
  • 网络role behavior;role behaviour
  1. 逆向供应链中角色行为分析的层次模型

    A Multi-Tiered Model of Role Behavior Analysis in Reverse Supply Chain

  2. 不同阶段分化的体育考生群体体育角色行为分析

    Research on Role Behavior of Testing Group of Physical Education on Differentiation

  3. 基于PFA的虚拟角色行为辅助设计工具

    Behavior Assistant Designing Tool for Virtual Character Based on PFA

  4. 作战仿真系统模型的复杂性主要来源于战场角色行为和战场环境的复杂性,多Agent系统是解决复杂问题的有效方法。

    The complexity of war game simulation model comes from the complexity of battlefield roles ' behavior and battlefield environment , and the system based on multi-agent is an effective approach to solve complex problem .

  5. 但是,从Pierce(1991)提出了心理所有权概念后,学者们验证了心理所有权与员工的角色行为正相关。

    However , since Pierce ( 1991 ) proposing the concept of psychological ownership , the scholars have verified psychological ownership is positive to employee behavior .

  6. 许多现代游戏包括非玩家控制角色行为的脚本化和使用执行bytecodes(比如Lua)的语言的其他游戏方面。

    Many modern games include scripting of nonplayer-character behaviors and other game aspects using languages that execute bytecodes ( such as Lua ) .

  7. 学校经营中校长角色行为研究

    Research on the Transition of Headmaster 's Role in School Management

  8. 处于每一发展阶段的教师表现出不同的角色行为特征。

    Teachers in different stages have different behavior characteristics of teachers'roles .

  9. 构建和谐社会与政府的角色行为

    Construction of a harmonious society and the government 's role and behavior

  10. 扩展角色行为流程图及其应用研究

    A Study on the Expended Role-Action Flowchart and Its Application

  11. 角色行为、人力资源体系与心理契约调节效应

    Role Behaviors , Human Resource Systems , and Mediating Effect of Psychological Contracts

  12. 编辑角色行为的紧张与调适

    The Intensity and Adjustment of Editors ' Role Behavior

  13. 第三部分,基础教育新课程改革中教师角色行为分析。

    Part three is an analysis of the teachers ' role and behavior .

  14. 家长对教师角色行为变化的为难。

    Parents ' antipathy on the change of teachers'role .

  15. 伴随着社会转型,村干部的角色行为发生了相应的变化。

    With the social transformation , the role of village cadres ' behavior changed .

  16. 当代体育教师角色行为研究

    Research on Behavior of Physical Education Teachers

  17. 在工作中,编辑的角色行为会有一定的紧张感,表现为角色冲突与角色超载两种基本类型。

    Editors'behavior must have some sense of intensity in the work expressing itself in confliction and overloading .

  18. 提出家庭教育的目标是孩子角色行为的实现。

    It also puts forward that the aim of family education is to realize the children 's social roles .

  19. 按照其行为特征,角色行为可以划分为自主角色行为和非自主角色行为两类。

    According to their behavioral characteristics , role behavior can be divided into self-determination role behavior and non-self-determination role behavior .

  20. 本论文重点关注小学教师对新课程的接受理解和适应,并能相应表现出合适的角色行为,从而实现自己教学水平的提高,成为新课程的有效执行者和积极建设者。

    This article pays close attention to elementary teachers ' acceptation and adjustment of new curriculum to how they behave appropriately .

  21. 社会对编辑行为的期望以及编辑自身在工作中所表现的个体行为,构成了编辑角色行为。

    Editors ' role behavior is composed of social expectation to them and their own behavior in the course of work .

  22. 实施有效的角色行为教育,推进社会公德制度化以及社区公共生活的开展等,是解决目前社会公德矛盾的主要思路。

    Major approaches to solving these problems are education of role behaviors , promoting institutionalized public moral behaviors and expansion of public life in communities .

  23. 编辑要努力培养并具备良好的个性心理品质和稳定的社会行为素质以减少工作中编辑角色行为的紧张。

    Editors should exert themselves to cultivate fine psychological qualities and stable social behavior so that they can decrease role behavior 's intensity in their work .

  24. 论文分析了非自主角色行为的动作和行为的生成原理;自主角色行为的内部行为和外部行为构成机理。

    I have analyzed the behavior of non-self-determination role and behavior generation theory and the constituted mechanism in the internal behavior and external behavior of self-determination role behavioral .

  25. 父母在儿童家庭学习中监督的角色行为表明父母是在扮演学习监督者的角色,而这一角色的形成是与学校教育密切联系的。

    Parents supervising the children 's learning work in family are playing the role of learning supervisor . The forming of this role has close relationship with the school-family interaction .

  26. 最后,责任角色行为三概念之间存在严密的逻辑关系,即责任是客体对行为主体的角色期待,角色则是指与主体的社会地位和身份相连的被他人期望的行为模式。

    That is , responsibility is the role expectation of the guest to behavior subject , role is an expected behavior mode which is linked to the social status of the subject .

  27. 因此,学校经营中校长角色行为存在有哪些问题,如何实现校长角色转变、调整,是当前办学活动中急需解决的问题。

    Therefore , it is emergent to solve the problems which exist in the role of the headmaster and the problems of how their roles to adjust with the change of the society .

  28. 通过分析影响实习护生角色行为适应的因素,有针对性地采取相应对策,以利于实习护生角色行为的尽快适应。

    In this study , the relative factors that would influence the student role adaptation were analyzed and the effective strategies were performed so as to help the students to adapt their roles quickly .

  29. 从工作和管理两个方面对馆员角色行为规范进行了概述,探讨了馆员角色应具有的基本行为规范标准。

    This paper expounds the behavior standards of the role of librarian from two aspects of work and management , and probes into the basic behavior standards that the role of librarian should possess .

  30. 发掘我国戏曲表演中的精华,从中吸取营养,形成更具中国风格的动画角色行为特点、运动规律及夸张表演特征。

    To explore the essence of Chinese traditional opera performances , from which absorb nutrients , the formation of a more Chinese-style animated characters behavior , laws of motion and performance characteristics of an exaggeration .