
yì zhù
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  • translation and annotation
译注 [yì zhù]
  • [translation and annotation] 通常指对古代文献的翻译和注释

  • 古文译注

  1. Functioncurry允许partialfunction(译注:指定部分函数的参数,在使用时再提供另一部分参数)应用

    Function # curry allows for partial function application

  2. 输入“买入”(buy),这下你猜对了,结果是百思买(BestBuy,名称里有buy这个单词&译注)

    Typing " buy " brings up you guessed it best buy ( bby )

  3. 对我来说,SoundCylinder(cylinder即柱形&译注)这个简单的名字就说明了一切。

    To me , the simple name sound cylinder , says it all .

  4. C是写操作系统最常使用的编程语言(译注:没有之一)。Unix是用C写的第一个操作系统。

    C is the most commonly used programming language for writing operating systems .

  5. 挑战是欧洲不像美国那样有沙山路(SandHillRoad,美国风投行业的代名词&译注)。

    The challenge is that there is no sand hill road in Europe .

  6. 而在西村(WestVillage)的仙源(Kikkerland,美国一家品牌家居店——译注),她拿起一款月亮夜灯。

    And at Kikkerland , in the West Village , she picked out the Moon night light .

  7. 住在flat中的英国人并不是把家安在了瘪掉的车胎中(译注:英国把公寓称为flat,而该词在美国可指漏气的轮胎)。

    British people who live in flats do not set up home in burst tires .

  8. DNA双螺旋线,RNA(译注:核糖核酸,下同)的二级结构和蛋白质折叠基元;

    DNA double helix , secondary structure of RNA , and elements of protein folding ;

  9. 惠普由于最近的收购而背负了大量债务包括收购Autonomy(一家英国软件公司译注)。

    They took on a lot of debt with recent acquisitions including autonomy .

  10. 也就是说,吉尔亚迪成为了团购界的谢乐儿•桑德博格(谢乐儿•桑德博格为Facebook首席运营官&译注)。

    So Georgiadis becomes Sheryl Sandberg for the daily deals world .

  11. 一张300美元的瑜伽垫能改善你的下犬式(downwarddog,一种瑜伽姿势&译注)瑜伽姿势吗?

    Can a nearly $ 300 yoga mat help improve your downward dog ?

  12. 乐观锁需要这个字段来实现长对话(应用程序事务)[译注:session译为会话,conversion译为对话,以示区别]。

    Such a column is need for optimistic locking to implement long conversion ( application transaction ) .

  13. 当城市规划部门明年初(2015年&译注)提出初步的建议方案时,布鲁克林的东纽约(EastNewYork)地区将被列为试点。

    East New York in Brooklyn will be the test case when the Department of City Planning presents initial recommendations early next year .

  14. 离线NT系统密码&注册表编辑器(译注:原文是“online”即“在线”,但似应是“offline”即“离线”)。

    Online NT Password & Registry Editor .

  15. 摘出来的值被绑定到Quantity、Ticker(译注:股票代码)等变量。

    Those values are bound to variables such Quantity or Ticker .

  16. 通过运用奖励玩家的强迫循环(compulsionloop,游戏设计术语,通过动作和恰当奖励之间的联系来保持用户粘性的结构&译注),这个游戏很容易让人上瘾。

    With a compulsion loop that rewards playing , games can be addictive .

  17. 我个人认为Amazon选择这个密码套件的原因是出于自私的考虑(译注:这里说“自私”的意思是,Amazon出于性能的考虑,降低了安全的强度)。

    I personally think Amazon had selfish reasons for choosing this cipher suite .

  18. 对于持有副学士学位(associate’sdegree,完成社区大学、二年制专科学校课程后取得的学位,相当于四年制大学的首两年课程。——译注)的年轻人,就业率从经济衰退前的64%下降至衰退后的57%。

    For young people with an associate 's degree , the employment rate fell from 64 percent to 57 percent .

  19. 他是“贝西伯爵”(WilliamJames“Count”Basie爵士音乐家——译注)自传的合著者。

    He was the co-writer of Count Basie 's autobiography .

  20. 是蒂姆·罗金斯(TimRiggins),迪里昂黑豹队里的后卫(来自电影FridayNightLights——译注)。

    Tim Riggins , the fullback for the Dillon Panthers .

  21. 就在本财季,BP获得了在特立尼达和多巴哥(拉丁美洲岛国&译注)附近深海区域进行钻井勘探的租约。

    Just this quarter , BP received leases to drill in new deepwater blocks off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago .

  22. IBM公司鼎鼎大名的超级计算机沃森(Watson)在《危险边缘》(Jeopardy,美国一档著名的智力竞赛节目&译注)节目中击败了低劣的人类,但这仅仅是它小试牛刀的起点而已。

    Beating lowly humans on jeopardy was just the beginning .

  23. 全新问世的BeatsStudio(高端魔声耳机&译注)则是一款脱胎换骨的产品。

    The new beats studio ( $ 300 ) marks a reinvention of sorts .

  24. dsl模块有个公共函数名为broker(译注:股票经纪人)。

    The dsl module has a public function named broker .

  25. 团队A还有一个衍生自工作分支的、正在进行中的Spike(译注:Spike是指团队集中精力在短时间内尝试实现一个功能的活动。)

    Team A also has an ongoing spike that was spawned from the work branch .

  26. 他相信ProductHunt能够打入应用爱好者的市场,这些爱好者并不把自己视作早期采用者(译注:指具有冒险精神、喜欢尝试新产品的人),但不管怎样他们的确就是。

    He believes Product Hunt can tap into a market of app-lovers who don 't consider themselves early adopters but are anyway .

  27. 三大银行之一的中国银行(bankofchina)报告称,第三季度贷款的信用成本为0.4%(译注:不良贷款造成的损失),略高于一年前的水平。

    Bank of China , one of the big three lenders , reported credit costs of 0.4 per cent of loans in the third quarter , slightly up on the year-ago level .

  28. 六月份时,有人对我说Facebook计划在劳动节(美国的劳动节是九月份的第一个星期一&译注)前申请首次公开募股。

    In June , someone told me that Facebook planned to file for its IPO before labor day .

  29. 对惠普的批评一直集中在该公司应该加强在企业领域的地位,而不是耗费250亿美元巨资收购一家低利润的PC公司(指康柏&译注)。

    Critics have contended all along that HP could have strengthened that position without spending $ 25 billion to acquire a low-margin PC company .

  30. 她也曾和艺电(ElectronicArts)就其视频游戏营销展开合作,艺电被评定为M级(成人级&译注)的视频游戏似乎正在卖给儿童。

    She has also worked with Electronic Arts ( EA ) on its marketing of video games that are M-rated but seem to be marketed to kids .