究。

    Study on the obstacle detection technology using binocular ODVS .

  12. 大多数患有视觉障碍的人需要更高功能的工具来满足日常所需。

    Impairments will need a utility with higher functionality for daily use .

  13. 颈椎性视觉障碍28例报告

    A report on 28 cases lower vision caused by the cervical spondylosis

  14. 与一种无明显器官病理的视觉障碍相关。

    Pertaining to a kind of visual impairment without apparent organic pathology .

  15. 视觉障碍者基于位置和频率的听觉返回抑制研究

    The Study of the Weak-sighted between Location-and Frequency-based Auditory Inhibition of Return

  16. 12岁澳大利亚儿童人群的可矫正和不可矫正视觉障碍的研究

    Correctable and Non-Correctable Visual Impairment in a Population-Based Sample of 12-Year-Old Australian Children

  17. 视觉障碍者的跨通道重组研究综述

    A Review of Researches on the Cross-model Reorganization of People with Visual Impairments

  18. 公共图书馆与为视觉障碍群体服务

    Public Libraries and the Service for the Group of People Who Have Dysopia

  19. 目的探讨颅脑损伤后视觉障碍的分型和处理对策。

    Objective To analyse the types and treatments of dysopia after severe craniocerebral injuries .

  20. 因此本研究运用了信号检测论的方法来考察视觉障碍儿童的辨音能力。

    Therefor this research was designed to examine this issue by signal detection theory .

  21. 盲校学生视觉障碍差异调查研究

    An Investigation on Difference in Visual Impairment of Students in Schools for the Blind

  22. 我国图书馆视觉障碍群体服务研究综述

    A Review on the Research of Library Service to the Visually Impaired People in China

  23. 结果头痛是急性垂体卒中最常见的临床症状,其次是视觉障碍,再次为眼肌麻痹。

    Results Headache was the most common symptom , followed by visual disturbance and ophthalmoplegia .

  24. 教育对于视觉障碍儿童词义理解有显著作用。

    Education was essential in the development of vocabulary comprehension of children with visual impairment .

  25. 社区老年视觉障碍患者就医行为与影响因素的研究

    The influencing factors and the treatment seeking behavior of old patients with vision impairment in community

  26. 谈早期视觉障碍及儿童和老人的眼部疾病检测。

    SightFirst Project Talk on early visual disorder and Eye diseases detection for Children and elderly .

  27. 视觉障碍儿童的听觉比较灵敏,其具体表现如听觉记忆强,听觉注意好等等。

    Visual impaired children have sensitive hearing , for example big hearing memory and good hearing attention .

  28. 患有视觉障碍的患者可能无法看到尺寸太小的输出。

    Individuals who are visually impaired may not be able to see output that is too small .

  29. 结论小儿视锥细胞和视锥杆细胞营养不良视觉障碍明显,眼球震颤较多见。

    Conclusion Visual impairment appeared more early and obvious than fundus changes in children with cone or cone-rod dystrophy .

  30. 最后,本文并进一步地讨论这些研究发现对视觉障碍者语言介入的含意。

    Finally , this paper concluded by discussing some implications of these findings for language intervention with this population .