
shuō mínɡ shū
  • instructions;specification; manual; directions;instruction book;synopsis
说明书 [shuō míng shū]
  • [specification] 向读者、观众、用户等介绍图书,戏曲或电影内容,产品特征和使用方法的一种书面材料

  1. 用消化法(根据试剂盒说明书进行)检测他们血清及尿中的HYP的含量。

    The serum is conserved in - 30C . The levels of HYP of blood and u-rine were detected by the method of digestion ( according to directions of HYP ) .

  2. 40种化学治疗药物使用说明书的分析及临床指导

    Analysis on Directions of 40 Chemotherapeutic Drugs and Its Clinical Guidance

  3. 这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。

    The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly .

  4. 说明书上说我们应让它凝结四小时。

    The instructions say we should leave it to set for four hours .

  5. 这说明书看起来很难懂。

    The instructions look very complicated .

  6. 他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。

    Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual

  7. 我没有爸爸那么精通机械,所以得按说明书上说的去做。

    I 'm not mechanical like my father ; I have to follow the instructions .

  8. 建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。

    Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work

  9. 他仔细阅读了说明书,这样就不会出现产品使用不当。

    He has read the manual carefully so that the product won 't be misapplied .

  10. 照说明书做,准保没错儿。

    Just follow the instructions and you can 't go wrong .

  11. 我花了很久才弄明白说明书的意思。

    It took me a blue moon to catch on to the directions .

  12. 其他几个人看了说明书,并根据提供的模型图做出了一些东西。

    Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided .

  13. 吃药前仔细阅读说明书。

    Read the instructions carefully before you take the medicine .

  14. 银河银泰理财分红证券投资基金更新招募说明书

    Galaxy Yintai fiscal dividend securities investment funds to update placement prospectuses .

  15. 订单附在说明书上。

    An order form was included with the prospectus .

  16. 这本综合说明书是集若干图片汇合而成的。

    This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings .

  17. 若详细研究一下说明书和可编程序的输入/输出端口,则大部分A/D转换器的接口问题都可得到解决。

    Careful study of the data sheets and a programmable input-output port solve most A / D interfacing problems .

  18. 应用VISUALBASIC编程语言管理药品说明书

    Application of Visual Basic Programming Language in the Management of Package Insert of Drugs

  19. 这个规范试图为基于XML的需求说明书引入一种通用的模型和数据交换格式。

    This specification tries to introduce a common model and data exchange format for requirement specifications based on XML .

  20. 这份规格说明书中包含API定义本身,以及数量可观的代码示例。

    The balance of the spec is the API definition itself and quite a few code samples .

  21. 基于HTML服务详细说明书报告

    HTML-based service specification reports

  22. 如“建模揭秘,第1部分:从用户的角度创建系统规格说明书”中定义的那样,每一个联系都作为属于«userteam»的特征,与应用的«member»构造型一起呈现出来。

    As defined in User modeling demystified , each connection is represented as a property belonging to the « user_team » with the « member » stereotype applied .

  23. 按ALP试剂盒说明书进行染色。

    Carried out by ALP staining kit instructions .

  24. 命令信息来自ATA命令说明书。

    The command information is from the ATA command specification .

  25. 例如,软件需求规格说明书(SRS)工件是需求详细说明人负责的。

    For example , the artifact Software Requirements Specification ( SRS ) is owned by the Requirements Specifier .

  26. 保诚仍须获得英国上市管理局(uklistingauthority)对其招股说明书的最后批准,后者通常在5天之内批准此类文件的新版本。

    The Pru still has to get final approval on its prospectus from the UK listing authority , which has a target of approving new versions of such documents within five days .

  27. 在RUP中,这意味着,测试依据不仅仅来源于规格说明书,而是来源于一个原始信息集,包括那些没有文档化的。

    In RUP this means that the test basis is not merely derived from the specifications , but from a collection of sources , including those not documented .

  28. CEBus的规格说明书是EIA600,包括了从物理层到应用层的全部说明。

    The specification of CEBus is EIA 600 , which covers physical layer through application layer .

  29. 在长达1600多页的IPO招股说明书中,近40年来一直为私人所有的嘉能可,首次披露了公司的所有权结构。

    The IPO prospectus – at more than 1,600 pages – has for the first time revealed the ownership structure of Glencore , which for nearly 40 years has been privately owned .

  30. 焊接工艺专家系统是帮助焊接工艺人员编制焊接工艺说明书(WPS)的有力工具。

    Welding procedure ES ( expert system ) is a powerful tool to help technician design WPS ( welding process specification ) .