
jì suàn jī tōnɡ xìn
  • intercomputer communication
  1. 以Internet为代表的计算机通信网络正在成为全球信息系统越来越重要的基础设施。

    Internet is becoming one of the most important infrastructures in the global information system .

  2. 高速计算机通信网络的关键技术之一是异步传输模式(ATM:asynchronoustransfermode)技术。

    One of future high-speed computer communication network technologies is Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) technology .

  3. 用Exchange实现在CAI教室中的计算机通信教学

    Achievement of communicational education in CAI classroom by Microsoft Exchange

  4. 反Q滤波的应用DSP与计算机通信

    The application of inverse Q filtering The Communication Between DSP and Computer

  5. Internet是目前全球最大的计算机通信网,它遍及全球几乎所有的国家和地区。

    Internet is the biggest calculator correspondence net in current world , it is almost all over the world and region .

  6. 嵌入式系统与计算机通信采用了USB总线接口方式,实现USB通信。

    The embedded system adopts USB bus interface to communicate with the computer .

  7. 随着现代计算机通信技术的快速发展和Internet的广泛应用,如何确保信息安全性的问题已经引起了社会的广泛关注。

    With the rapid development of modern computer communication techniques and the wide applications of Internet , how to ensure the security of information has been the concern of the whole society .

  8. 设计中采用先进的PIC单片机作为测试终端主控制器,实现终端的寻址、数据采集、数据掉电保护及与主控制计算机通信的实现。

    The design realizes terminal addressing , data collection and protection , and communicating with the control computer .

  9. 话音VSAT系统在莲花水电站计算机通信中的应用

    Application of VSAT system to the computer communication of Lianhua Hydropower Station

  10. 通过对WDM驱动程序设计方法的讨论和应用,实现了使用EZUSB芯片进行计算机通信。

    Through discussion and application to WDM 's driver design method , the computer communication is realized with EZ-USB 's chip .

  11. 该文在对某军用计算机通信网络系统设计与仿真建模这一项目的实际应用开发基础上,就OO方法以及基于OO的建模的机理作了全面的概括、论述和评价。

    This paper analyzes and values the methodology of OO and OO 's modeling based on developing and de-signing military computer networks system .

  12. 计算机通信网的路由选择优化问题和容量与流量分配(CFA)问题始终是计算机通信网设计、建设过程中重要而复杂的两个问题。

    Route selection , capacity and flow assignment ( CFA ) are always the important and complex problems during the design and construction of computer communication networks .

  13. 随着芯片技术、软件技术和计算机通信技术等的革命性突破,下一代网络(NGN)将逐步替代PSTN。

    Along with the revolutionary breakthrough of chip technique , software technique , and computer technique , etc. , the next generation network ( NGN ) will replace PSTN gradually .

  14. 报文的路由选择和各条链路的容量及流量分配(CFA)问题是计算机通信网络中性能优化的两个重要方面。

    Route selection of the messages and capacity and flow assignment ( CFA ) of every link are two important factors on performance optimization in computer communication networks .

  15. 第二章对计算机通信基础和现场总线技术进行了介绍,并详细讨论了OSI参考模型以及现场总线模型。

    In chapter 2 , it makes an introduction on the base of computer communication and the technology of field bus , and Open System Interconnect Reference Model and Field Bus Model are discussed in detail .

  16. 分布式管理系统的异型计算机通信支持

    The communication support for heterogeneous computers in distributed management systems

  17. 计算机通信协议辅助设计工具的实现

    The implementation of auxiliary designing tool of computer communication protocols

  18. 计算机通信网络中基于速率的端对端拥塞控制

    On end-to-end rate-based congestion control in high-speed computer communication networks

  19. 电法勘探中数据采集设备和计算机通信的实现

    Implementation of communication between data acquisition equipment and computers of electrical prospecting

  20. 浅议计算机通信与网络发展的应用技术

    The applied techniques of computer communications and network development

  21. 基于多目标满意优化的计算机通信网流量和容量分配

    Flow and capacity distribution of computer communication networks based on multi-criteria satisfactory optimization

  22. 用黑板式结构统一封装多种计算机通信接口

    Blackboard Architecture to Unify Encapsulate Multiple Computer Communications Interfaces

  23. 信息与计算机通信网络安全技术研究

    Study of Information and Computer Communication Network Security Techniques

  24. 计算机通信网络互连设备及其发展

    Computer Communication Network Interconnection Equipment and Its Development

  25. 计算机通信网总体设计探讨

    Discussion on Comprehensive Design of Computer Communication Network

  26. 基于混沌免疫进化规划的计算机通信网最优流量分配

    The optimal flow assignment of computer communication networks based on chaos immune evolutionary programming

  27. Tektronix834通信测试仪在计算机通信网络开发中的应用

    Application of Tektronix 834 communication test instrument to the development of computer communication network

  28. 变频调速器与计算机通信的研究

    Study of Communication between Transducer and Computer

  29. 图书馆服务网络与计算机通信网络&冷静面对新世纪丛谈之四

    Library Service Network and Computer Communication Network

  30. PC-XII~+通用机器人控制系统与计算机通信的设计与实现

    The design of communication program between PC-XII ~ + series general purpose robot controller with computer