
  • 网络cognitive development;Cognitive Development Theory;Theory Of Cognitive Development
  1. 在书中,这位来自哈佛大学(Harvard)的教育学教授向认知发展理论的传统观念发起了挑战。

    In it , the Harvard professor of education challenges entrenched notions of cognitive development .

  2. Piaget的认知发展理论认为兴趣是一种影响人们智力活动选择的最常见也最有力的一种情感类型。

    In his book , Theory of cognitive development , Jean Piaget points out " interest is the one common and powerful example of affect at work influencing our selection of intellectual activities "( quoted in Wadsworth , 1989 : 30 ) .

  3. Piaget认知发展理论表示,孩童学习的方式是藉具体的物体来建构空间概念,透过知觉学习过程作发展。

    Piaget 's cognitive-developmental theory states that the learning methods of children are to construct spatial ideas by concrete objects and evolve from perceptual learning .

  4. 本文结合国外大学生认知发展理论及Perry对大学生认知发展阶段论的阐释,对如何加强当今中国高等学校的科学性、有效性教学,避免盲目性和经验性教学提供一些有益的启示。

    Combining the cognition development theories of college students abroad and Perry 's explanation of cognition development phases , this paper offers some good inspirations about how to enforce scientific and effective teaching in colleges .

  5. 吉利根对道德认知发展理论的修正

    C.gilligan 's revision of moral cognitive development theory

  6. 成人认知发展理论在广西高校教师信息技术培训中的应用研究

    Application of Adult Cognitive Development Theory in Information Technology Trainning for Guangxi College Teachers

  7. 认知发展理论在儿童益智玩具设计中的运用

    Application of the Theory on Cognitive Development to the Design of Intellectual Toys for Kids

  8. 劳伦斯·科尔伯格的道德认知发展理论在西方道德教育界影响深远。

    Lawrence Kohlberg 's theory of moral cognitive development has profound influences on Western moral education .

  9. 建构主义的认知发展理论深刻影响着现代教育。

    The theory of the cognitive development of the constructivism has profound influence upon the modem education .

  10. 皮亚杰认知发展理论视阈下的大学英语阅读策略研究

    A Study of College English Reading Strategies from the Perspective of Piaget 's Theory of Cognitive Development

  11. 认知发展理论指出青少年认知变化是亲子关系改变的主要原因。

    Cognitive development theory indicates that adolescents ' cognitive changes between parents are the main reason for the change .

  12. 进步教育的意象被儿童心理学、尤其是被认知发展理论所强化。

    The image of progressive education was strengthened by child psychology , especially by theories of learning and development .

  13. 柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。

    The Cognitive Moral Development Mode of Lawrence Kohlberg includes stages of moral development , moral education and just community .

  14. 近几十年来,推理和记忆的发展涌现出来的大量的实验结果对经典认知发展理论构成了挑战。

    During recent decades , experimental findings of the development of inference and memory have challenged classical cognitive developmental theories .

  15. 又以考伯格的道德认知发展理论为依据,设置了在课堂教学环境中配合学生道德心理发展水平实施德育的原则和方法。

    The principles and methods must be in agreement with the psychological levels of students in the course of moral education .

  16. 皮亚杰的认知发展理论、现代信息加工学派的认知心理研究与社会认知心理研究试图揭示人类认知的心理规律。

    Jean Piaget 's cognitive psychology , modern information processing cognition theory and social cognition theory , brought to light the psychology rules of human cognition .

  17. 皮亚杰的建构主义思想是其认知发展理论的核心,对我国的课程改革具有重要的理论参考价值。

    Piaget 's constructivism thoughts which are the core of his cognitive development theory have important theoretic reference value to the present curriculum reformation of China .

  18. 语文积累学习的提出不仅仅植根于成功的古代教育经验,更以认知发展理论和心理发展内化理论为其心理学基础。

    Chinese accumulation studying rooted form the Chinese traditional language education , it 's also have ground basis of theory of cognizance evolution and psychology evolution theory .

