
tiáo jié yà jī
  • regulatory subunit
  1. 重组I型cAMP依赖的蛋白激酶调节亚基的表达、纯化和鉴定

    Expression , Purification and Characterization of Regulatory Subunit of Type I cAMP dependent Protein Kinase in E. coli

  2. cAMP和PKA的调节亚基结合,释放出其催化亚基而激活了PKA。

    CAMP combines the regulatory subunit , releases the catalytic subunits and activates the PKA .

  3. 蛋白激酶A的调节亚基RⅠα和RⅡ在膀胱移行细胞癌中的表达及临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Protein Kinase A Subunit R ⅰα and Subunit R ⅱ Expression in Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma

  4. PI3Kp55γ调节亚基N末端对乳腺癌细胞增殖和侵袭能力的影响

    Influence of the N-terminal of the p55 γ regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide-3 kinase on proliferation and invasiveness in breast cancer cells

  5. 胰岛素信号通路PI3K调节亚基基因及部分参与糖、脂代谢基因的表达明显下调。

    Down-regulation expression genes were PI3K subunit and some substance metabolism related genes in diabetic rats .

  6. 目前研究揭示蛋白酶体主要由20S中央核心催化腔和两侧的调节亚基组成。

    Previous studies have revealed that the proteasome is mainly composed of the 20S central catalytic cavity and the regulatory subunits on both sides .

  7. 在cyClinD中,cyClinD3不仅作为一个CDK4和CDK6的调节亚基在G1期调节细胞周期进程,还与细胞生长、细胞分化、转录调节和凋亡有关。

    Cyclin D3 is found to play a crucial role not only in progression through the G1 phase as a regulatory subunit of CDK 4 and CDK 6 , but also in many other aspects , such as cell growth , cell differentiation , transcriptional regulation and apoptosis .

  8. CK2β亚基被认为在调节CK2α亚基的基本活性方面起了一个复杂的作用。根据CK2β亚基的结合,CK2α亚基能改变酶活性和底物特异性。

    The β subunit has been proposed to play a complex role in regulating basal activity of the a subunit .

  9. 调节型β亚基一般在活性的最佳表达和底物特性的最适合的调节方面发挥作用。

    Subunit p plays a role in expression of activity and adjustment of substrate .

  10. Ⅰ型蛋白磷酸酶(PP1),通过去磷酸化蛋白调节机体代谢、细胞分化以及信号转导等。它由催化亚基和调节亚基组成,后者决定磷酸酶的底物特异性,活性以及亚细胞定位。

    PP1 is composed of catalytic subunits and regulatory subunits , which modulates metabolism , cell differentiation and signal transduction by dephosphorylation . The regulatory subunits determine the substrate specificity , activity and subcellular localization of PP1 .