
  • 网络Code;stock code
  1. 预受要约申报指令的内容应当包括:证券代码、会员席位号、证券账户号码、合同序号、业务类别、预受或者撤回数量、收购编码等。

    The reporting orders for pre-accepted offers shall include : securities code , seating number of member , number of securities account , contract number , business category , number for pre-acceptance or withdrawal , acquisition code , etc.

  2. 注:担保物品种若为上市证券,须填列证券名称及证券代码。

    Remark : if guaranty category is listed securitessecurities , securities name and code must be stated .

  3. 希尔顿没有公开披露它的证券代码,也没有说明计划在哪家证券交易所挂牌。

    It did not publicly disclose either a ticker symbol or on which exchange it plans to trade .

  4. 5月8日后,新质押式回购与现有质押式回购并行,但两个品种在证券代码和证券账户两个环节都相互隔离。

    After may8 , repurchase by updated pledge and the prevalent repurchase by pledge coexist , but these two categories are isolated from each other in two points : securities codes and securities accounts .

  5. SUNW是世界上交易频率最高的证券(SUNW这个代码每天都出现在交易频率最高的证券榜中)所以在华尔街是广为人知。

    Granted , lots of folks on Wall Street know SUNW , given its status as among the most highly traded stocks in the world ( the SUNW symbol shows up daily in the listings of most highly traded securities ) .