  19. 近十年来,得益于认知发展理论的进步和研究方法的新发展,儿童认知发展研究取得了长足的进步。

    In the past 10 years , the research of children ' cognitive development has gained much improvement from the progress in cognitive development theory and research methods .

  20. 道德心理学领域主要有四种理论,即精神分析理论、社会学习理论、认知发展理论和进化心理学理论。

    There are four major theories in the area of moral psychology . They are psychoanalytic theory , social learning theory , cognitive-developmental theory , and evolutionary psychology .

  21. 本文以社会化理论、特殊功能理论、精神分析理论、认知发展理论和性别图式理论为依据,阐述了儿童性别角色获得的过程。

    This paper expounded the children access to the process of gender roles basing on socialization theory , special function theory , psychoanalysis , cognitive development theory and gender schema theory .

  22. 性别形成的理论主要有心理分析理论、认知发展理论、性别图式理论和社会认知理论,性别形成的社会认知理论是对性别形成和差异的合理解释。

    This article has discussed psychoanalytic theory , cognitive development theory , gender schema theory and social cognitive theory . It is the social cognitive theory that best explains gender development and differentiation .

  23. 其次,结合认知发展理论、建构主义理论和生物教学内容独特性,探讨了生物教学中阅读策略实施的途径。

    Besides , with the combination of cognitive development theory , constructivism theory and the specialty of biology education content , we discuss the way to implement the strategy of biological reading education .

  24. 将芜杂的批判性思维理论按5个不同维度加以分类和梳理,将它们分为:解决问题理论、技能理论、认知发展理论、信息加工理论、社会文化历史理论5大类。

    Based on five different dimensions , the critical thinking theories are divided into five groups . They are problem-solving theory , skill theory , cognitive development theory , information processing theory and society-culture-history theory .

  25. 合作学习教学模式主要理论基础是约翰逊兄弟为代表的社会互赖论,也得到了建构主义学习理论、接触理论、选择理论、认知发展理论、认知精制理论、行为学习理论等很多教育理论的支持。

    The theoretical basis of cooperative learning is Social Interdependence Theory by Johnson Brothers , as well as Constructivism Theory , Contact Theory , Choice Theory , Cognitive Development Theory , Elaboration Theory and Behavioral Learning Theory etc.

  26. 皮亚杰认知发展理论包括认知发展的阶段说和影响认知发展的因素分析两部分内容,前者把人的认知发展过程分为感知运算阶段、前运算阶段、具体运算阶段和形式运算阶段连续的四个时期;

    Piaget 's cognitive development theory contains both the periods and the factors . The former classifies the processes into four stages : the perceptive stage , pre operation stage , concrete operation stage and formal operation stage .

  27. 因此,本文的开始就对他的认知发展理论一些要义,认知发展的阶段观,认知发展机制的基本概念做了较为全面地阐述。

    Therefore , we elaborate the main points of the theory of cognitive development , the stage view of cognitive development as well as the basic definition of the mechanism for cognitive development at the beginning of this thesis .

  28. 依据人格发展理论、社会生物适应理论、依恋关系理论和认知发展理论,在访谈基础上初步构建出中学生亲子关系量表结构维度。

    According to the theory of personality development , social creature adaption , attachment relation and the theory of cognitive development , the structural dimension of Parental Bordering Instrument for middle school students is constructed by the method of interview .

  29. 从语文课程的本质属性&言语性、思维性、抽象的语文知识以及认知发展理论分析了现代教育技术手段直观呈现的负面影响,并研究语文教学中语言和文字媒介对思维的促进作用。

    From the essence of Chinese subject-verbal quality , thinking quality and abstract Chinese knowledge to cognition theory , the author analyzes the direct negative effects of e-education , and studies the promotional effects of language and words on thinking in Chinese teaching .

  30. SOLO分类理论是一种认知发展的理论,它以思维方式和反应水平这两种方式来描述认知发展。

    SOLO classification theory is a theory of cognitive development .