
jì suàn jī fú wù
  • Computer Services;compuserve
  1. 这个网络将为家庭提供全方位的计算机服务。

    The network will provide the gamut of computer services to your home .

  2. Internet的发展,要求一些计算机服务能够提供不间断的数据访问服务。

    With the development of Internet , it requires continuous access to critical data in some cases .

  3. 然而,对于tcs和印孚瑟斯技术有限公司(infosystechnologies)等印度计算机服务公司来说,在中国扩张一直进展缓慢。

    Expanding in China , however , has been a relatively slow process for TCS and its peers at other Indian computer services companies , such as Infosys Technologies .

  4. 过去的恐怖老板不懂得这样对待员工。1884年一手创立美国计算机服务公司的JohnHenryPatterson会放火把无所作为的员工的桌子烧掉。

    The monsters of the past knew no such checks . John Henry Patterson , who founded the National Cash Register Company in 1884 , would set the desks of inept employees on fire .

  5. 本文介绍了西门子7570-C计算机服务处理机的特点、逻辑结构、硬件配置、软件系统和故障诊断方法。

    This paper describes the characteristics , logic architecture , hardware facilities , software system of the SVP of the Siemens 7570-C computer and fault-diagno-sing methods of the computer .

  6. 管理选定计算机服务、系统事件和存储设备。

    Manage the selected computer services , system events , and storage devices .

  7. 江西省水稻病虫治理计算机服务系统的研究

    Study on a computer service system for rice pest management of Jiangxi Province

  8. 图书馆现在提供计算机服务。

    The library is now offering computer service .

  9. 同时对中国进行计算机服务外包的关键成功因素进行了研究。

    At the same time , the key factors of successful outsourcing are studied .

  10. 我们的业务活动范围涉及到美国的采矿及苏格蓝的计算机服务。

    Our activity range from mining in the USA to computer servicing in Scotland .

  11. 对计算机服务中心记录的审计

    Audit of computer service center produced records

  12. 介绍如何构筑一个多媒体计算机服务信息平台系统,并作系统业务分析,以向拨号入网的用户提供包括文本、图像、图形、声音、影像等的多媒体信息服务。

    This paper introduces how to establish a multimedia information services database and the business related .

  13. (六)突出计算机服务业;

    Computer service is focused .

  14. 本文回顾了我国科技信息计算机服务系统建设的发展历程。

    This paper reviews the process of development of China 's computerized scientific and technological information service .

  15. 安吉拉是一个人力资源经理和莫里斯是一个计算机服务经理在同一家公司。

    Angela was a human resources manager and Maurice was a computer services manager in the same firm .

  16. 同时,酒店行业引入计算机服务和管理取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Meanwhile , hotels industry introduce computer services and management has also got a good economic and social benefits .

  17. 软件和计算机服务业取代采矿业,成为第5大最具价值行业,排在医药和科技硬件与设备之后。

    Software computer services overtook mining to become the fifth most valuable sector , behind pharmaceuticals and technology hardware equipment .

  18. 在研究了目前计算机服务外包领域的现状后,针对中国目前的基础提出了离岸外包的定位。

    After studying the current worldwide situation , an offshore outsourcing positioning strategy is recommended based on Chinese IT characteristics .

  19. 本文定义了计算机服务外包的概念,并简单回顾了计算机服务外包发展的历史。

    In this thesis the author gives the definition of computer service outsourcing and introduces the developing history as well .

  20. 技术部门的工作范围涉及奥运会组委会为组织奥运会所需的所有技术领域,包括计算机服务、电信和各种奥运会系统应用技术等。

    The Technology area encompasses all technology aspects required by the OCOG for the Games , including computer services , telecommunications and Games Systems applications .

  21. 同时,在其他产业领域,因优先发展信息产业、物流业、计算机服务与软件开发产业等。

    Meanwhile , in other areas of industry , give priority to the development of information industry , logistics , computer services and software development industries .

  22. 外包,这个在中国IT领域中越来越重要的名词,涉及了软件外包,计算机服务外包,离岸外包等各种名词。

    Outsourcing has become more and more popular and important in Chinese IT fields . It includes software outsourcing , computer service outsourcing , offshore outsourcing etc.

  23. 狭义信息技术产业上市公司的主营业务为信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,它们基本上可以看作高技术企业,其典型特征应该是高风险、高回报。

    The main business of narrow sense Chinese IT listed companies are information transformation , computer hardwires and software . Most of them are high-tech corporations .

  24. 这些产业有交通仓储和邮政业、计算机服务业、住宿餐饮业、房地产业、居民服务、文体和娱乐业。

    These industries were transport warehousing and postal services , computer services , accommodation and food industry , real estate , residence service , style and entertainment .

  25. 研究了这一概念与国内产业界所指的IT服务、国外政府统计机构所指的计算机服务等概念之间的关系。

    Connotative of these two definitions are compared with IT Service which referred by domestic industry professionals and Computer Service which referred by foreign government statistic agencies .

  26. 但由于近来先进的数据分析和计算机服务,我们终于有了改变它的工具。

    It 's time that changed - and thanks to recent advances in data analytics and computational services , we finally have the tools to do it .

  27. 这家计算机服务外包公司预计,明年公司将能够稳住净利润率,但它警告称,未来还将面临汇兑压力。

    The computer services outsourcing company predicted it would be able to hold net margins steady in the coming year but cautioned there would be currency pressure going forward .

  28. 最早在1987年由美国在线信息服务机构“计算机服务”公布,但近些年在文化领域强势复苏,最常用于对从体育到美国大选等热门话题的诙谐评论。

    It was first released by CompuServe in 1987 but has experienced a dramatic cultural resurgence in recent years , most commonly used to make humorous commentary on topics ranging from sports to the 2012 presidential election .

  29. 宜春市防汛抗洪气象服务系统是一个集历史资料查询、长中短预报、气象服务、预报分发和历史过程总结于一身的计算机服务系统,具有操作简单、使用方便、简捷等特性。

    Meteorological service system for flood prevention and relief of Yichun city is a computer service system that include functions of historical data query , long and middle term forecast , weather service , production dissemination and procedure summary , and it has features of operation easily .

  30. 制造业、批发零售业和建筑业的人才总体规模最大,信息传输、计算机服务和软件业以及科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业的人才密度最大。

    The population size of talents in manufacturing industry , the wholesale retail trade and the field of construction is large , and the density of talents in information transmission , computer service and software industry , and the scientific research , technical service and geological prospecting industry is thick .