
  • 网络rap;Hip Hop;Rap music
  1. 对某些人来说,说唱乐——嘻哈一族的音乐——简直就是噪音。

    For some people , rap — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise

  2. 讽刺的是,那些卖自制说唱乐CD的家伙几乎都无视我的存在,好像他们认定我对这个没有兴趣。

    Take your pick . Ironically , the dudes selling their homemade rap albums on CDR 's mostly ignored me , figuring I wouldn 't be interested .

  3. 当时我是纽约市警察局(NYPD)的一名侦探,对说唱乐界了解颇深。

    I was a detective in the NYPD at the time , and I knew a lot about hip-hop .

  4. 说唱乐歌词中的语言特色研究

    A Study of Language Features in Rap Lyrics Music and Lyrics

  5. 希荷普和说唱乐与布鲁斯和摇滚乐有许多共同之处

    Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock

  6. 说唱乐:低层阶级、活跃、爱运动、有敌意

    Rap : Lower class , athletic , energetic , hostile

  7. 上世纪90年代,与说唱乐有关的犯罪行为失去了控制。

    In the 1990s , hip-hop - related crime was out of control .

  8. 我们在唱歌时更倾向于跟随声调,而不是音节重度,说唱乐更是如此。

    We follow tones more than syllable stress in songs , especially rap .

  9. 有些年轻人可能只是从说唱乐歌词里听过我的名字。

    Some of you younger people might only know me from some rap lyrics .

  10. 摇滚乐卖得比爵士乐和说唱乐好得多。

    Rock music massively outsells jazz and rap .

  11. 我对说唱乐不感兴趣。

    I 'm not very keen on Rap .

  12. 我感到自己受到了背叛,但我有时仍会帮助警方处理一些说唱乐犯罪案件。

    I felt betrayed and yet I still sometimes help the police with hip-hop crimes .

  13. 或许说唱乐最重要的特点是艺术家演唱的方式。

    Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artists sing .

  14. 说唱乐歌词的语言在很大程度上影响了美国俚语的发展。

    Hip-hop has also had a significant impact on American slang by the usage of the Rap lyrics .

  15. 你也可能希望听到中国以外的说唱乐、另类音乐或是主流音乐。

    You will expect to hear hip-hop and some alternative and main-stream kind of music from outside of China .

  16. 在寻找类似活动的时候,也很容易看到街头张贴的说唱乐活动海报。

    In a search like this , it 's hard not to run into street posters on rap events .

  17. 人们仍然听布鲁斯和摇滚,但他们也听街舞音乐和说唱乐。

    People still listen to blues and rock , but they also listen to hip ? hop and rap .

  18. 潮流音乐和说唱乐与布鲁斯和摇滚有许多相似之处,但它们也有自己的特点。

    Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock , but they also have their own characteristics .

  19. 慷慨的富翁生活依旧&傍晚散散步,用口哨吹吹说唱乐的曲调,或是开门迎接他的来客。

    The generous man kept to life much as usual taking evening strolls , whistling rap tunes , answering his door .

  20. 目前,纽约市警察局拥有一支不是8人就是10人的庞大说唱乐部门,有时我们会在一起聚餐聊天。

    The NYPD now has a big hip-hop unit with eight or 10 people , and we sometimes have dinner and talk .

  21. 流行音乐风云变幻,作为说唱乐的发起人,杰克逊被视为不合拍。

    The pop music landscape was changing , opening up for rap and hip-hop . Jackson was seen as out of step .

  22. 嘻哈风带来了一些专有术语:“说唱乐”是指配合节奏念文字的动作。

    Hip-hop brings with it its own unique terminology . " Rap " is the literal action of speaking over a beat .

  23. 艾米纳姆出生在堪萨斯,后在底特律度过少年时期,在密西根期间迷上了说唱乐,可以说是对复杂的青春期的一种逃避。

    Eminem was born in Kansas but raised as a teenager in Detroit , Michigan where he became interested in rap music as an escape from a troubled adolescence .

  24. 听众,乡村音乐的听众与那些喜爱流行音乐、说唱乐、爵士乐或其他音乐的听众不同。

    The audience , the audiences for country music are different from people who like to listen to pop music or rap , jazz or other types of music .

  25. 广场舞的形式也多种多样,有人拿着丝质的扇子、敲着鼓跳传统民族舞,也有人自创套路,配合红歌、抒情歌曲和洁版说唱乐跳舞。

    They take a variety of forms , from traditional folk dances involving silk fans and drumming to improvised routines set to patriotic songs , saccharine pop and sanitized rap .

  26. 但她毋庸置疑是嘻哈音乐时代的产物,她吸收说唱乐的攻击性和变幻的节奏,形成一种艺术性的、奇怪的演唱风格。

    But she is unmistakably a product of the hip-hop era , a singer who has assimilated the aggression and slippery rhythms of rap into a virtuosic and strange vocal style .

  27. 京晶:我的播放单里还有这两位的一些曲目呢,但是我一直比较喜欢嘻哈说唱乐,自从一年前我们聊过这一期主题之后。

    I have some songs by those two guys on my playlist . But I 've been big on rap , ever since a year ago when we talked about it .

  28. 从身边驶过的汽车不时飘出强烈的说唱乐。于是很快地,他也情不自禁地跟着其中一首曲调吹起了口哨。

    Every once in a while , a car passed , thumping out the latest rage in rap hit , and he soon found himself whistling one of these catchy tunes to himself .

  29. 记者我们来了解一下詹姆斯的履历,即工作经历。他在1995年开创了一家说唱乐公司,后来这家公司被其父的公司收购。

    CORRESPONDENT Looking at James ' curriculum vitae , or employment history , he set up a hip-hop record label in 1995 , which was then bought out by his father 's company .

  30. 然而,与音乐本身同样重要的是音乐所包含的内容,而在这一点上,乡村音乐与流行乐、摇滚、说唱乐以及其他流派非常不一样。

    As important as the music itself , though , is the music 's message ; here again , country music is very different from pop , rock , rap or other popular music forms .