
  • 网络metacognitive skills;Cognitive Skill
  1. 智商(IQ)是一个人的智力标准化测量工具,涉及人广泛的认知技能。

    Intelligence quotient ( IQ ) is a standardized measure of human intellectual capacity that takes into account a wide range of cognitive skills .

  2. 伊利诺伊大学(universityofillinois)的亚瑟克雷默(arthurkramer)表示,这项研究首次发现,与游戏中所学技能没有直接关系的认知技能得到改善。

    Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois said it was the first study to find improvement in cognitive skills that were not directly related to the skills learned in the game .

  3. 至少与黑猩猩相比,儿童在获得一般认知技能前习得它。

    Develops in children before their general cognitive (认知的) skills , at least when compared with chimps ..

  4. 想要进入门萨俱乐部,申请者必须接受正规的智力测试并答对至少98%的题目。阿斯瓦尔说:“门萨俱乐部测试了她的接受性记忆力、认知技能和逻辑推理能力。”

    To qualify for Mensa membership , applicants skills and logical reasoning , " Athwal said .

  5. 诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家詹姆斯·赫克曼(JamesHeckman)开展了突破性的研究,得出了性格、可靠性和毅力等非认知技能,与认知技能同样重要的结论。

    James Heckman , a Nobel Prize-winning economist , did groundbreaking work concluding that noncognitive skills like character , dependability and perseverance are as important as cognitive achievement .

  6. 在进一步的分析中我们认为,产生该结论的主要原因是:DGS技术提供丰富的感性经验,促进认知技能的把握,给学生具备某种认知策略创造了条件;

    In advanced investigation , we deduced that : DGS can provide plentiful perpetual experience , thus contribute to master cognitive ability , which can form special cognitive strategies .

  7. IQ,也就是智商,是通过对不同类型的认知技能测试而最终得出的,其中包括语言、分析判断等方面。长久以来,人们认为IQ是终生不变的。

    IQ , measured by a battery of tests that capture a wide range of cognitive skills , from verbal to analytical and beyond , has long been thought to be unchanged throughout one 's life .

  8. 教师元认知技能研究及其培训途径

    A Study of Teacher 's Metacognitive Skills and the Training Strategy

  9. 培养学生的元认知技能,使他们学会自我监控;

    Foster students'metacognitive skills and make them be able to monitor themselves ;

  10. 个人技能分为:自我管理技能、职业情操和认知技能。

    Personal skills include self-management skills , professional sentiment and cognitive skills .

  11. 运动认知技能研究的现状与思考

    Current situation and thought on research of sports cognition skill

  12. 假扮游戏的发展与儿童认知技能的发展是一个交互作用的过程。

    Pretend play development and cognitive skill development are interactive .

  13. 空间认知技能在选拔军事飞行员中的重要作用

    Importance of spatial cognitive skills in selecting military pilots

  14. 认知技能训练的方法初探

    A Probe into the Training Methods of Recognizing Skills

  15. 改善机动能力可以支持认知技能。

    Refining motor ability can bolster cognitive skills .

  16. 儿童假扮游戏中的认知技能发展

    The Cognitive Skills of Children in Pretend Play

  17. 3个数困生的干预组的元认知技能后测分数之间没有显著差异。

    There were not significant differences among three experiment on post-test scores of meta-cognitive skills .

  18. 阅读困难儿童的脑神经机制与认知技能缺陷分析

    An Analysis of the Deficits of Reading Disabled Children on Neural Mechanism and Cognitive Skills

  19. 元认知技能与大学英语阅读教学

    Metacognitive Technique and College English Reading

  20. 除了这些概念性知识之外,儿童的数数等认知技能在幼儿到小学初期也获得了发展。

    Besides this conceptual knowledge , children 's cognitive skills such as counting also develop rapidly .

  21. 他说,非认知技能都是可以透过教育习得的,但美国的学校却未必会教授。

    They can be taught , he said , yet American schools don 't necessarily do so .

  22. 在一次飞行当中,她说,我所有的认知技能都被抛到机舱之外了。

    On one flight , she says , 'all my cognitive skills were going right out the window .

  23. 威尔•罗德曼:一直以来,西泽表现出的认知技能远超同时期的人类。

    Will Rodman : Caesar continues to show cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart .

  24. 对需要做出快速判断和决策的运动项目而言,认知技能是其专业技能组成的核心成份。

    Cognition skill is the core component of expertise for those sports events which need fast judgment and decision-making .

  25. 对英语和汉语阅读获得所需要的认知技能及发展性阅读障碍儿童认知缺陷的研究进行了回顾。

    The predictors of reading development and the cognitive deficits of developmental dyslexics in English and Chinese orthographies are reviewed .

  26. 社会没有给与智力培养足够的重视,比如推理和其他认知技能。

    Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect – that is , on reasoning and other cognitive skills .

  27. 认知技能训练的研究及研究成果的应用将成为认知运动科学的主题。

    The cognitive skill training and its application will become the main subject of the study of cognitive sport science .

  28. 他发现,他可以短暂关闭一些已知对认知技能有着重要作用的脑部区域。

    He found that he could temporarily turn off regions of the brain known to be important for cognitive skills .

  29. 认知技能包括评判性思维技能和创新性。3.护理软技能测评量表。

    Cognitive skills consist of critical thinking skills and innovative thinking skills . 3 . Measurement tools of nursing soft skills .

  30. 因为鸦类具有其它的认知技能,研究人员想知道鸦类是否具有镜像自我认知能力。

    And because corvids have these other cognitive skills , researchers wanted to see if they were also capable of mirror self-recognition .