
  • 网络Renting;rent-setting;rent setting;rent-creating;setting Renting;rest-set
  1. 零基预算中的设租-寻租问题分析

    An analysis of rent-setting and rent-seeking in zero base budget

  2. 消除寻租设租活动的出路要求以正式的法律形式而不是行政手段来安排产权。

    With the view to eliminate the activities of rent-seeking and rent-setting , legal measures not administrative means should be taken to rearrange proprietorial right .

  3. 当能够证明政府规制的有效性时,规制安排的存在才是合理的。设计和选择恰当的规制形式,有利于降低因寻租设租和自然垄断造成的效率损失,减少规制活动本身的成本。

    When the efficiency of regulation can be proven , the regulatory arrangement is reasonable .

  4. 政府设租、政策性租金的存在,是过去10年高新区高速发展的动力所在。

    The existence of the policy rent is the motive of the past 10 years high speed development for the H & T zones .

  5. 分析结果表明:业主存在设租行为的条件与其设租收益即代建人的寻租成本无关;

    Analysis results show that condition of rent-seeking behavior of owner has no relationship with the rent-creating benefit , namely , the rent-seeking cost of construction-agent .

  6. 在转轨经济中,银行控制了大量的经济资源,利用资金配置权设租,谋求规定以外的经济利益,增加了公司债务融资成本。由此产生的资本市场不完善会如何影响公司资本结构决策呢?

    During the economic transitional period , banks are rent-protectors in the process of the resources allocation , which will increase the cost of corporate debt financing .

  7. 产权交易中介组织面临的问题有:地方垄断,政府设租寻租,国有非标准化交易。

    The property right conveyance intermediary organization faces some questions , which includes : regional protectionism , government supposing & seeking rent , non-standardized state-owned property conveyance .

  8. 但也有可能设租和寻租,从而阻碍当地的经济发展,成为“掠夺之手”。而设租、寻租的规模与政府的规模密切相关。

    But there may also be problems exited like rent seeking , and therefore affecting the development of local economy , which is called the robbing and .

  9. 设租行为产生租金的供给,寻租行为产生租金的需求,供求双方在带有风险性的租金市场上进行交易时,遵循效用最大化原则。

    Rent setting makes supply of rent , rent seeking makes demand of rent , both the two sides follow the principle of utility maximization while doing venture business with each other .

  10. 通过建立设租寻租行为模型,认为只要存在政府干预,市场中的经济人就可能投入资源以获得事实上由于官方限制而得以被保护的边际利润。

    By modelling rent-seeking activity , the paper concludes that if only the governmental intervention exists , the economic-man may put in resource to get the protected marginal profit limited by government .

  11. 再加上设租主体医生付出与收入的不平衡,以及寻租主体药厂的利润最大化追求,使得医疗租泛滥不绝。

    And because the main body of rent-setting doctors , the payout and reward of them was unbalanced ; also because the main body of rent-seeking pharmaceutical factory , their maximized the profit chasing made the medical treatment rent overrun .

  12. 由于政府规制是以建筑节能管理部门的形式出现,这样规制部门就有机会设租,而建筑节能市场中的生产者就有机会寻租。

    Since the government regulation exists in the form of administrative department of building energy conservation , it is possible for the department to rent and consequently , the manufacturers in the building energy market can have the chance to seek the rent .

  13. 国企产权的委托人在授权国企产权的代理人出售国有企业时,不能为代理人提供过度的自由裁量权,否则这种权利便会成为国企产权代理人设租、寻租的工具。

    When the principal of the SOE authorizes the agent to sell the property rights , he should offer some free discretion to the agent , but the discretion can be never excessive , otherwise the agent would use this power to engage in rent-seeking activities .

  14. 二是分别运用公共选择理论,寻租和设租理论,新制度经济学理论,博弈理论对影响税收征纳关系的原因和因素进行了比较分析。

    Second , utilizes the public choice theory separately , seeks and supposes rents the theory , the new system economic theory , the gambling theory to affected the tax revenue to draft accepts relational the reason and the factor has carried on the comparative analysis .

  15. 政府设租与企业寻租的一般均衡分析高速公路代建主体的设租和寻租行为研究

    Study on Rent-Setting and Rent-seeking from General Equilibrium Analysis 's Perspective Rent-creating and Rent-seeking Behavior of Agent Construction Participant for Expressway